On Mon, Dec 01, 2014 at 09:41:58AM -0600, Colin C. wrote:
> Top answer templates used by the support team for this month:
> usage | article
> -------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
> 67 | Get your own bridges.
> 36 | Get TB's Tor Log.
> 33 | Exclude Tor Browser from an Antivirus/Firewall/AntiMalware
> 30 | Tor Browser doesn't work (Windows)
> 13 | Redirect to Guardian Project's support
> 11 | How to get bridges and use Tor in mainland China
> 11 | Please try meek
> 10 | [debug] Tor Browser 4.0 is crashing on Windows
> 9 | Can't connect to my favorite onion site!
> 8 | Unsupported language
> 7 | Redirect to Tails support
> 7 | Suggest the tor-talk mailing list
> 6 | Tor-related error window from browser.
> 5 | How to use bridges
> 5 | Set Country
> 4 | TBB no Flash/Java other plugins
(Replied to from https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000711.html.)
I'm interested to know if we can use help desk requests to detect new
censorship events. When you answer with "Get your own bridges" or
"Please try meek" or "How to use bridges," do you have an idea of what
country or what language the request comes from? Do you keep track of
any such numbers, even just a gut feeling?
What about cases like the recent
blocking in Iran last August, did you have an increase in Farsi requests
or requests for bridges then?
I don't mean to impose a lot of bookkeeping on you. I just want to see
if this is a worthwhile idea.
David Fifield
is there any new method for botnet detection through tor?anyway can find
the hidden service which been used by botmaster to c&c botnets? as
communication all are encrypted and the decryption happens only node by
node, how can i detect which HS been used bt botmaster?
help me plz
On Mon, Dec 01, 2014 at 09:41:58AM -0600, Colin C. wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Here is the help desk chart for November 2014:
> | ar | en | es | fa | fr | zh | Total | (Rejected)
> ----------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+-----------
> boklm | | | | | 7 | | 7 |
> harmony | | 113 | | 38 | | | 151 | 33
> jason | | 271 | | | | 76 | 347 | 38
> lunar | | 36 | | | 28 | | 64 | 22
> mttp | | 140 | | | | | 140 | 1
> noel | | 2 | 56 | | | | 58 |
> phoul | | 185 | | | | | 185 | 39
> sherief | 6 | 277 | | | | | 283 | 45
> vmon | | | | 2 | | | 2 |
> ----------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+-----------
> Total | 6 | 1024 | 56 | 40 | 35 | 76 | 1237 | 182
> (Open) | 1 | 40 | 1 | 14 | 4 | 4 | 64 |
> That's almost 41 tickets resolved each day on average.
> See also the attached charts for the amount of incoming tickets each
> day and for the past twelve months.
> Top answer templates used by the support team for this month:
> usage | article
> -------+-----------------------------------------------------------------
> 67 | Get your own bridges.
> 36 | Get TB's Tor Log.
> 33 | Exclude Tor Browser from an Antivirus/Firewall/AntiMalware
> 30 | Tor Browser doesn't work (Windows)
> 13 | Redirect to Guardian Project's support
> 11 | How to get bridges and use Tor in mainland China
> 11 | Please try meek
> 10 | [debug] Tor Browser 4.0 is crashing on Windows
> 9 | Can't connect to my favorite onion site!
> 8 | Unsupported language
> 7 | Redirect to Tails support
> 7 | Suggest the tor-talk mailing list
> 6 | Tor-related error window from browser.
> 5 | How to use bridges
> 5 | Set Country
> 4 | TBB no Flash/Java other plugins
(Replied to from https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-reports/2014-December/000711.html.)
Colin, is it possible to see what's in the answer templates? At the 2014
dev meeting, a note in the support session
said "Lunar wants to take the RT articles out of the RT DB, put them on
a public web page, allow others to review them." Does anything like that
David Fifield
Here's the summary of meek's CDN fees for November 2014. Earlier reports:
If you're just tuning in, meek is a pluggable transport introduced a few
months ago. https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek.
App Engine + Amazon + Azure = total by month
February 2014 $0.09 + -- + -- = $0.09
March 2014 $0.00 + -- + -- = $0.00
April 2014 $0.73 + -- + -- = $0.73
May 2014 $0.69 + -- + -- = $0.69
June 2014 $0.65 + -- + -- = $0.65
July 2014 $0.56 + $0.00 + -- = $0.56
August 2014 $1.56 + $3.10 + -- = $4.66
September 2014 $4.02 + $4.59 + $0.00 = $8.61
October 2014 $40.85 + $130.29 + $0.00 = $171.14
November 2014 $224.65 + $362.60 + $0.00 = $587.25
total by CDN $273.80 + $500.58 + $0.00 = $774.38 grand total
Average usage (by count of simultaneous users) was about 3.04× greater
in November than in the October (750 users per day versus 247). See the
attached userstats-bridge-transport-meek-2014-09-01-2014-11-30.png.
The number of users was 3.04× according to Tor Metrics, but the cost for
meek-google was 5.50× and meek-amazon was 2.78×. A possible explanation
is that in addition to gaining more users, each user is also using more
bandwidth. App Engine bandwidth was up 4.76× compared to last month and
Amazon bandwidth was up only 2.65×.
== App Engine a.k.a. meek-google ==
Google is migrating App Engine accounts to their new "Cloud Platform."
Because I had to create a new Cloud Platform account, I got a free trial
credit of $300. For technical reasons (relating to the Cloud Platform
migration) I couldn't apply the credit until November 11. Up to then, we
had been charged $75.70 for the month. The remaining $148.95 was paid
by the credit. After this one, I have another $500 credit, which should
get us into the new year.
Here is how the costs broke down:
1375 GB $165.10
1191 instance hours $59.55
The attached meek-google-costs-2014-12-01.png shows the breakdown of
costs between bandwidth and instance hours for the last few months.
The attached meek-google-2014-12-01.png shows B/s for the month. There's
a nice visible daily and weekly cycle.
== Amazon a.k.a. meek-amazon ==
The Amazon bill breaks down in a complicated way by region.
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 76M requests $91.43 500 GB $75.34
Asia Pacific (Sydney) 245K requests $0.01 1 GB $0.25
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 27M requests $33.05 160 GB $26.23
EU (Ireland) 50M requests $58.34 490 GB $51.78
South America (Sao Paulo) 450K requests $0.00 3 GB $0.06
US East (Northern Virginia) 13M requests $13.12 115 GB $12.99
total 167M requests $195.95 1269 GB $166.65
== Azure a.k.a. meek-azure ==
Azure is still on a free grant for a year. Unfortunately I don't see a
way to find out what it would be costing or even get a report of monthly
bandwidth usage.
The attached meek-azure-2014-12-01.png shows GB/hour for the last seven
days of the month.
David Fifield
just wanted to remind you that the regular biweekly pluggable
transports meeting is going to occur tomorrow at 16:00 UTC. Place is
the #tor-dev IRC channel in the OFTC network.
Thanks for your attention!
Yawning Angel
"A. Johnson" <aaron.m.johnson(a)nrl.navy.mil> writes:
> Hello all,
> <snip>
>> We put in some simple obfuscations in order to not reveal too
>> sensitive data: we multiplied actual values with a random number in
>> [0.9, 1.1] before including those obfuscated values in extra-info
>> descriptors. Maybe there's something smarter we could do? Or is this
>> okay?
> I actually think that additive rather than multiplicative noise
> (i.e. randomness) makes sense here. Let’s suppose that you would like
> to obscure any individual connection that contains C cells or fewer
> (obscuring extremely and unusually large connections seems hopeless
> but unnecessary). That is, you don’t want the (distribution of) the RP
> cellcount from any relay to change by much whether or not C cells are
> removed The standard differential privacy approach would be to *add*
> noise from the Laplace distribution Lab(\epsilon/C), where \epsilon
> controls how much the statistics *distribution* can multiplicatively
> differ. I’m not saying that we need to add noise exactly from that
> distribution (maybe we weaken the guarantee slightly to get better
> accuracy), but the same idea applies. This would apply the same to
> both large and small relays. You *want* to learn roughly how much RP
> traffic each relay has - you just want to obscure the exact number
> within some tolerance.
Hello Aaron,
I posted an initial draft of the proposal here:
Any feedback would be awesome.
Specifically, I would be interested in undertanding the concept of
additive noise a bit better. As you can see the proposal draft is
still using multiplicative noise, and if you think that additive is
better we should change it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any good
resources on the Internet explaining the difference between additive
and multiplicative noise. Could you expand a bit on what you said
above? Or link to a paper that explains more? Or link to some other
system that is doing additive noise (or even better its implementation)?
If a bridge has
PublishServerDescriptor 0
does that prevent it from counting in metrics? If so, what's the right
setting to enable metrics (0|1|v3|bridge,...)? Is there a way to send
metrics data without also ending up in BridgeDB?
David Fifield
Dear list,
writing documentation is hard work. I'm sure you already knew that, but
let me re-assure you that I now believe it, too. At least until I
forget it again and carelessly start documenting something else that
looks tiny and friendly and trivial to document.
Anyway, I spent the last day (felt like half a week) on rewriting the
relevant text for the Tor Metrics website, and I wrote a short glossary
of terms I didn't want to explain over and over.
Would people on this list mind reviewing my text and suggesting
For reference, the old text and real graphs, tables, etc. are still
available here:
The new text with sample graphs and the glossary are here, conveniently
packaged into a single HTML page:
I'd be happy for any suggestions here or off-list, either as comments,
patches, or edited HTML files. Whatever works best for you works for me.
I'll update the .html file whenever I include suggestions. I hope to
put the new text on the real Tor Metrics next week.
Thanks in advance, much appreciated! In fact, I'm pretty sure that all
future visitors of Tor Metrics will appreciate your efforts.
All the best,
Hi Tom,
Can you please describe the bug?
Is it in the Tor Trac with a bug number?
In general, if you start in the tor directory of a source distribution:
(I'll use gitweb links, but you can use git and clone a local copy)
Contains the tor onion routing-specific source code
Your bug is likely to be here
Contains the common facilities used by the tor/src/or code
Your bug is also likely to be here
Contain external libraries and platform-specific source
Your bug is probably not here, or in any of the other directories
pgp 0xABFED1AC
> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 07:05:45 +0530
> From: Tom Mody <bug29195(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [tor-dev] Help regarding Development
> hi list ,
> I am having troubles on bug solving , im new to it and i want to know where
> to search in code for a particular bug ,,
> please help ??
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 10:22 PM, rl1987 <rl1987(a)sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:
>> 1. Read doc/HACKING.
>> 2. Browse "Easy tickets" page [1] and see if you can solve any of them.
>> [1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=
>> accepted&status=assigned&status=needs_review&status=
>> new&status=reopened&order=priority&keywords=~easy&col=
>> id&col=summary&col=component&col=status&col=type&col=
>> priority&col=milestone&report=30
>> 2014-11-14 03:53, Tom Mody ra??:
>>> I would like to contribute to Tor ,,
>>> I'm not getting where to start ....
>>> Please , Can anyone help me how to start ??