Hi, all!
The usual network-team IRC meeting on Monday, and the usual patch
party on Tuesday, will not happen this week: almost everybody will
traveling from, or recovering from, the meeting in Montreal.
For more information about our regular meetings, please see:
Remember, new contributors and external developers are always welcome!
This is the second part of our preliminary analysis of how Tor users
interact with onion services [0]. In this part, we analyse the issue of
onion service discovery. Onion services are private by default, so it's
the operator's responsibility to disseminate their domain if they want
it to be public.
Question 3.6 in our survey asked:
> How do you discover new onion sites?
The breakdown looks as follows. Respondents could select multiple
answers, so the percentages are based on the total number of
Method Percentage
>From social networking sites such as Reddit or Twitter 50.67
I browse the list of onion site search engines such as ahmia.fi 50.50
I randomly encounter them while browsing the web 47.65
Recommendations from friends and family 19.46
Other (see below for common themes) 18.12
I am not interested in learning about new onion sites 4.19
The data shows that social networking sites, search engines, and "random
encounters" are rather popular. Respondents who selected "Other" mostly
brought up onion service lists and aggregators.
Following up, question 3.7 then asked:
> Are you satisfied with the way you discover new onion sites?
61% selected "Yes" while the remaining 39% selected "No."
Some respondents who selected "Yes" brought up that they have no
interest in learning about new onion services; in part because they
only use Facebook's (or some other) onion service.
Among the respondents who selected "No," there are a bunch of
reoccurring themes, in no particular order:
- The most prominent complaint was about broken links on onion site
lists. There is non-trivial churn among onion sites and our
respondents were frustrated that existing lists are typically not
curated and contain many dead links.
- Many respondents were not aware of search engines such as ahmia.fi.
Among those that were, many were not satisfied with both the search
results and the number of indexed onion sites. Unsurprisingly,
a "Google for onion sites" was a frequent wish.
- Several respondents were unhappy with existing aggregators. In
addition to broken links, some distrust lists because they
occasionally contain scam and phishing sites. The difficulty of
telling apart two given onion domain names exacerbates this issue.
- Some respondents would like aggregators to be more verbose in their
description of onion sites. In particular, these respondents were
trying to avoid illegal and pornographic content, which is often
difficult if the description is vague and the onion domain reveals
nothing about its content.
- Many respondents expressed frustration about the difficulty of finding
out if site X also provides a corresponding onion service. A common
wish was to have site X list its onion service prominently in a footer.
Ironically, some respondents were surprised that torproject.org has a
corresponding onion site -- they couldn't find it on the web site.
- Two respondents compared the current state of onion services with the
web of the 90s: Few sites existed, they linked to each other only
sparsely, and search engines were experimental at best.
- Interestingly, some respondents voiced frustration about various
usability issues, but mentioned in the same sentence that this is an
inherent trade-off of privacy technology, suggesting that there is
nothing that can be done about it.
There are two potential solutions that would address some of the above
- Have next-gen onion services opt-in to a broadcast mechanism that
automatically propagates them. Naturally, we would like such a
mechanism to be censorship-resistant and built in a way that only the
owner of an onion service is authorised to broadcast their service.
- Websites could use an HTTP header to announce the existence of a
corresponding onion site. This issue was discussed in Feb 2017 over
at tor-onions. Someone brought up the Alt-Svc header as a potential
solution [1]. In a subsequent survey question we asked if our
respondents would appreciate an automatic redirect from a web site to
its corresponding onion site. The overall tendency leaned towards
"Yes," provided that the implementation is sound and users can
override the redirect.
Again, it's important to take these results with a grain of salt. Our
data has some survivor bias: Presumably, we mostly heard from people who
are Tor users despite usability issues. We likely didn't hear from many
people who once experimented with Tor or onion services, decided it's
not usable enough, and gave up.
The above was joint work with my colleagues Marshini Chetty, Annie
Edmundson, Nick Feamster, and Laura M. Roberts.
[0] <https://nymity.ch/onion-services/>
[1] <https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-onions/2016-February/000045.html>
Below is a link to the third draft of the Pluggable Transport 2.0
Specification. If you have feedback on this draft, please send me your
comments by October 31. Thank you!
Changes in this version:
- Expanded acknowledgements section - thanks Yawning!
- Removed TransportConn and TransportListener in favor of net.Conn and
- Modified SOCKS authentication method to use IANA-assigned designator
- Added error response codes for per-connection arguments
- Many typos fixed - thanks David Fifield!
- Clarified some definitions - thanks teor!
Attached is the second draft of the Pluggable Transport 2.0 Specification.
If you have feedback on this draft, please send me your comments by July 20.
Hello everyone,
we, the Tor Metrics Team, are currently drafting a roadmap for the work
we'd like to do on in the upcoming 12 months until September 2018.
If you believe that you're affected by these plans and want your ideas
to be included in this roadmap, please read our current draft and send
your feedback either to this list, to the metrics-team@ mailing list, or
to iwakeh or irl and/or me directly.
In particular, we're interested in:
- tasks we're missing or that we're listing as long-term goals (Q4/2018
or later) that you think should have higher priority over the tasks we
picked for the time until Q3/2018,
- tasks that we picked that you think we put in for you or users with
similar interests and that you think we could de-prioritize, and
- tasks that you'd want to contribute to in any way, in which case we
might reach out to you when we start working on them.
Thanks for helping to make this roadmap document reflect what really
needs to be done to make Tor Metrics better.
All the best,
Hi (PrivCount) folks!
I just finished the first draft of the k,n-secret-sharing thing for PrivCount. :)
Sorry that it need some time, but I'm sadly a bit slowly with reading and writing.
You can find it here at github:
and also below in this email.
You will see a lot of "=> TODO". This belongs of course not to the specification ;).
There are still a lot of open details and questions left (or stuff which still have
to be written, I think) and hence it is time for some help from you, now.
I looked a bit around how a specification has to look like,
before I started to write it, but this was more confusing like helpful, hehe.
I'm a completely newbie with writing this kind of documents,
hence I'm pretty nervous for your feedback :)
Draft v1
Filename: 28X-k-of-n-secret-sharing.txt
Title: k-of-n Secret Sharing
Author: Carolin Zöbelein
Created: XX-Sept-2017
Status: Draft
0. Motivation
The implementation of schemes for collecting statistic data within a high
sensitive network like Tor for preserving anonymity, is a hard challenge.
Over the years the Tor network has grown but its usage and operation is not
well-understood and already existing ways [1] leads to some open issues
[maybe add also a reference here].
For doing this better like the current state of the art, we discuss to
switch to PrivCount [2][3], a system for measuring the Tor network created
with a high attention on user privacy.
PrivCount consists of a system of Data Collectors (DC) which forward their
blinded measure counter results to a number of, so-called, Tally Reporters
(TR) which are only together be able to reconstruct the original data.
In the context of the implementation of the mentioned system, we decided to
use a secret sharing algorithm for forwarding the blinded counter values.
This gives us the chance of reconstructing the data also with a particular
minimum amount of secret share holders and hence a failure handling
possibility of Tally Reporters.
=> TODO: References [maybe add also a reference here]
1. Introduction
Assume, we have a given secret s which we want to share with a particular
number N of participants who are only together be able to reconstruct it.
To realize this, we can split our secret in n parts s_i. Our secret will be
then the sum over all s_i. This is the simplest secret sharing scheme at all.
Since it needs all participants for the reconstruction, it is called a (N,N)
treshold secret sharing algorithm.
But we also see that it has weaknesses. With every leaked share s_i, an
adversary can reduce the number of possible soulutions for our secret very
easily. This leads to the group of more efficient secret sharing algorithms.
In [4], Adi Shamir introduced a (K,N) secret sharing scheme which is named
after him and offers more security. Additionally, on the contrary to our
scheme above, we only need a minimum amount of k out of n participants to
reconstruct the secret. Our specification will be based on this scheme.
3. Overview and preliminaries
In this section, we make some preparations for the protocol specification
3.1. Scope
In this document we describe the protocol specification for a Shamir
Secret Sharing scheme on a finite field of size p > s and p > N, with p
be prime number.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
"OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
RFC 2119.
3.2. Notation
We will use for public, non-secret, values UPPER CASE and for private,
secret, values lower case.
We write: "a", type: b, c, d
"a" gives the name of the parameter.
type: b be the type of the parameter a.
c be the amount of this parameters.
d be the mathematical definition set for a.
Mathematical assignments:
Let "a := b" be the assignment of the value of b to the variable a.
Let "a mod b" be the modulus calculation of a with respect to b.
Let "a != b" be that a is unequal to b.
In our document "natural numbers" are defined as the set of all
integers greater than zero.
g[X] describes a polynomial with respect to X.
SUM(a_i) gives the sum over a_i for all known i.
SUM(i=a,b,c_i) gives the sum over all c_i for all a <= i <= b.
PRODUCT(a,b,c_i) gives the product over all c_i for all a <= i <= b.
The secret sharing protocol has three participating parties which we will
call as follows:
Secret Keeper (SK) knows the secret, does the initial setup and
determines the secret shares.
Share Holders (SH) receive the secret shares from the SK.
Secret Reconstructor (SR) takes a particular number of secret shares
from the SHs and reconstruct the secret.
4. Protocol outline
We give a raw protocol overview.
0. Preparation: The parties negotiate an appropriate handshake and
communication way for forwarding the secret shares between SK to
the SHs and between the SHs to SR.
[This is not part of that specifiation]
=> TODO: Do we need a more detailed definition of "appropriate"?
1. The SK knows the secret s. Additionally, given are the amount N of
participating SHs and the threshold K for the minimum number of
necessary shares for the reconstruction.
[see sec. 5.1.]
2. The SK generate a random prime number p, with p > s AND p > N.
[see sec. 5.3.]
3. The SK determines the secret polynomial coefficients a_j,
1 <= j <= K-1. With this, the secret keeping polynomial is given by
g[X] := s + SUM(a_j*X^j).
[see sec. 5.4.]
4. The SK determines the secret shares parts x_i, 1 <= i <= N.
[see sec. 5.5.]
5. The SK computes the secret shares parts y_i := g[x_i].
[see sec. 5.5.]
6. The SK forward the secret shares to the SHs. Each SH_i MUST receive
exactly one secret share pair (x_i,y_i).
[see sec. 5.6.]
7. The SR receives K secret share pairs (x_h,y_h) from the SHs and p from
the SK, 1 <= h <= K.
[see sec. 5.7]
8. The SR compute the Lagrange basis polynomials l_h[X].
[see sec. 5.8.]
9. The SR reconstruct the original polynomial with
g[x] = SUM(h=1, K, y_h*l_h[X] mod p).
[see sec. 5.8.]
10. The SR computes the secret s = g[0].
[see sec. 5.8.]
5. Specification
Now we will give more details to the raw outline above.
5.1. Given constants
"s", type: int, exactly one, integer
The given secret.
"N", type: int, exactly one, natural number
The number of participating SHs.
It MUST to be N >= N_min.
=> TODO: Which value should N_min has? Default: N_min = 2?
"K", type: int, exactly one, natural number
The threshold of the minimum number of necessary shares for the
It MUST to be K <= N.
=> TODO: Are more (size) information necessary? E.g. amount of bits/bytes?
I think so.
5.2. Parties
Secret Keeper (SK)
It MUST exists exactly one SK.
Share Holders (SH)
It MUST exists exactly N SHs.
Secret Reconstructor (SR)
It SHOULD exists exactly one SR.
[=> TODO: SHOULD since one is necessary but more could be used for
checking the result. But I would prefere MUST.]
=> TODO: Which additional information do we need to know/to give about the
5.3. Prime number
Since we are using a secret sharing scheme on a finite field, we need a
random prime number.
"p", type: int, exactly one, prime number
It MUST to be p > s AND p > N AND it MUST to be the secret s element of
=> TODO: I'm not sure how exactly p should be handled. When and from where,
is it given to whom?
=> TODO: Do we need to write anything about the necessary "random"
characteristic? The "quality" of the randomly generation of the number?
=> TODO: Minimum size of p? Which value should p has, at least, caused by
security reasons?
=> TODO: Are more (size) information necessary? E.g. amount of bits/bytes?
I think so.
5.4. The secret keeping polynomial
"a_j", type: int, K-1 values, Z/pZ
"g[X]", type: polynomial with order K-1, exactly one, (Z/pZ)[X]
The SK determines the final secret keeping polynomial, which is given by
g[X] := s + SUM(a_j*X^j)
and hence our secret for g[0] = s. Its random coefficients are a_j,
1 <= j <= K-1 which MUST be element of Z/pZ.
=> TODO: Which constraints exists for this a_j values? Size? Relative,
pairwise, distance a_j - a_m between for all a_j,a_m with j != m?
Is this relevant? References for this?
=> TODO: Are more (size) information necessary? E.g. amount of bits/bytes?
I think so.
5.5. The secret shares
"x_i", type: int, N values, Z/pZ
"y_i", type: int, N values, Z/pZ
"(x_i,y_i)", type: (int,int), N value pairs, Z/pZ -> Z/pZ
The SK determines the random secret shares parts x_i, i <= N which MUST be
element of Z/pZ and MUST be pairwise different from zero.
With this x_i, SK computes the secret shares parts y_i := g[x_i] and hence
the finally secret share pairs (x_i,y_i).
=> TODO: How should this x_i be generated? Distribution?
E.g. the smallest, non negative, representatives?
=> TODO: Which constraints exists for this x_i values? Size? Relative,
pairwise, distance x_i - x_m between for all x_i,x_m with i != m?
Is this relevant? References for this?
=> TODO: Are more (size) information necessary? E.g. amount of bits/bytes?
I think so.
5.6. Sending secret shares from SK to SHs
The SK sends the secret share pairs to the SHs. Each SH_i MUST
receive exactly one secret share pair (x_i,y_i).
=> TODO: How exactly has to look the data which has to be send and which
size has it (bits/bytes) to be?
=> TODO: Which data has also to be send apart from (x_i,y_i)?
=> TODO: How should looks like a possible answer of the SHs for the SK to
confirm the receipt? [Is this necessary, at all? I think so.]
=> TODO: I'm not sure how exactly p should be handled. When and from where,
is it given to whom?
=> TODO: I need a helping hand for this specification section :)
5.7. SR receives secret shares from the SHs
The SR MUST receive K secret share pairs from the SHs and p from the SK.
The SR MUST receive exactly one secret share pair (x_,y_h), 1 <= h <= k,
from each SH_h
=> TODO: How exactly has to look the data which has to be send as response
to the SHs? What, which additionally data, has to be send? And which
size has it (bits/bytes) to be?
=> TODO: I'm not sure how exactly p should be handled. When and from where,
is it given to whom?
=> TODO: From where comes the information about N and K? (and p?)
=> TODO: Where has to be decided, from which K out of N SHs has this
(x_h,y_h) to come from? And how (randomly)? And in which way has this
to be comunicated to the given parties? !!!
=> TODO: I need a helping hand for this specification section :)
5.8. Reconstruction
"l_h[x]", type: polynomial with order K-1, K, (Z/pZ)[X]
The SR compute the Lagrange basis polynomials l_h[x] with the secret share
pairs (x_h,y_h), 1 <= h <= K, which it received from the SHs. The SR MUST
receive exactly K pairs from exactly K SHs. I MUST be exactly one secret
share pair from each, of this K, SH.
The Lagrange basis polynomials are given by
l_h[X]:= PRODUCT(1 <= m <= K AND m != h, (X - x_m)/(x_h - x_m))
with 1 <= j <= K. This leads to our original secret keeping polynomial
g[X] := SUM(h=1, K, y_h*l_h[x] mod p)
and the given secret by s = g[0].
=> TODO: From which K out of N SHs come this secret shares?
=> TODO: Are more (size) information necessary? E.g. amount of bits/bytes?
I think so.
6. Security discussion
=> TODO: Write important points about the security aspects of this scheme. :)
7. References
[1] https://www.cypherpunks.ca/~iang/pubs/privex-ccs14.pdf
[maybe add also a reference here]
[2] http://www.robgjansen.com/publications/privcount-ccs2016.pdf
[3] https://github.com/privcount/privcount
[4] Shamir A., "How to share a secret", Communications of the ACM. 22, 1979,
S. 612–613.
=> TODO: References
=> TODO: Correct references for regular citation
=> TODO: Add missing references
A. Lemma
=> TODO: Still to write. The Lemma (why this Shamir thing works :) proof
=> TODO: Investigate more some very interesting papers! :)
=> TODO: Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes!!!
=> TODO: Notation stuff checking
=> TODO: Check my English for language mistakes :)
=> TODO: I used: scheme, algorithm, protocol, ... what is the best word in what
Carolin Zöbelein / Nick: Samdney
PGP: D4A7 35E8 D47F 801F 2CF6 2BA7 927A FD3C DE47 E13B
We recently ran a survey on the usability of Tor and onion services [0].
I had a closer look at how our respondents perceive the prop224 domain
format and wanted to share some early insights. The original survey
question was:
> The Tor Project is currently working on the next generation of onion
> services. The new onion domain format will consist of 52 characters,
> for example:
> a1uik0w1gmfq3i5ievxdm9ceu27e88g6o7pe0rffdw9jmntwkdsd.onion
> Do you expect this to change your browsing habits?
591 users answered this question. 95 (16%) selected that prop224
domains will change their habits while the remaining 496 (84%) selected
that their habits won't be affected.
Respondents who believe that their habits will change (16%) gave the
following reasons:
- Several users memorise a number of onion domains -- most prominently
Facebook's onion domain and self-hosted domains. They write that
memorising domains will no longer be possible, and they will look into
bookmarking tools. Several users voiced concern about the
confidentiality of their bookmarks, so they are looking into ways to
encrypt them.
- Similarly but less commonly, users voice concerns that communicating,
typing, and writing down prop224 domains will no longer be feasible.
- A small number of users write that it will be harder to recognise
onion domains. Alarmingly, one user mentioned that the lack of a
discernible prefix will make it hard to recognise genuine domains,
suggesting that they rely on an onion domain's easy-to-spoof vanity
- A user suggested to add spaces to prop224 domains to "make the address
more visually appealing."
Respondents who believe that their habits will *not* change (84%) gave
the following reasons:
- The majority of this crowd never bothered to memorise onion domains
and uses bookmarks. A bunch of users store domains in text files and
an even smaller bunch uses search engines to rediscover domains. In
general, most people in this category treat onion domains as an opaque
- Some users write that the additional inconvenience is likely worth the
extra security and anonymity.
- Some users mention Reddit as their primary way of discovering onion
Judging by the above, I believe that the new domain format is among the
minor usability issues surrounding onion services. In fact, an
easy-to-remember domain format ranks last among the six criteria whose
importance we asked users about. On a five-point Likert scale ranging
from "not at all important" to "very important," we got the following
- 77% think that quality of content is at least somewhat important.
- 70% think that a search engine (like Google) for onion services is at
least somewhat important.
- 66% think that diversity of content is at least somewhat important.
- 62% think that page load time is at least somewhat important.
- 43% think that having an onion service version of popular services
such as Facebook is at least somewhat important.
- 26% think that an easy-to-remember domain format is at least somewhat
However, our survey data is likely biased towards a particularly young
and educated crowd that's presumably less bothered by technological
hurdles, which may be why they can afford to care more about content.
[0] <https://blog.torproject.org/take-part-study-help-improve-onion-services>
So, here's some good news about unit test coverage (as measured by
'make check') in 0.3.2:
Our (line) test coverage rate is up, from 52.88% to 54.72%.
But here is some bad news:
The number of uncovered lines has still increased (from 30860 to
31608), even though covered lines have increased more rapidly.
If you're interested in tracking down where we need coverage, I have
used our "cov-diff" tool to generate a cleaned diff from the old
coverage to the new coverage. You can download it (it's big!) from
The format is: it is a diff between normalized gcov output files. To
find new or modified un-covered lines, look for lines that begin with
the regex
/^\+ *\#/
("starts with a plus, then some spaces, then a #").
Any lines like this are good candidates for additional testing IMO.