Hello Oonitarians,
OONI Probe mobile 2.3.0 is out!
You can update to the latest OONI Probe version directly from the app
store of your platform:
* Android:
* iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1199566366
* F-Droid (coming soon):
The latest OONI Probe release for Android & iOS includes the following
exciting new features:
1. Ability to re-test URLs.
This means that as soon as you have tested a batch of URLs, you can very
easily re-test them all with the tap of a button. This is particularly
useful if you're testing a set of URLs from an OONI Run link, and you'd
like to keep testing the same batch of URLs on an ongoing basis. The
more data we can collect on the same URLs, the better!
2. Ability to test ALL of the URLs in the Citizen Lab test lists in one go!
Previously, you could only test a random selection of URLs via the
mobile app due to bandwidth constraints. Now with this new feature, if
you're connected to WiFi, you can disable the test duration in the
settings and test all of the URLs included in the Citizen Lab global +
country-specific test lists. Essentially, what this means is that you
can test a larger volume of websites in one go! Learn more about test
lists here: https://ooni.org/get-involved/contribute-test-lists
The new release also includes a series of bug fixes and improvements, as
documented here: https://github.com/ooni/probe-android/releases/v2.3.0
A noteworthy bug fix is that this release fixes the WhatsApp test bug
that was leading to false positives (following recent changes to
WhatsApp's infrastructure).
Hope you enjoy the latest release! Please spread the word:
~ OONI team.
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
We published a report on the temporary blocking of the Farsi language
edition of Wikipedia in Iran:
OONI measurements collected over the last days show that the Farsi
edition of Wikipedia (fa.wikipedia.org) was blocked on at least 6
networks in Iran between 2nd to 3rd March 2020.
This may be the first time that we're seeing the whole Farsi language
edition of Wikipedia blocked in Iran.
Previously, the block was limited to the HTTP version of specific
Wikipedia articles, but that probably wasn't very noticeable over the
last years, since Iranian internet users could easily access censored
Wikipedia pages over HTTPS.
We also found the Farsi edition of Wikinews (fa.wikinews.org) blocked in
Iran, though we're being told that it's been blocked for several years now.
Both Farsi Wikipedia and Wikinews were blocked by means of DNS tampering
and SNI filtering. In our report, we share relevant data.
Farsi Wikipedia has been unblocked (confirmed by OONI measurements
collected from 13:29 UTC on 3rd March 2020 onwards), while Farsi
Wikinews remains blocked in Iran.
It's worth highlighting that the mobile version of the Farsi edition of
Wikipedia (fa.m.wikipedia.org) remained accessible in Iran, as did the
English version of Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org).
You can continue to track the situation through openly published OONI
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hi friends,
As a result of the escalating impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus), this
year's Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) has been canceled.
Here is the IFF's statement on the cancellation & next steps:
If you got a free IFF ticket, you don't need to do anything. If you
purchased an IFF ticket, you can ask for a full refund, or you can
consider donating it to the IFF Diversity & Inclusion Fund for 2021.
If your IFF session was selected, you will be offered the option to
present in 2021.
In the meanwhile, if there are measurement discussions you would like to
have, we invite you to facilitate them as part of the monthly OONI
Community Meetings which usually take place at 14:00 UTC every last
Tuesday of the month on the OONI Slack channel: https://slack.ooni.org/
You can propose topics to discuss for the next OONI Community Meetings
here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ooni-community-meeting-keep
Hope to see many of you at IFF 2021!
Until then, stay safe... and see you on the internet!
Warm regards,
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hello friends,
Interested in doing research on internet censorship through the use of
network measurements?
The magma guide (created by community member Vasilis Ververis) can help
you get started: https://magma.lavafeld.org/
Learn more about the guide here:
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
The OONI team published a report on the blocking of instant messaging
apps in Togo last Saturday, amid their 2020 presidential election.
The report is available here:
Thanks to measurements contributed by OONI Probe users
(https://ooni.org/install/) in Togo, we found that access to the
WhatsApp mobile app, Telegram Web, and Facebook Messenger were blocked
on 2 networks (Togo Telecom & Atlantique Telecom) in Togo on election
day. They were, however, accessible on the Canalbox network, suggesting
that internet censorship varies across networks in Togo.
Warm thanks to OONI Probe users in Togo for contributing measurements
and making this study possible!
All the best,
Maria (on behalf of the OONI team).
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
The OONI team warmly welcomes you to join us next Tuesday for our monthly community meeting.
=> Where? OONI Slack channel: https://slack.ooni.org/ (bridged with IRC: ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/#ooni)
=> When? Tuesday, 25th February 2020 at 14:00 UTC (for 1 hour)
Please add topics that you'd like to discuss during the meeting in this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ooni-community-meeting-keep
The monthly OONI community meetings aim to:
* Collect community feedback on OONI tools & methodologies
* Address questions in relation to the use of OONI tools and OONI data
* Foster discussions on internet censorship issues
* Receive updates from the community
We'd love to meet you and hear from you, and we hope you can join us!
All the best,
~ OONI team
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hi friends,
The OONI team has exciting news...
OONI measurements are published in near real-time!
What this means in practice is that as soon as anyone runs OONI Probe
anywhere around the world, their test results are openly published
within minutes!
You can therefore use OONI Explorer to find measurements from across the
globe, and track censorship events in near real-time:
Hope you find this useful to your work!
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
The OONI team warmly welcomes you to join us next Tuesday for our monthly
community meeting.
=> Where? OONI Slack channel: https://slack.ooni.org/ (bridged with IRC:
=> When? Tuesday, 28th January 2020 at 14:00 UTC (for 1 hour, until
15:00 UTC)
Please add topics that you'd like to discuss during the meeting in this
pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ooni-community-meeting
The monthly OONI community meetings aim to:
* Collect community feedback on OONI tools & methodologies
* Address questions in relation to the use of OONI tools and OONI data
* Foster discussions on internet censorship issues
* Receive updates from the community
We'd love to meet you and hear from you, and we hope you can join us!
If you're not able to join us, please feel encouraged to join us on
Slack/IRC on any other day!
All the best,
~ OONI team
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hello friends,
I'm excited to let you know that we have published two new resources:
* OONI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): https://ooni.org/support/faq/
* OONI Glossary: https://ooni.org/support/glossary
These resources have been created thanks to the great feedback and
questions that you and other community members have shared over the years.
Are there other questions you would like us to address? Other terms you
would like to see explained? Or any other feedback? Please let us know!
These resources are for you. :)
Warm thanks to all those who provided feedback towards the improvement
of the FAQ and Glossary!
Please share these resources with any other OONI community members you
may know: https://twitter.com/OpenObservatory/status/1218249743668850690
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hello friends,
The Call for Proposals for RightsCon (https://www.rightscon.org/) Costa
Rica (June 9-12, 2020) is now open!
As a member of the RightsCon Program Committee, I wanted to encourage
you to propose a session for this year’s program, and share a few
resources for submission success.
Every year, RightsCon accepts sessions from hundreds of technologists,
industry leaders, human rights defenders, public servants, academics,
advocates, and journalists around the world.
Hosting a session at RightsCon is one of the best ways to showcase your
work, connect with like-minded leaders, hone strategies, ask for advice,
learn new skills, and much more.
In 2020, RightsCon is accepting session proposals in 18 program
categories. If you’re interested in submitting a session proposal, I
highly recommend that you read an overview of the steps involved
and look through the Guide to a Successful Proposal
(https://www.rightscon.org/your-guide-to-a-successful-proposal/) before
you start.
One last thing to remember: the deadline to propose a session is January
21, 2020 at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Hope to see you at RightsCon!
Maria Xynou
Research & Partnerships Director
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E