Hello fellow translators!
How were your holidays?
reminder: Tomorrow is 3rd Friday of the month:
# Tor Localization Hangout!
We start at Noon UTC on our irc channel, and at 13UTC we have a call.
More information in: https://community.torproject.org/localization/hangouts/
What do we do in a hangout?
* Translate stuff
* Share translation tips and resources
* Complain about developers
* Talk about translation priorities
* Talk about our local contexts
* Practice bug reporting and git skills
ey there!
I wanted to invite you to the Tor Monthly Localization Hangout
tomorrow, where we discuss localization topics, priorities, best
practices, and more.
More information:
See you on #tor-l10n!
Localization Coordinator
Tor Project
Fellow translators!
During last Friday's Hangout[1] while we talked about our pain points for translating, we realized that we needed a PROCESS to decide on 'How to translate a term in each language.' The asynchronous nature of our work as translators makes it difficult to discuss this with other translators for our language, and a more formal process will make the translations consistent, and we hope, better.
This process will not be for all terms, but only for the terms that are doubtful: it is not about creating bureaucracy, but about being able to move processes and reach accords for terms that are more problematic.
We started a draft[2] and we would welcome more input.
The ticket is l10n/#40047[3], and on Friday 29 I will move the contents of the pad to the ticket.
We could talk about this on the next Localization Hangout, on November 19th, or maybe we can meet earlier if you want.
We can also start a conversation on this thread.
Please have your saying: the more people that participates, the stronger the decision will be. Thanks!
Localization Coordinator
[1] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/wikis/Monthly-Tor-Locali…
[2] proposal draft: https://pad.riseup.net/p/H_ldRIiB4yR0_hHN3oNi-keep
[3] ticket https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/issues/40047
Hello, sorry for cross-posting!
This coming Friday October 15th is the next Localization Hangout!
On our call we are going to talk about translations QA (quality assurance):
Tools showcase, tips to make sure that we don't break the website with a translation
(never have I ever!), tutorials, resources we use to translate, or to review
See here for more information:
Thanks for reading
Localization Coordinator
Tor Project
Hello everyone!
Today is the third Friday of the month and, yes, that means it's time
for the Tor Localization Hangout!
Please join us on #tor-www on OFTC (IRC) or #tor-l10n:matrix.org on Matrix,
starting at 12 UTC (the event is underway!). The BBB call is at 13 UTC.
More details: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/wikis/Monthly-Tor-Locali…
Hello Tor L10n team!
Just a couple of lines to let you know that:
- The Documentation Hackathon (https://blog.torproject.org/docshackathon-2021) is happening at the moment, and there are going to be more updates to the different websites: Community and Support portals, Tor Browser Manual, main Tor website https://www.torproject.org/
- The L10n Hangout from last month was great! A lot of Swahili speakers joined us to talk about the work they are doing to translate the Tor Browser from Kenya, Tanzania and DRC. The Swahili situation is different to other of out locales, because a translation for the Firefox browser, on which Tor Browser is based, is still needed. Swahili has 150 million speakers around several countries.
- If you have some minutes, please finish translations and reviews for Snowflake: https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/snowflakeaddon-messagesjson/ is very small: 30 strings, 335 words. They will appear at https://snowflake.torproject.org/ and on the plugin itself. Most of languages have at least one new string. Once we update several languages, we can ask for a new release. Check it out plz.
Asante sana! (thank you in Swahili)
Hello everyone!
As discussed during the Tor Localization Hangout, we intend to add
external translation resources to the L10n wiki. We already added a
couple of entries to the wiki [1].
I have also filed a ticket regarding this on the bug tracker [2]. If
you're aware of any such tools, resources, tips, etc. please feel free
to comment on the ticket or reply to this email with a link and a brief
description of the tool. Thanks!
[1]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/wikis/Localization-for-t…
[2]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/issues/40043
-- Joydeep
irc: championquizzer
A little reminder for you that tomorrow is our Monthly hangout!
We will kick it off with a call at 13 UTC, and we start hanging out one hour before
on the #tor-l10n irc channel, and stay day for as long as we want.
You can read how to attend our wiki:
I hope to see you there!
ey there!
Remember that tomorrow we have the monthly Tor Localization Hangout!
Every 3rd Friday of the month the Tor L10n Team meets to translate together, share tricks, have fun while translating, meet fellow translators, and find out about the l10n priorities for the Tor Project.
NEXT HANGOUT: July 16 2021 - from 12 UTC onwards
Come join us on the Localization Hangout, from Noon UTC, on the #tor-l10n channel in OFTC. (you can also use Element https://element.io/ to connect: #tor-l10n:matrix.org)
At 13 UTC we will make a call on Big Blue Button: https://tor.meet.coop/emm-qmu-8o2-d2whttps://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/community/l10n/-/wikis/Monthly-Tor-Locali…