The OONI team warmly welcomes you to join us**for our *monthly
**community meeting**on Wednesday, 28th June 2017, at 13:00 UTC.*
We'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how to improve
research on internet censorship.
Please join us on *https://slack.openobservatory.org* and add topics
that you would like to discuss as part of the meeting in this pad:
If you're not able to join us, please feel encouraged to join us on
slack any other day!
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
All the best,
~ The OONI team.
Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Hi Oonitarians,
Today OONI, in collaboration with Access Now, published a research
report on our findings on *recent censorship events in Egypt*.
You can find the report here:
The key findings of our study include:
* We were able to confirm the *blocking of 10 news websites*,
including madamasr.com and aljazeera.net. It remains unclear to us
though if all of these sites were blocked under the Egyptian
government's recent censorship orders.
* *Link Egypt appears to be blocking access to the Tor network.* On a
positive note, the Tor network appears to be accessible from the
Vodafone Egypt and TE networks.
* Link Egypt and Vodafone Egypt are *blocking access to
torproject.org, bridges.torproject.org....and even
ooni.torproject.org* (our own site).
Through the collection and analysis of network measurement data, we were
able to determine that Egyptian ISPs are using Deep Packet Inspection
(DPI) technology to RESET connections.
You can find the network measurement data collected from Egypt through
the following links:
* https://measurements.ooni.torproject.org/files/by_country/EG
* https://explorer.ooni.torproject.org/country/EG
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
All the best,
Maria Xynou
Research and Partnerships Coordinator
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
PGP Key Fingerprint: 2DC8 AFB6 CA11 B552 1081 FBDE 2131 B3BE 70CA 417E
Dear Oonitarians,
I would like to discuss wether the vagueness of the term 'vendor' on
http://explorer.ooni.torproject.org/ is potentially taking some impact
from understanding OONIs test results for new users. I personally recall
thinking it meant something like "vendors of internet infrastructure"
the first time I visited the explorer, and the only place to figure it
out is in one of the boxes in /highlights/.
I'm not entirely sure what an appropriate specification should look
like, I guess it's a balance between correct definition and convenience
in length - with a focus on the first my proposal would be "vendors of
[potentially] traffic manipulating software" - but that's so long it
will probably break the design of the front page. Maybe if someone knows
a shorter, appropriate synonym for "[potentially] traffic manipulating
software" ?
Best wishes,