commit b81296d84c2c99ac9269b80c1c0efd60bacd8d5e
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Tue Sep 29 06:17:47 2020 +0000…
ms/ | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ms/ b/ms/
index 5ffbae7381..e77f00e09f 100644
--- a/ms/
+++ b/ms/
@@ -1,94 +1,95 @@
-### Copyright (c) 2016, The Tor Project, Inc.
+### Copyright (c) 2020, The Tor Project, Inc.
### See LICENSE for licensing information.
-torlauncher.error_title=Pelancar Tor
+# torlauncher.error_title=Tor Launcher
-torlauncher.tor_exited_during_startup=Tor tertutup ketika permulaan. Ia berkemungkinan dari ralat dalam fail torrc, pepijat dalam Tor atau berpunca dari lain-lain program dalam sistem anda, atau perkakasan bermasalah. Sehinggalah anda membaiki masalah tersebut dan mulakan semula Tor, Pelayar Tor tidak dapat dimulakan.
-torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor keluar secara tidak dijangka. Ia berkemungkinan dari pepijat yang wujud di dalam Tor, berpunca dari lain-lain program dalam sistem anda, atau perkakasan bermasalah. Sehinggalah anda mulakan semula Tor, Pelayar Tor tidak dapat mencapai mana-mana laman sesawang. Jika masalah masih berlanjutan, sila hantar satu salinan Log Tor kepada pasukan sokongan.
-torlauncher.tor_exited2=Memulakan semula Tor tidak akan menutup tab pelayar anda.
-torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Tidak dapat menyambung ke port kawalan Tor.
-torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor gagal untuk bermula.
-torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Gagal mengambil alih Tor.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor gagal untuk mewujudkan sambungan rangkaian Tor.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S gagal (%2$S).
+# torlauncher.tor_exited_during_startup=Tor exited during startup. This might be due to an error in your torrc file, a bug in Tor or another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you fix the underlying problem and restart Tor, Tor Browser will not start.
+# torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor unexpectedly exited. This might be due to a bug in Tor itself, another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you restart Tor, the Tor Browser will not able to reach any websites. If the problem persists, please send a copy of your Tor Log to the support team.
+# torlauncher.tor_exited2=Restarting Tor will not close your browser tabs.
+# torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Could not connect to Tor control port.
+# torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor failed to start.
+# torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Failed to take control of Tor.
+# torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection.
+# torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S failed (%2$S).
-torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Tidak dapat memulakan Tor.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.tor_missing=Tor executable hilang.
-torlauncher.torrc_missing=Fail torrc hilang dan tidak dapat dicipta.
-torlauncher.datadir_missing=Direktori data Tor tidak wujud dan tidak dapat dicipta.
-torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Gagal untuk mendapatkan kata laluan hashes.
+# torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Unable to start Tor.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.tor_missing=The Tor executable is missing.
+# torlauncher.torrc_missing=The torrc file is missing and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.datadir_missing=The Tor data directory does not exist and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=The Tor onion authentication directory does not exist and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Failed to get hashed password.
-torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Gagal mendapatkan tetapan Tor.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Gagal menyimpan tetapan Tor.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Sila pastikan bahawa Tor telah berjalan.
+# torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Unable to retrieve Tor settings.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Unable to save Tor settings.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Please ensure that Tor is running.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=Anda mesti nyatakan kedua-dua alamat IP atau nama hos dan nombor port bagi mengkonfigur Tor untuk menggunakan proksi yang dapat mencapai Internet.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=Anda mesti pilih jenis proksi.
-torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=Anda mesti nyatakan satu atau lebih titi.
-torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=Anda mesti pilih jenis angkutan untuk titi yang disediakan.
-torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Sila pinta satu titi.
-torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=Tiada titi disediakan yang mempunyai jenis angkutan %S tersedia. Sila laras tetapan anda.
+# torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=You must specify both an IP address or hostname and a port number to configure Tor to use a proxy to access the Internet.
+# torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=You must select the proxy type.
+# torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=You must specify one or more bridges.
+# torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=You must select a transport type for the provided bridges.
+# torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Please request a bridge.
+# torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=No provided bridges that have the transport type %S are available. Please adjust your settings.
-torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(berfungsi di China)
-torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(berfungsi di China)
+# torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(works in China)
+# torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(works in China)
-torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Pinta satu Titi...
-torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Pinta satu Titi Baharu...
-torlauncher.contacting_bridgedb=Menghubungi BridgeDB. Tunggu sebentar.
-torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Selesaikan CAPTCHA untuk meminta satu titi.
-torlauncher.bad_captcha_solution=Jawapan salah. Cuba sekali lagi.
-torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Gagal memperoleh satu titi dari BridgeDB.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.no_meek=Pelayar ini tidak dikonfigur untuk meek, yang mana perlu dapatkan titi terlebih dahulu.
-torlauncher.no_bridges_available=Tiada titi tersedia buat masa ini. Mohon maaf.
+# torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Request a Bridge…
+# torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Request a New Bridge…
+# torlauncher.contacting_bridgedb=Contacting BridgeDB. Please wait.
+# torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Solve the CAPTCHA to request a bridge.
+# torlauncher.bad_captcha_solution=The solution is not correct. Please try again.
+# torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Unable to obtain a bridge from BridgeDB.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.no_meek=This browser is not configured for meek, which is needed to obtain bridges.
+# torlauncher.no_bridges_available=No bridges are available at this time. Sorry.
-torlauncher.restart_tor=Mula Semula Tor
+# torlauncher.connect=Connect
+# torlauncher.restart_tor=Restart Tor
+# torlauncher.quit=Quit
+# torlauncher.quit_win=Exit
+# torlauncher.done=Done
-torlauncher.forAssistance=Untuk bantuan, hubungi %S
-torlauncher.forAssistance2=Untuk dapatkan bantuan, lawati %S
+# torlauncher.forAssistance=For assistance, contact %S
+# torlauncher.forAssistance2=For assistance, visit %S
-torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Salin selesai. %S mesej log Tor sedia ditampal ke dalam penyunting teks atau mesej emel.
+# torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Copy complete. %S Tor log messages are ready to be pasted into a text editor or an email message.
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Menyambung dengan titi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Bersambung dengan titi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_proxy=Menyambung dengan proksi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_proxy=Bersambung dengan proksi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn=Menyambung dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done=Bersambung dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake=Berunding dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_done=Selesai berunding dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.onehop_create=Menjalinkan sambungan direktori tersulit
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Memperoleh status rangkaian
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Memuatkan status rangkaian
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Memuatkan sijil kuasa
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Meminta maklumat geganti
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Memuatkan maklumat geganti
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.enough_dirinfo=Selesai memuatkan maklumat geganti
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Membina litar: Menyambung dengan titi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Membina litar: Bersambung dengan Titi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_proxy=Membina litar: Menyambung dengan proksi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_proxy=Membina litar: Bersambung dengan proksi
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn=Membina litar: Menyambung dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done=Membina litar: Bersambung dengan geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake=Membina litar: Berunding dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake_done=Membina litar: Selesai berunding dengan satu geganti Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.circuit_create=Membina litar: Menjalinkan satu litar Tor
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Bersambung dengan rangkaian Tor!
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.starting=Starting
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Connecting to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Connected to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_proxy=Connecting to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_proxy=Connected to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn=Connecting to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done=Connected to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake=Negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_done=Finished negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.onehop_create=Establishing an encrypted directory connection
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Retrieving network status
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Loading network status
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Loading authority certificates
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Requesting relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Loading relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.enough_dirinfo=Finished loading relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Building circuits: Connecting to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Building circuits: Connected to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_proxy=Building circuits: Connecting to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_proxy=Building circuits: Connected to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn=Building circuits: Connecting to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done=Building circuits: Connected to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake=Building circuits: Negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake_done=Building circuits: Finished negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.circuit_create=Building circuits: Establishing a Tor circuit
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Connected to the Tor network!
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=sambungan dinafikan
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=sumber tidak mencukupi
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=identiti tidak sepadan
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=sambungan tamat masa
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=tiada hala dihoskan
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=ralat baca/tulis
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.pt_missing=angkutan boleh palam hilang
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.done=done
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=connection refused
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.misc=miscellaneous
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=insufficient resources
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=identity mismatch
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=connection timeout
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=no route to host
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=read/write error
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.pt_missing=missing pluggable transport
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET=Sambungan dengan pelayan telah terputus.
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Tidak dapat bersambung dengan pelayan.
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Tidak dapat bersambung dengan proksi.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET=The connection to the server was lost.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Could not connect to the server.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Could not connect to the proxy.
commit ef7833ce1bc72dcb4c23aa1ae9f975ae93a63029
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Tue Sep 29 06:17:45 2020 +0000…
ms/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ms/ b/ms/
index 89232fac1a..ec97f57eee 100644
--- a/ms/
+++ b/ms/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Tidak dapat memulakan Tor.\n\n%S
torlauncher.tor_missing=Tor executable hilang.
torlauncher.torrc_missing=Fail torrc hilang dan tidak dapat dicipta.
torlauncher.datadir_missing=Direktori data Tor tidak wujud dan tidak dapat dicipta.
-torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=The Tor onion authentication directory does not exist and could not be created.
+torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=Direktori pengesahihan onion Tor tidak wujud atau tidak dapat diciptakan.
torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Gagal untuk mendapatkan kata laluan hashes.
torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Gagal mendapatkan tetapan Tor.\n\n%S
commit a16c000de1e125c302cf7b1ae44015a8b7de8c18
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Tue Sep 29 02:18:01 2020 +0000
contents+fr.po | 12 ++++++++++--
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contents+fr.po b/contents+fr.po
index 9454547e74..5d981bb815 100644
--- a/contents+fr.po
+++ b/contents+fr.po
@@ -384,6 +384,10 @@ msgid ""
"hard time determining whether or not those requests are coming from humans "
"or bots."
msgstr ""
+"Les utilisateurs de [Tor](../tor-tor-network-core-tor) se voient souvent "
+"servir des captchas, car les [relais](../relay) Tor sont la source de "
+"tellement de requêtes que les sites Web ont parfois de la difficulté à "
+"déterminer si ces requêtes proviennent d’êtres humains ou de robots."
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/captcha/contents+en.lrword.spelling)
@@ -817,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/hamburger-menu/contents+en.lrword.term)
msgid "hamburger menu"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Menu de dialogue"
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/hamburger-menu/contents+en.lrword.definition)
@@ -825,6 +829,8 @@ msgid ""
"It's a icon with three horizontal lines usually on the top-left corner or "
"top-right corner of the screen."
msgstr ""
+"C'est une icône avec trois lignes horizontales qui est normalement au coin "
+"supérieur droit."
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/hamburger-menu/contents+en.lrword.definition)
@@ -832,11 +838,13 @@ msgid ""
"By clicking or tapping on the icon, it reveals a menu with options or "
"additional pages."
msgstr ""
+"En cliquant l'icône, un menu est dévoilé avec des options ou des pages "
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/hamburger-menu/contents+en.lrword.definition)
msgid "Reference:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Référence:"
#: https//
#: (content/glossary/hamburger-menu/contents+en.lrword.definition)
commit 357418f2dd9816a6b50c112c46d1441ae69bf0d0
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Sep 28 20:48:19 2020 +0000
contents+de.po | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contents+de.po b/contents+de.po
index 9a1b5f77c4..bb6f13b554 100644
--- a/contents+de.po
+++ b/contents+de.po
@@ -10949,11 +10949,14 @@ msgid ""
"Yes, `` is also served through via an Onion Service: "
msgstr ""
+"Ja, `` wird auch über einen Onion-Dienst angeboten: "
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "To use Apt over Tor, the apt transport needs to be installed:"
msgstr ""
+"Um Apt über Tor nutzen zu können, muss der apt-Transport installiert werden:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10964,11 +10967,12 @@ msgstr "# apt install apt-transport-tor"
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Then replace the address in the lines added before with, for example:"
msgstr ""
+"Ersetze dann die Adresse in den zuvor hinzugefügten Zeilen z.B. durch:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "# For the stable version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# Für die stabile Version."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10978,7 +10982,7 @@ msgstr "deb tor://sdscoq7snqtznauu.onion/ <DISTRIBUTION> main"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "# For the unstable version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "# Für die unstabile version."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10993,6 +10997,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Now refresh your sources and try to install tor again:"
msgstr ""
+"Aktualisiere nun deine Quellen und versuche Tor erneut zu installieren:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11020,6 +11025,10 @@ msgid ""
"you should have access to a user account with system administration "
"privileges, e.g your user should be in the sudo group."
msgstr ""
+"> **Hinweis:** Das Symbol # verweist auf die Ausführung des Codes als Root. "
+"Dies bedeutet, dass du Zugriff auf ein Benutzerkonto mit "
+"Systemadministrationsrechten haben solltest, z.B. sollte dein Benutzer in "
+"der sudo-Gruppe sein."
#: https//
#: (content/rpm/install/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11156,11 +11165,12 @@ msgstr "Ist das ok [y/N]: y"
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "Where does Tor Project stand on abusers using technology?"
msgstr ""
+"Wie steht das Tor Project zum Thema, dass die Technologie missbraucht wird?"
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "We take abuse seriously."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wir nehmen Missbrauch ernst."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11168,11 +11178,15 @@ msgid ""
"Activists and law enforcement use Tor to investigate abuse and help support "
msgstr ""
+"Aktivisten und Strafverfolgungsbehörden nutzen Tor, um Missbrauch zu "
+"untersuchen und Betroffene zu unterstützen."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "We work with them to help them understand how Tor can help their work."
msgstr ""
+"Wir arbeiten mit ihnen zusammen, um ihnen zu helfen zu verstehen, wie Tor "
+"ihre Arbeit unterstützen kann."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11180,6 +11194,8 @@ msgid ""
"In some cases, technological mistakes are being made and we help to correct "
msgstr ""
+"In einigen Fällen werden technologische Fehler gemacht, und wir helfen, "
+"diese zu korrigieren."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11188,6 +11204,9 @@ msgid ""
"compassion, seeking support from fellow victims requires privacy-preserving "
msgstr ""
+"Da Betroffene manchmal Stigmatisierung statt Mitgefühl erfahren, erfordert "
+"die Suche nach Unterstützung durch andere Opfer eine Technologie, die die "
+"Privatsphäre bewahrt."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11195,6 +11214,8 @@ msgid ""
"Our refusal to build backdoors and censorship into Tor is not because of a "
"lack of concern."
msgstr ""
+"Unsere Weigerung, Hintertüren und Zensur in Tor einzubauen, ist nicht auf "
+"mangelnde Besorgnis zurückzuführen."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11203,6 +11224,9 @@ msgid ""
"and human trafficking in the physical world, while removing safe spaces for "
"victims online."
msgstr ""
+"Wir lehnen es ab, Tor zu schwächen, weil es den Bemühungen schaden würde, "
+"Kindesmissbrauch und Menschenhandel in der physischen Welt zu bekämpfen, "
+"indem online sichere Räume für die Opfer entfernt werden."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11211,11 +11235,15 @@ msgid ""
"hacked hosting accounts, the postal system, couriers, corrupt officials, and"
" whatever technology emerges to trade content."
msgstr ""
+"In der Zwischenzeit hätten Kriminelle immer noch Zugang zu Botnets, "
+"gestohlenen Telefonen, gehackten Hosting-Konten, dem Postsystem, Kurieren, "
+"korrupten Beamten und jeder Technologie, die sich für den Handel mit "
+"Inhalten anbietet."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "They are early adopters of technology."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sie sind frühe Anwender von Technologie."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11223,6 +11251,8 @@ msgid ""
"In the face of this, it is dangerous for policymakers to assume that "
"blocking and filtering is sufficient."
msgstr ""
+"Angesichts dessen ist es für die Politik gefährlich, davon auszugehen, dass "
+"Blockieren und Filtern ausreicht."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11230,6 +11260,9 @@ msgid ""
"We are more interested in helping efforts to halt and prevent child abuse "
"than helping politicians score points with constituents by hiding it."
msgstr ""
+"Wir sind mehr daran interessiert, die Bemühungen zu unterstützen, "
+"Kindesmissbrauch zu stoppen und zu verhindern, als Politikern zu helfen, bei"
+" den Wählern zu punkten, indem sie ihn verbergen."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11239,6 +11272,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Die Rolle der Korruption ist besonders beunruhigend; siehe diesen Bericht "
+"der Vereinten Nationen über [Die Rolle der Korruption beim "
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11246,6 +11283,8 @@ msgid ""
"Finally, it is important to consider the world that children will encounter "
"as adults when enacting policy in their name."
msgstr ""
+"Schließlich ist es wichtig, die Welt zu berücksichtigen, der Kinder als "
+"Erwachsene begegnen werden, wenn in ihrem Namen Politik gemacht wird."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11253,6 +11292,8 @@ msgid ""
"Will they thank us if they are unable to voice their opinions safely as "
msgstr ""
+"Werden sie uns danken, wenn sie als Erwachsene nicht in der Lage sind, ihre "
+"Meinung sicher zu äußern?"
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/abuse-opinion/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11260,16 +11301,18 @@ msgid ""
"What if they are trying to expose a failure of the state to protect other "
msgstr ""
+"Was, wenn sie versuchen, ein Versagen des Staates beim Schutz anderer Kinder"
+" aufzudecken?"
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/ban-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "I want to ban the Tor network from my service."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ich möchte das Tor-Netzwerk aus meinem Dienst ausschliessen."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/ban-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "We're sorry to hear that."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Es tut uns leid, das zu hören."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/ban-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11277,6 +11320,8 @@ msgid ""
"There are some situations where it makes sense to block anonymous users for "
"an Internet service."
msgstr ""
+"Es gibt einige Situationen, in denen es sinnvoll ist, anonyme Benutzer für "
+"einen Internet-Dienst zu sperren."
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/ban-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -11284,6 +11329,9 @@ msgid ""
"But in many cases, there are easier solutions that can solve your problem "
"while still allowing users to access your website securely."
msgstr ""
+"Aber in vielen Fällen gibt es einfachere Möglichkeiten, dein Problem zu "
+"lösen und den Nutzern dennoch einen sicheren Zugang zu deiner Website zu "
#: https//
#: (content/abuse/ban-tor/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
commit 0b9bb021f93595b77f06d0e8bdfaf5d4f222751a
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Sep 28 20:46:56 2020 +0000
contents+it.po | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contents+it.po b/contents+it.po
index 9f424464c8..d9fddf1218 100644
--- a/contents+it.po
+++ b/contents+it.po
@@ -2399,17 +2399,21 @@ msgid ""
"tracking across websites, defending against surveillance, resisting browser "
"fingerprinting, and circumventing censorship."
msgstr ""
+"Alcune delle caratteristiche principali di Tor Browser per Android sono: "
+"ridurre il tracciamento attraverso i siti web, difendersi dalla "
+"sorveglianza, contrastare il fingerprinting dei browser e aggirare la "
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
-msgstr ""
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid ""
"There exists Tor Browser for Android and Tor Browser for Android (alpha)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esistono Tor browser per Android e Tor Browser (alfa) per Android."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -2417,6 +2421,8 @@ msgid ""
"Non-technical users should get Tor Browser for Android, as this is stable "
"and less prone to errors."
msgstr ""
+"Gli utenti non tecnici dovrebbero utilizzare Tor browser per Android, in "
+"quanto è stabile e meno soggetto agli errori."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -2424,12 +2430,16 @@ msgid ""
"Tor Browser for Android is available on Play Store, F-droid and the Tor "
"Project website."
msgstr ""
+"Tor Browser per Android è disponibile su Play Store, F-droid e sul sito Web "
+"Tor Project."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid ""
"It is very risky to download Tor Browser outside of these three platforms."
msgstr ""
+"È molto rischioso scaricare Tor Browser al di fuori di queste tre "
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -2859,7 +2869,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid "#### Updating Tor Browser for Android automatically"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "#### Aggiornamento automatico di Tor browser per Android"
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -2867,6 +2877,8 @@ msgid ""
"This method assumes that you have either Google Play or F-droid installed on"
" your mobile device."
msgstr ""
+"Questo metodo presuppone che sia installato Google Play o F-droid sul "
+"dispositivo mobile."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -3155,6 +3167,8 @@ msgstr "#### Orbot"
msgid ""
"Orbot is a free proxy app that empowers other apps to use the Tor network."
msgstr ""
+"Orbot è un'app proxy gratuita che consente ad altre app di utilizzare la "
+"rete Tor."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -3162,11 +3176,13 @@ msgid ""
"Orbot uses Tor to encrypt your Internet traffic. Then you can use it with "
"other apps installed on your mobile device to"
msgstr ""
+"Orbot utilizza Tor per crittografare il traffico Internet. Quindi, è "
+"possibile utilizzarlo con altre app installate sul dispositivo mobile per"
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid "circumvent censorship and protect against surveillance."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggirare la censura e proteggersi dalla sorveglianza."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -3191,7 +3207,7 @@ msgstr "### Tor Browser per iOS"
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid "There is no Tor Browser for iOS."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non esiste Tor Browser per iOS."
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
@@ -3236,7 +3252,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
msgid "### Tor Browser for Windows Phone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "### Tor Browser per Windows Phone"
#: https//
#: (content/mobile-tor/contents+en.lrtopic.body)
commit e4fb672deb93cbf3dc573ecf7aad2d8c94535b43
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Sep 28 20:18:12 2020 +0000
contents+de.po | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contents+de.po b/contents+de.po
index 948267321f..9a1b5f77c4 100644
--- a/contents+de.po
+++ b/contents+de.po
@@ -10621,42 +10621,48 @@ msgid ""
"5. Click on the small sentence at the bottom of the square that says: Verify"
" account."
msgstr ""
+"5. Klick auf den kleinen Satz am unteren Rand des Quadrats mit der "
+"Aufschrift: Konto überprüfen."
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "6. Fill out the CAPTCHA that pops up, and click ok."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "6. Füll das CAPTCHA aus, das sich öffnet, und klick auf OK."
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid ""
"7. A tiny message will appear: \"Your NickServ account has been verified.\""
msgstr ""
+"7. Es erscheint eine kleine Nachricht: \"Dein NickServ-Konto wurde "
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "8. Go back to the IRC webpage where you are logged in and type:"
msgstr ""
+"8. Geh zurück zur IRC-Webseite, auf der du angemeldet bist, und gib ein:"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "`/msg nickserv checkverify`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`/msg nickserv checkverify`"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "9. Click ENTER."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "9. Klick ENTER."
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "10. If all is well, you will receive a message that says:"
msgstr ""
+"10. Wenn alles in Ordnung ist, erhältst du eine Nachricht, die besagt:"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "*!NickServ*checkverify"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*!NickServ*checkverify"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10666,37 +10672,40 @@ msgstr "Usermodechange: +R"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "!NickServ- Successfully set +R on your nick."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "!NickServ- Successfully set +R on your nick."
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "````"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "````"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Your nick is verified!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dein Spitzname ist überprüft!"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Now, to join #tor-project, you can just type:"
msgstr ""
+"Um an #tor-project teilzunehmen, kannst du jetzt einfach Folgendes eingeben:"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "`/join #tor-project` and hit enter."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`/join #tor-project` und drück Enter."
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "You will be allowed into the channel. If so, Congratulations!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du wirst in den Channel zugelassen. Wenn ja, herzlichen Glückwunsch!"
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "However, if you get stuck, you can ask for help in the #tor channel."
msgstr ""
+"Wenn du jedoch einmal nicht weiterkommst, kannst du im Kanal #tor um Hilfe "
#: https//
#: (content/get-in-touch/why-i-cant-join-tor-channels/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10704,11 +10713,13 @@ msgid ""
"You can toggle back and forth between channels by clicking on the different "
"channel names at the top left of the IRC window."
msgstr ""
+"Du kannst zwischen den Channels hin- und herschalten, indem du auf die "
+"verschiedenen Channel-Namen oben links im IRC-Fenster klickst."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "Why and how I can enable Tor Package Repository in Debian?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Warum und wie kann ich das Tor-Paket-Repository in Debian aktivieren?"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10718,6 +10729,11 @@ msgid ""
"version of Tor, this might not always give you the latest stable Tor "
"version. Therefore, it's recommended to install `tor` from our repository."
msgstr ""
+"Das Tor Project unterhält ein eigenes [Debian-Paket-"
+"Repository]( Da Debian die LTS-Version von Tor "
+"bereitstellt, erhältst du dort nicht immer die aktuellste stabile Tor-"
+"Version. Es wird daher empfohlen, `tor` aus unserem Repository zu "
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10725,6 +10741,8 @@ msgid ""
"Here's how you can enable Tor Package Repository in Debian based "
msgstr ""
+"Hier erfährst du, wie du das Tor-Paket-Repository in Debian-basierten "
+"Distributionen aktivieren kannst:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10735,11 +10753,15 @@ msgid ""
"should have access to a user account with system administration privileges, "
"e.g your user should be in the sudo group."
msgstr ""
+"> **Hinweis:** Das Symbol # verweist auf die Ausführung des Codes als Root. "
+"Das bedeutet, dass du Zugriff auf ein Benutzerkonto mit "
+"Systemadministrationsrechten haben solltest, z.B. sollte dein Benutzer in "
+"der sudo-Gruppe sein."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "#### 1. Install `apt-transport-https`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "#### 1. Installiere `apt-transport-https`"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10748,6 +10770,10 @@ msgid ""
"metadata and packages available in sources accessible over https (Hypertext "
"Transfer Protocol Secure)."
msgstr ""
+"Allen Paketmanagern, die die libapt-pkg-Bibliothek verwenden, soll der "
+"Zugriff auf Meta-Daten und Pakete ermöglicht werden, die in Quellen "
+"verfügbar sind, welche über https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) "
+"zugänglich sind."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10760,6 +10786,8 @@ msgid ""
"#### 2. Add the following entries to `/etc/apt/sources.list` or a new file "
"in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/`"
msgstr ""
+"#### 2. Füge die folgenden Einträge zu `/etc/apt/sources.list` oder eine "
+"neue Datei in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/` hinzu"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10774,7 +10802,7 @@ msgstr "deb-src <DISTRIBUTION> main"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "If you want to try experimental packages:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wenn du experimentelle Pakete ausprobieren möchtest:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10782,6 +10810,8 @@ msgid ""
"deb tor-"
"experimental-0.3.4.x-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
msgstr ""
+"deb tor-"
+"experimental-0.3.4.x-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10789,11 +10819,13 @@ msgid ""
"deb-src tor-"
"experimental-0.3.4.x-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
msgstr ""
+"deb-src tor-"
+"experimental-0.3.4.x-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Or nightly builds:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oder Nightly Builds:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10810,6 +10842,8 @@ msgid ""
"deb-src tor-nightly-"
"master-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
msgstr ""
+"deb-src tor-nightly-"
+"master-<DISTRIBUTION> main"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10820,6 +10854,9 @@ msgid ""
"`lsb_release -c` or `cat /etc/debian_version` to check the Operating System "
msgstr ""
+"Ersetze `<DISTRIBUTION>` durch den Codenamen deines Betriebssystems. Führe "
+"`lsb_release -c` oder `cat /etc/debian_version` aus, um die "
+"Betriebssystemversion zu überprüfen."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10827,6 +10864,9 @@ msgid ""
"#### 3. Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the "
"following commands at your command prompt"
msgstr ""
+"#### 3. Füge dann den gpg-Schlüssel hinzu, der zum Signieren der Pakete "
+"verwendet wurde, indem du die folgenden Befehle an deiner "
+"Eingabeaufforderung ausführst"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10835,6 +10875,9 @@ msgid ""
" | gpg --import"
msgstr ""
+"# wget -qO- "
+" | gpg --import"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10846,7 +10889,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "#### 4. Install tor and tor debian keyring"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "#### 4. Installiere Tor und den Tor-Debian-Schlüsselbund"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10854,6 +10897,9 @@ msgid ""
"We provide a Debian package to help you keep our signing key current. It is "
"recommended you use it. Install it with the following commands:"
msgstr ""
+"Wir stellen ein Debian-Paket zur Verfügung, um dir zu helfen, unseren "
+"Signierschlüssel aktuell zu halten. Es wird empfohlen, dass du es "
+"verwendest. Installiere es mit den folgenden Befehlen:"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10870,12 +10916,12 @@ msgstr "# apt install tor"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-2/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "Can I use tor from Ubuntu's repository?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kann ich Tor aus dem Ubuntu-Repository verwenden?"
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "**No.** Do not use the packages in Ubuntu's universe."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Nein.** Verwende die Pakete nicht im Ubuntu-Universum."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -10883,11 +10929,14 @@ msgid ""
"In the past they have not been reliably updated. That means you could be "
"missing stability and security fixes."
msgstr ""
+"In der Vergangenheit sind sie nicht zuverlässig aktualisiert worden. Das "
+"bedeutet, dass dir Stabilitäts- und Sicherheitskorrekturen fehlen könnten."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "Instead, please use [Tor Debian repository](/apt/tor-deb-repo)."
msgstr ""
+"Verwende stattdessen bitte [Tor Debian Repository](/apt/tor-deb-repo)."
#: https//
#: (content/apt/apt-3/contents+en.lrquestion.title)