Hi there,
I've been running a couple of Tor relays for some time but have some spare resources/bandwidth so figured why not run a Tor site mirror as well. I've setup a mirror at https://torproject.nexiom.net/. The site mandates HTTPS (seems sensible for Tor) and HTTP will redirect to the equivalent HTTPS URL. The site is set to rsync every six hours and is located in the US. A Tor relay also runs on the same box but I assume this shouldn't be an issue in itself. I can purchase an additional IP address if this is desirable to separate out the relay traffic and the site traffic at the IP level but am hoping this isn't necessary.
Please let me know if this is of use to the Tor project and if any additional details or configuration changes are required.
Keep up the great work :)
Can someone please put my mirror back on the page? It disappeared
sometime on the 26th of March on the mirror page. It's working
perfectly, however.
Yours truly
Hello all,
I've set up a new mirror in Greece.
HTTP(S) + IPv6
George Kargiotakis
GPG KeyID: 0x897C03177011E02C
I've started a Tor mirror at http://alebcay.tk:8080, and ask kindly that it be added to the official list of mirrors. It's running on nginx, so there's no equivalent to the "ServerAdmin youremail(a)example.com" found in Apache (as far as I know). Any workarounds to that particular problem (or is it okay that there's no contact info included on this mirror)?
Caleb Xu
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
-Philippians 4:8
I am writing to let you all know that Freedom of the Press Foundation
has just yesterday set up a new mirror of the Tor Project at
Kevin Gallagher
Twitter: @ageis
GPG: 0x5921D69C2258
6762 C39A 5DFF F7D7 FDC5 5F4F 4788 5921 D69C
XMPP/OTR: ageis(a)jabber.calyxinstitute.org
40BDF095 F9968FB2 9E576C9B CFFCAE2E 3740EE04
Hello all,
i just wanted to say hello, my name is Florian Walther, i'm from
Because it looks like our turkish friends need some more mirrors i just
set up another one,
reachable at http://tor-mirror.snurn.de/
Feel free to add it to the official list.
It will update itself every 6 hours using rsync via cron.
have a nice day
I want to announce a new Tor mirror at http(s)://tor.hoi-polloi.org
- Bernd.
P.S.: The https cert is signed by CAcert.org, so depending on your
browser or operating system you are likely to get a warning/error when
using https. >Y<