I know there's not much time to apply, but I figured that it's worth asking
anyway. I recently gave Tails a try and I have to admit that I wasn't exactly
happy with how it routes the traffic through Tor. I basically wanted a ready-to-
use airgapped VM and I realized that torsocks doesn't exactly do what I want
in all cases.
Then I had this idea - wouldn't it be nice to add another virtual NIC to your
system that routes all the traffic via Tor and attach a VM to this traffic only?
It'd emulate TCP/IP (and maybe some UDP to catch DNS requests) so that if the
VM sends a SYN, it notes this fact and tries to establish a real connection.
I'm not sure I could hasten to build a prototype, but I wanted to throw the
idea there nonetheless. What do you think about it?
Jacek Wielemborek