commit 1d8e855c2413071386dbd3d25d7bdfd9e5540061
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 16:22:41 2020 +0000…
mk/ | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 03ba49a722..b8c8b10c80 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -72,42 +72,42 @@ onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Onion веб страна
onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onion веб страната не е најдена
onionServices.descNotFound=Најверојатна причина затоа е дека Onion веб страната е офлајн. Контактријате го администраторот на Onion веб страната.
-onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.
+onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Детали: %S — Бараниот објаснувач на onion услугата не може да биде пронајден на хашпрстенот и поради тоа услугата не е достапна за клиентот.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
-onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsite Cannot Be Reached
-onionServices.descInvalid=The onionsite is unreachable due an internal error.
-onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
+onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onion веб страната не е достапна
+onionServices.descInvalid=Onion веб страната не е достапна поради интерна грешка.
+onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Детали: %S — Бараниот објаснувач на onion услугата не може да биде анализиран или валидацијата на потписот не е успешна.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
-onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsite Has Disconnected
+onionServices.introFailed.header=Onion веб страната се исклучи
onionServices.introFailed=Најверојатна причина затоа е дека Onion веб страната е офлајн. Контактријате го администраторот на Onion веб страната.
-onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed its descriptor or that it is not running.
+onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Детали: %S — Воведот беше неуспешен, што значи дека објаснувачот беше пронајден но услугата не е повеќе поврзани на воведната точка. Веројатно е дека услугата го променија нејзиниот објаснувач или не е во функцијата.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is overloaded. Try again later.
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Не може да се поврзе на Onion веб страна
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed=Onion веб страната е зафатена или Tor мрежата е преоптоварена. Обидете се повторно подоцна.
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Детали: %S — Клиентот не успеа да се состане со услугата, што значи дека клиентот не беше во можност да го заврши поврзувањето.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF4:
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Authorization Required
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onionsite Requires Authentication
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Access to the onionsite requires a key but none was provided.
-onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Details: %S — The client downloaded the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content because client authorization information is missing.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.pageTitle=Потребна е авторизација
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.header=Onion веб страната бара автентикација
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing=Пристапот до Onion веб страна бара клуч но ниту еден не беше овозможен.
+onionServices.clientAuthMissing.longDescription=Детали: %S — Клиентот го презема бараниот објаснувач за Onion услугата но не можеше да ја декриптира неговата содржина бидејќи информација за авторизација на клиентот недостасува.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF5:
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Authorization Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=The provided key is incorrect or has been revoked. Contact the onionsite administrator.
-onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This may mean that access has been revoked.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.pageTitle=Авторизацијата е неуспешна
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Автентикацијата на Onion веб страна беше неуспешна
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=Овозможениот клуч е неточен или бил повлечен. Контактирајте го администраторот на Onion веб страната.
+onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Детали: %S — Клиентот беше во можност да го преземе бараниот објаснувач за onion услугата но не можеше да ја декриптира неговата содржина користејќи ја овозможената информација за авторизација на клиентот. Ова можеби значи дека пристапот бил повлечен.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
-onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
-onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
-onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
+onionServices.badAddress.header=Невалидна адреса на Onion веб страна
+onionServices.badAddress=Овозможената адреса на Onion веб страна е невалидна. Ве молиме проверете дека сте ја внеле точно.
+onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Детали: %S — Овозможената .onion адреса е невалидна. Оваа грешка се појавува поради една од следниве причини: контролната сума на адресата не се совпаѓа, јавниот клуч ed25519 е невалиден, или кодирањето е невалидно.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
-onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
-onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
-onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Времето за создавање на круг за Onion веб страна истече
+onionServices.introTimedOut=Неуспешно поврзување на Onion веб страна, можно поради слабо мрежно поврзување.
+onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Детали: %S — Времето за поврзување со бараната onion услуга истече додека се градеше кругот.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S го бара вашиот приватен клуч.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Не може да се повра
onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Не може да се избрише клуч
# Onion-Location strings.
-onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
+onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Секогаш преферирај Onion-и
onionLocation.notNow=Не сега
commit 56c73d5f66a3ca5ee067e06c459c023e4cae66dc
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 15:54:14 2020 +0000…
pl/network-settings.dtd | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pl/network-settings.dtd b/pl/network-settings.dtd
index 39805ba17d..733730d4c8 100644
--- a/pl/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/pl/network-settings.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<!-- For "first run" wizard: -->
<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt "Kliknij "Połącz", aby połączyć się z Torem.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt "Kliknij "Konfiguruj", aby dostosować ustawienia sieci, jeśli jesteś w kraju, który cenzuruje Tora (np. Egipt, Chiny, Turcja) lub jeśli łączysz się z prywatną siecią, która wymaga serwera proxy.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt "Kliknij "Konfiguruj", aby dostosować ustawienia sieci, jeśli jesteś w kraju, który cenzuruje Tora (np. Egipt, Chiny, Turcja) lub jeśli łączysz się z prywatnej sieci, która wymaga serwera proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Konfiguruj">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Połącz">
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
<!ENTITY torsettings.restartTor "Zrestartuj Tora">
<!ENTITY torsettings.reconfigTor "Przekonfiguruj">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Skonfigurowałeś mosty Tora lub wprowadziłeś lokalne ustawienia serwera proxy.  Aby nawiązać bezpośrednie połączenie do sieci Tor, ustawienia te muszą być usunięte.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Usuń Ustawienia i Połącz">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Skonfigurowałeś mostki Tora lub wprowadziłeś lokalne ustawienia serwera proxy.  Aby nawiązać bezpośrednie połączenie do sieci Tor, ustawienia te muszą być usunięte.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Usuń ustawienia i połącz">
<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "(opcjonalnie)">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Używam proxy do łączenia się z Internetem">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Typ Proxy">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Używam serwera proxy do łączenia się z Internetem">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Typ serwera proxy">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.placeholder "wybierz typ proxy">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Adres">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "Nazwa hosta lub adres IP">
@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Ten komputer pozwala na połączenie z ustalonymi portami">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Dozwolone Porty">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Dozwolone porty">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Tor jest ocenzurowany w moim kraju">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Wybierz wbudowany most">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default.placeholder "wybierz most">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.bridgeDB "Zażądaj mostu od">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Wybierz wbudowany mostek">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default.placeholder "wybierz mostek">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.bridgeDB "Uzyskaj mostek od">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.captchaSolution.placeholder "Wprowadź znaki z obrazka">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.reloadCaptcha.tooltip "Uzyskaj nowe wyzwanie">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.reloadCaptcha.tooltip "Poproś o inne zadanie">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.captchaSubmit "Podsumowując">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Dostarcz mostek, który znam">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Wprowadź informacje o mostku z zaufanego źródła.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "wpisz adres:port (po jednym w linii)">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "wpisz adres:port (po jednym w każdej linii)">
<!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Skopiuj log do schowka">
@@ -55,29 +55,29 @@
<!ENTITY torsettings.proxyHelp1 "Lokalny serwer proxy może być potrzebny podczas łączenia się przez sieć firmową, szkolną lub uniwersytecką. Jeśli nie masz pewności, czy serwer proxy jest potrzebny, sprawdź ustawienia internetowe w innej przeglądarce lub sprawdź ustawienia sieciowe systemu.">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Pomoc Przekaźników Mostkowych">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "Mosty są zastrzeżonymi przekaźnikami, które utrudniają blokowanie połączeń z siecią Tor. Każdy rodzaj mostu wykorzystuje inną metodę unikania cenzury.  Obiekty obfs sprawiają, że twój ruch wygląda jak losowy szum, a łagodne połączenia sprawiają, że twój ruch wygląda jakbyś łączył się z tą usługą zamiast z Torem.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Ze względu na to, jak niektóre kraje próbują blokować Tora, niektóre mosty działają w niektórych krajach, ale nie w innych.  Jeśli nie masz pewności, które mosty działają w Twoim kraju, odwiedź">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "Mosty są specjalnymi rodzajami przekaźników, które utrudniają blokowanie połączeń z siecią Tor. Każdy rodzaj mostku wykorzystuje inną metodę unikania cenzury.  Mostki "obfs" sprawiają, że Twój ruch wygląda jak losowy szum, a "meek-azure" sprawiają, że Twój ruch wygląda jakbyś łączył się z tą usługą zamiast z Torem.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Ze względu na różny sposób, w jaki kraje próbują blokować Tora, niektóre mostki działają tylko w niektórych krajach.  Jeśli nie masz pewności, które mostki działają w Twoim kraju, odwiedź">
<!-- Progress -->
-<!ENTITY torprogress.pleaseWait "Proszę zaczekać, aż ustanowimy połączenie do sieci Tor.  To może zająć kilka minut.">
+<!ENTITY torprogress.pleaseWait "Proszę zaczekać, aż ustanowimy połączenie do sieci Tor.  Może to potrwać kilka minut.">
<!-- #31286 about:preferences strings -->
<!ENTITY torPreferences.categoryTitle "Tor">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettings "Ustawienia Tor">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettingsDescription "Przeglądarka Tor kieruje Twój ruch przez Sieć Tor, prowadzoną przez tysiące wolontariuszy na całym świecie." >
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettingsDescription "Przeglądarka Tor kieruje Twój ruch przez sieć Tor, utrzymywaną przez tysiące wolontariuszy na całym świecie." >
<!ENTITY torPreferences.learnMore "Dowiedz się więcej">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridges "Mostki">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Mosty ułatwią dostęp do Sieci Tor w miejscach, w których Tor jest zablokowany. W zależności od tego, gdzie jesteś, jeden most może działać lepiej niż inny.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.useBridge "Użyj mostu">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestNewBridge "Poproś o nowy most...">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Mostki ułatwiają dostęp do sieci Tor w miejscach, w których Tor jest zablokowany. W zależności od tego, gdzie jesteś, niektóre mostki mogą działać lepiej niż inne.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.useBridge "Użyj mostku">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestNewBridge "Poproś o nowy mostek...">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.provideBridge "Dodaj most">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.advanced "Zaawansowane">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.advancedDescription "Skonfiguruj jak Przeglądarka Tor łączy się z internetem.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.advancedDescription "Skonfiguruj w jaki sposób Przeglądarka Tor łączy się z Internetem.">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.firewallPortsPlaceholder "Wartości oddzielone przecinkiem">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogTitle "Poproś o Most">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogTitle "Poproś o mostek">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogWaitPrompt "Nawiązywanie połączenia z BridgeDB. Proszę czekać.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogSolvePrompt "Rozwiąż CAPTCHA, aby poprosić o most.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeDialogSolvePrompt "Rozwiąż CAPTCHA, aby poprosić o mostek.">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestBridgeErrorBadSolution "Rozwiązanie nie jest poprawne. Proszę spróbuj ponownie.">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewTorLogs "Zobacz dziennik Tor.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewTorLogs "Zobacz dziennik zdarzeń Tor.">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.viewLogs "Wyświetl dziennik...">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.torLogsDialogTitle "Dziennik Tor">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.torLogsDialogTitle "Dziennik zdarzeń Tor">
commit 52be515772388b46bceea5518e3a7a2065c65143
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 15:54:02 2020 +0000…
pl/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pl/ b/pl/
index ce40f0d5b8..a7cba2ac5c 100644
--- a/pl/
+++ b/pl/
@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=Musisz określić adres IP lub nazwę hosta
torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=Musisz wybrać typ proxy.
torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=Musisz podać jeden lub więcej mostów. (bridges)
torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=Musisz wybrać rodzaj transportu dla dostępnych mostów.
-torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Proszę poprosić o most.
+torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Proszę poprosić o mostek.
torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=Brak dostępnych mostków, które mają typ transportu %S. Proszę zmienić swoje ustawienia.
torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(działa w Chinach)
torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(działa w Chinach)
-torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Poproś o most...
-torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Poproś o nowy most...
+torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Poproś o mostek...
+torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Poproś o nowy mostek...
torlauncher.contacting_bridgedb=Kontakt z BridgeDB. Proszę czekać.
-torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Rozwiąż CAPTCHA, aby poprosić o most.
+torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Rozwiąż CAPTCHA, aby poprosić o mostek.
torlauncher.bad_captcha_solution=Rozwiązanie nie jest poprawne. Proszę spróbuj ponownie.
-torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Nie można uzyskać mostu z BridgeDB.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.no_meek=Ta przeglądarka nie jest skonfigurowana dla połączeń, które są potrzebne do uzyskania mostów.
-torlauncher.no_bridges_available=W tej chwili nie są dostępne żadne mosty. Przepraszam.
+torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Nie można uzyskać mostku z BridgeDB.\n\n%S
+torlauncher.no_meek=Ta przeglądarka nie jest skonfigurowana dla połączeń, które są potrzebne do uzyskania mostków.
+torlauncher.no_bridges_available=W tej chwili nie są dostępne żadne mostki. Przepraszamy.
torlauncher.restart_tor=Zrestartuj Tora
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ torlauncher.forAssistance2=Aby uzyskać pomoc, odwiedź %S
torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Kopia zakończona. %S logi Tora są gotowe do wklejenia do notatnika lub wiadomości email.
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Łączenie z mostem
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Połączono z mostem
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Łączenie z mostkiem
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Połączono z mostkiem
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_proxy=Łączenie z proxy
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_proxy=Połączono z proxy
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn=Łączenie z przekaźnikiem Tora
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Wczytywanie certyfikatów uwierzytelnie
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Żądanie informacji o węźle
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Wczytywanie informacji o węźle
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.enough_dirinfo=Zakończono ładowanie informacji przekaźnika
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Budowanie obwodu: Łączenie z mostem
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Budowanie obwodu: Połączono z mostem
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Budowanie obwodu: Łączenie z mostkiem
+torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Budowanie obwodu: Połączono z mostkiem
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_proxy=Budowanie obwodu: Łączenie z proxy
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_proxy=Budowanie obwodu: Połączono z proxy
torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn=Budowanie obwodu: Łączenie z przekaźnikiem Tora
commit daf41c6810a19c5f0d3825e3668cd824a9ddfec4
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 15:52:36 2020 +0000…
mk/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
pl/ | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index d1fd4c12b8..03ba49a722 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = Непозната држава
torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Чувар
torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = Твојот [Чувар] јазол може да не се промени.
torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = Научи повеќе
-torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Click to Copy
-torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Copied!
+torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Кликни за Копирање
+torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Копирано!
torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor Browser ја додава ова маргина за ширината и висината на вашиот прозорец да биде постандарден, со што се намалува можноста луѓето да ве следат онлајн.
torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Кликнете за да го овозможите Tor
torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Кликнете за да го оневозможите Tor
@@ -69,22 +69,22 @@ onionServices.errorPage.onionSite=Onion веб страна
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: In the longDescription strings, %S will be replaced with
# an error code, e.g., 0xF3.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF0:
-onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
-onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onionsite Not Found
-onionServices.descNotFound=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
+onionServices.descNotFound.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
+onionServices.descNotFound.header=Onion веб страната не е најдена
+onionServices.descNotFound=Најверојатна причина затоа е дека Onion веб страната е офлајн. Контактријате го администраторот на Onion веб страната.
onionServices.descNotFound.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF1:
-onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.descInvalid.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.descInvalid.header=Onionsite Cannot Be Reached
onionServices.descInvalid=The onionsite is unreachable due an internal error.
onionServices.descInvalid.longDescription=Details: %S — The requested onion service descriptor can't be parsed or signature validation failed.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF2:
-onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.introFailed.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.introFailed.header=Onionsite Has Disconnected
-onionServices.introFailed=The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.
+onionServices.introFailed=Најверојатна причина затоа е дека Onion веб страната е офлајн. Контактријате го администраторот на Onion веб страната.
onionServices.introFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — Introduction failed, which means that the descriptor was found but the service is no longer connected to the introduction point. It is likely that the service has changed its descriptor or that it is not running.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF3:
-onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.rendezvousFailed.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.rendezvousFailed.header=Unable to Connect to Onionsite
onionServices.rendezvousFailed=The onionsite is busy or the Tor network is overloaded. Try again later.
onionServices.rendezvousFailed.longDescription=Details: %S — The client failed to rendezvous with the service, which means that the client was unable to finalize the connection.
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.header=Onionsite Authentication Failed
onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect=The provided key is incorrect or has been revoked. Contact the onionsite administrator.
onionServices.clientAuthIncorrect.longDescription=Details: %S — The client was able to download the requested onion service descriptor but was unable to decrypt its content using the provided client authorization information. This may mean that access has been revoked.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF6:
-onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.badAddress.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.badAddress.header=Invalid Onionsite Address
onionServices.badAddress=The provided onionsite address is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.
onionServices.badAddress.longDescription=Details: %S — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.
# Tor SOCKS error 0xF7:
-onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Problem Loading Onionsite
+onionServices.introTimedOut.pageTitle=Проблем при вчитување на Onion веб страна
onionServices.introTimedOut.header=Onionsite Circuit Creation Timed Out
onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to a poor network connection.
onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
diff --git a/pl/ b/pl/
index 06c205965e..7d1799963b 100644
--- a/pl/
+++ b/pl/
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ torbutton.circuit_display.ip_unknown = IP nieznany
torbutton.circuit_display.onion_site = strona Onion
torbutton.circuit_display.this_browser = Ta przeglądarka
torbutton.circuit_display.relay = Przekaźnik
-torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = Bridge
+torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = Mostek
torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = Nieznane państwo
torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Guard
torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = Twój węzeł [Guard] może się nie zmienić.
torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = Dowiedz się więcej
torbutton.circuit_display.click_to_copy = Kliknij, aby skopiować
-torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Kopiowane!
+torbutton.circuit_display.copied = Skopiowano!
torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor Browser dodaje ten margines po to, aby szerokość i wysokość okna Twojej przeglądarki była mniej charakterystyczna, dzięki temu zmniejszysz szanse śledzenia Ciebie online.
torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Kliknij tutaj, aby włączyć Tora
torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Kliknij tutaj, aby wyłączyć Tora
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ onionServices.introTimedOut=Failed to connect to the onionsite, possibly due to
onionServices.introTimedOut.longDescription=Details: %S — The connection to the requested onion service timed out while trying to build the rendezvous circuit.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
-onionServices.authPrompt.description= %S żąda twój klucz prywatny.
+onionServices.authPrompt.description= %S żąda Twojego klucza prywatnego.
onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Wprowadź swój klucz prywatny dla tej usługi cebulowej
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ onionLocation.alwaysPrioritize=Always Prioritize Onions
onionLocation.notNow=Nie teraz
-onionLocation.description=There's a more private and secure version of this site available over the Tor network via onion services. Onion services help website publishers and their visitors defeat surveillance and censorship.
+onionLocation.description=Bezpieczniejsza wersja tej strony jest dostępna jako usługa cebulowa. Usługi cebulowe pomagają twórcom witryn internetowych oraz odwiedzającym je bronić się przed monitorowaniem ruchu i cenzurą.
onionLocation.tryThis=Try Onion Services
onionLocation.onionAvailable=.onion available
onionLocation.learnMore=Dowiedz się więcej...
commit 44b53c01a215fc7a67a0203fda9c5d580a1a533f
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 15:45:29 2020 +0000
mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po | 189 +++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po b/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
index c3589ba0b0..c151a93e48 100644
--- a/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
+++ b/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Tor Project\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: '…'\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-18 09:23-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-20 20:05+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-07 10:14-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-12 15:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Zarko Gjurov <zarkogjurov(a)>\n"
"Language-Team: Macedonian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ msgstr "Изворен код"
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "Лог на измени"
+#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:102
+msgid "Public Keys"
+msgstr "Јавни клучеви"
#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:35
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Одбери се"
@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ msgstr "QR код за вашите мост конекции"
#. for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",
#. or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:67
-#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:125
+#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:119
msgid "Uh oh, spaghettios!"
msgstr "Леле мајко!"
@@ -101,12 +105,12 @@ msgid ""
" your bridge lines onto mobile and other devices."
msgstr "Овој QR код ги содржи вашите мост конекции. Скенирај го со QR код читач т.е. со камерата за да ги копирате мост конекции на вашиот мобилен телефон или друг уред."
-#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:131
+#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:125
msgid "There currently aren't any bridges available..."
msgstr "Моментално нема достапни мостови..."
-#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:133
-#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:137
+#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:127
+#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/bridges.html:131
#, python-format
msgid ""
" Perhaps you should try %s going back %s and choosing a different bridge "
@@ -182,64 +186,32 @@ msgstr "%sД%sа! Ми требаат IPv6 адреси."
msgid "%sG%set Bridges"
msgstr "%sО%sвозможи Мостови"
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "[This is an automated message; please do not reply.]"
-msgstr "[Ова е автоматска порака; Ве молиме не одговарајте.]"
+#: bridgedb/
+msgid "[This is an automated email.]"
+msgstr ""
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Here are your bridges:"
msgstr "Ова се вашите мостови:"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have exceeded the rate limit. Please slow down! The minimum time between\n"
"emails is %s hours. All further emails during this time period will be ignored."
msgstr "Ја надминавте стапката на ограничувања. Ве молиме под запрете! Минимум времето помеѓу\nе-пораките е %s часови. Сите понатамошни е-пораки во овој временски период ќе бидат игнорирани."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid ""
-"COMMANDs: (combine COMMANDs to specify multiple options simultaneously)"
-msgstr "КОМАНДИ: (комбинирајте КОМАНДИ да посочите повеќе опции истовремено)"
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the word "BridgeDB".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Welcome to BridgeDB!"
-msgstr "Добредојдовте во BridgeDB!"
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the words "transport" or "TYPE".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Currently supported transport TYPEs:"
-msgstr "Моментално подржани ТИПОВИ на транспорт:"
-#: bridgedb/
-#, python-format
-msgid "Hey, %s!"
-msgstr "Здраво, %s!"
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Hello, friend!"
-msgstr "Здраво, пријателу!"
-#: bridgedb/distributors/https/templates/base.html:102 bridgedb/
-msgid "Public Keys"
-msgstr "Јавни клучеви"
-#. TRANSLATORS: This string will end up saying something like:
-#. "This email was generated with rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles
-#. for alice(a) on Friday, 09 May, 2014 at 18:59:39."
-#: bridgedb/
-#, python-format
-msgid ""
-"This email was generated with rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles\n"
-"for %s on %s at %s."
-msgstr "Оваа е-пошта беше создадена со дождот, виножита, еднорози, и искри за %s на %s во %s ."
+"If these bridges are not what you need, reply to this email with one of\n"
+"the following commands in the message body:"
+msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Pluggable Transports".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Network".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BridgeDB can provide bridges with several %stypes of Pluggable Transports%s,\n"
@@ -250,7 +222,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "BridgeDB овозможува мостови за повеќе %s типови на Pluggable Transports %s ,\nшто можат да помогнат при маскирање на вашите поврзувања кон Tor мрежата,\nправејќи ја\nпотешка за секој кој го надгледува вашиот Интернет сообраќај да утврди дека вие\nкористите Tor.\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Pluggable Transports".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid ""
"Some bridges with IPv6 addresses are also available, though some Pluggable\n"
"Transports aren't IPv6 compatible.\n"
@@ -262,7 +234,7 @@ msgstr "Некои мостови со IPv6 адреси се исто така
#. regular, or unexciting". Like vanilla ice cream. It refers to bridges
#. which do not have Pluggable Transports, and only speak the regular,
#. boring Tor protocol. Translate it as you see fit. Have fun with it.
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Additionally, BridgeDB has plenty of plain-ol'-vanilla bridges %s without any\n"
@@ -271,21 +243,21 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Дополнително, BridgeDB има многу стандардни мостови %sбез ниту еден\nPluggable Transports %s преку кои можеби не звучи кул, но тие сеуште можат\nда помогнат во заобиколување на Интернет цензурата во многу случаи.\n\n"
-#: bridgedb/ bridgedb/test/
+#: bridgedb/ bridgedb/test/
msgid "What are bridges?"
msgstr "Што се мостови?"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid "%s Bridges %s are Tor relays that help you circumvent censorship."
msgstr "%s Мостови %s се Tor јазли / чворови кои ви помагаат во заобиколувањето на цензурата."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "I need an alternative way of getting bridges!"
msgstr "Ми треба алтернативен начин да добијам мостови!"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "get transport obfs4".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Another way to get bridges is to send an email to %s. Leave the email subject\n"
@@ -294,33 +266,33 @@ msgid ""
"providers: %s or %s."
msgstr "Друг начин да добиете мостови е да испратите е-пошта на %s. Оставете го полето наслов на е-поштата\nпразно и напишете \"добиј obfs4 транспорт\" во содржината на пораката на е-поштата. Забележете\nдека морате да испратите е-пошта користејќи адреса од еден од следниве е-пошта\nпровајдери: %s или %s."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "My bridges don't work! I need help!"
msgstr "Моите мостови не функционираат! Ми треба помош!"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Browser".
#. TRANSLATORS: The two '%s' are substituted with "Tor Browser Manual" and
#. "Support Portal", respectively.
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"If your Tor Browser cannot connect, please take a look at the %s and our %s."
msgstr "Ако вашиот Tor Browser не може да се поврзе, погледнете на %s и на %s."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Here are your bridge lines:"
msgstr "Ова се вашите мост коненции:"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Get Bridges!"
msgstr "Добиј мостови!"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Bridge distribution mechanisms"
msgstr "Мост механизими на дистрибуција"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB", "HTTPS", and "Moat".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BridgeDB implements four mechanisms to distribute bridges: \"HTTPS\", \"Moat\",\n"
@@ -330,7 +302,7 @@ msgid ""
"mechanisms is."
msgstr "BridgeDB имплементира 4 механизми на дистрибуција на мостови: \"HTTPS\", \"Moat\",\n\"Е-пошта\", и \"Резервирано\". Мостовите кои не се дистрибуирани преку BridgeDB го користат\nпсевдо-механизмот \"Ништо\". Следнава листа кратко објаснува како овие\nмеханизми работат и нашите %sBridgeDB мерења%s визуелизираат колку е популарен секој\nод механизмите."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The \"HTTPS\" distribution mechanism hands out bridges over this website. To get\n"
@@ -338,7 +310,7 @@ msgid ""
"solve the subsequent CAPTCHA."
msgstr "\"HTTPS\" механизмот на дистрибуција ги предава мостовите преку оваа веб страна.\nЗа да земете\nмостови, одете на, одберете ги опциите кои ги преферирате, и\nрешете ја CAPTCHA-та / задачата која следува."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The \"Moat\" distribution mechanism is part of Tor Browser, allowing users to\n"
@@ -348,7 +320,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "\"Moat\" механизмот на дистрибуција е дел од Tor Browser, кој им овозможува на корисниците да\nпобараат мостови внатре од нивните Tor Browser поставки. За да земете мостови, одете на\nвашите %sTor поставки%s на Tor Browser, кликнете на \"побарај нов мост\", решете ја\nCAPTCHA-та / задачата која следува, и Tor Browse автоматски ќе ги додаде вашите нови\nмостови."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Users can request bridges from the \"Email\" distribution mechanism by sending an\n"
@@ -356,11 +328,11 @@ msgid ""
"email body."
msgstr "Корисниците можат да побараат мостови преку \"E-пошта\" механизмот на дистрибуција со испраќање на\nе-пошта на %sbridges(a) и пишување \"get transport obfs4\" во\nсодржината на пораката."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Reserved"
msgstr "Резервирано"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"BridgeDB maintains a small number of bridges that are not distributed\n"
@@ -371,11 +343,11 @@ msgid ""
"called \"Unallocated\" in %sbridge pool assignment%s files."
msgstr "BridgeDB одржува мал број на мостови кои не се дистрибуираат\nавтоматски. Наместо тоа, ние ги резервираме овие мостови за рачна дистрибуиција и\nим ги предаваме на НВО и на другите организации и индивидуалци на кои им се потребни\nмостови. Мостовите кои што се дистрибуирани преку \"Резервирано\" механизмот може корисниците да не ги видат\nподолго време. Забележете дека \"Резервирано\" механизмот на дистрибуција е\nнаречен \"Нераспределено\" во датотеките на %sбазенот на мост доделувања%s."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ништо"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid ""
"Bridges whose distribution mechanism is \"None\" are not distributed by BridgeDB.\n"
"It is the bridge operator's responsibility to distribute their bridges to\n"
@@ -384,85 +356,62 @@ msgid ""
"it will then change to the bridge's actual distribution mechanism.\n"
msgstr "Мостовите чиј механизам на дистрибуција е \"Ништо\" не се дистрибуирани преку BridgeDB.\nТоа е одговорност на операторите на мостови кои ги дистрибуираат нивните мостови до\nкорисниците. Забележете дека во Пребарување Реле, новите поставени механизми на дистрибуција\nна мостови велат \"Ништо\" за најмногу до еден ден. Бидете трпеливи, и\nтогаш ќе се промени во конкретниот механизам на дистрибуција на мост.\n"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Please select options for bridge type:"
msgstr "Одберете опции за тип на мост:"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Do you need IPv6 addresses?"
msgstr "Дали ви требаат IPv6 адреси?"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid "Do you need a %s?"
msgstr "Дали ти треба %s?"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Your browser is not displaying images properly."
msgstr "Вашиот прелистувач не ги покажува сликите правилно."
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "Enter the characters from the image above..."
msgstr "Внесете ги карактерите од сликата погоре:"
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid "How to start using your bridges"
msgstr "Како да започнете со користење на мостови"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor Browser".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
#, python-format
msgid ""
-"To enter bridges into Tor Browser, first go to the %s Tor Browser download\n"
-"page %s and then follow the instructions there for downloading and starting\n"
-"Tor Browser."
-msgstr "Да внесете мостови во Tor Browser, прво одете на %s Tor Browser за преземање\nстраната %s и потоа следете ги инструкциите за преземање и стартување на Tor Browser."
+" First, you need to %sdownload Tor Browser%s. Our Tor Browser User\n"
+" Manual explains how you can add your bridges to Tor Browser. If you are\n"
+" using Windows, Linux, or OS X, %sclick here%s to learn more. If you\n"
+" are using Android, %sclick here%s."
+msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor".
-#: bridgedb/
+#: bridgedb/
msgid ""
-"When the 'Tor Network Settings' dialogue pops up, click 'Configure' and follow\n"
-"the wizard until it asks:"
-msgstr "Кога дијалогот 'Tor мрежни поставки' ќе се појави, кликнете на 'Конфигурирај' и следете\nго инсталерот додека да ве праша:"
+"Add these bridges to your Tor Browser by opening your browser\n"
+"preferences, clicking on \"Tor\", and then adding them to the \"Provide a\n"
+"bridge\" field."
+msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid ""
-"Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) block or otherwise censor connections\n"
-"to the Tor network?"
-msgstr "Дали вашиот Интернет сервис провајдер (ISP) блокира или цензурира поврзувања кон Tor мрежата?"
+#: bridgedb/
+msgid "(Request unobfuscated Tor bridges.)"
+msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Tor".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid ""
-"Select 'Yes' and then click 'Next'. To configure your new bridges, copy and\n"
-"paste the bridge lines into the text input box. Finally, click 'Connect', and\n"
-"you should be good to go! If you experience trouble, try clicking the 'Help'\n"
-"button in the 'Tor Network Settings' wizard for further assistance."
-msgstr "Одберете 'Да' и кликнете 'Следно'. За да ги конфигурирате вашите нови мостови, копирајте и\nзалепете ја мост линијата во текст полето. На крај кликнете 'Поврзи', и\nби требало да сте готови! Ако имате проблеми, пробајте со кликање на 'Помош'\nкопчето во 'Tor мрежни подесувања' и следете ги инструкциите."
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Displays this message."
-msgstr "Ја покажува оваа порака."
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please try to make it clear that "vanilla" here refers to the
-#. same non-Pluggable Transport bridges described above as being
-#. "plain-ol'-vanilla" bridges.
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Request vanilla bridges."
-msgstr "Побарува стандардни мостови."
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Request IPv6 bridges."
-msgstr "Побарува IPv6 мостови."
-#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate the word the word "TYPE".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Request a Pluggable Transport by TYPE."
-msgstr "Побарува Pluggable Transport по тип."
+#: bridgedb/
+msgid "(Request IPv6 bridges.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: bridgedb/
+msgid "(Request obfs4 obfuscated bridges.)"
+msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "GnuPG".
-#: bridgedb/
-msgid "Get a copy of BridgeDB's public GnuPG key."
-msgstr "Преземи копија од јавниот GnuPG клуч на BridgeDB."
+#: bridgedb/
+msgid "(Get a copy of BridgeDB's public GnuPG key.)"
+msgstr ""
commit 5b21d582b6d6ad56491009d652074a7447ca77f7
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 12 15:45:19 2020 +0000
mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po | 20 ++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po b/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
index eea527f3c4..31bc74672c 100644
--- a/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
+++ b/mk/LC_MESSAGES/bridgedb.po
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Tor Project\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: '…'\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-07 10:14-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-07 19:47+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Transifex Bot <>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-12 15:37+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zarko Gjurov <zarkogjurov(a)>\n"
"Language-Team: Macedonian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ msgstr "%sО%sвозможи Мостови"
#: bridgedb/
msgid "[This is an automated email.]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "[Ова е автоматска е-пошта.]"
#: bridgedb/
msgid "Here are your bridges:"
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ msgstr "Ја надминавте стапката на ограничувања
msgid ""
"If these bridges are not what you need, reply to this email with one of\n"
"the following commands in the message body:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ако овие мостови не се тоа што ви треба, одговорете на оваа е-пошта со една од\nследниве команди во содржина на пораката:"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "Pluggable Transports".
@@ -389,29 +389,29 @@ msgid ""
" Manual explains how you can add your bridges to Tor Browser. If you are\n"
" using Windows, Linux, or OS X, %sclick here%s to learn more. If you\n"
" are using Android, %sclick here%s."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Прво, треба да го %sпреземете Tor Browser%s. Нашето Упатство за \nкористење на Tor Browser објаснува како можете да додадете ваши мостови во Tor Browser. Ако користите\nWindows, Linux, или OS X, %sкликнете овде%s за да научите повеќе. Ако\nкористите Android, %sкликнете овде%s. "
#: bridgedb/
msgid ""
"Add these bridges to your Tor Browser by opening your browser\n"
"preferences, clicking on \"Tor\", and then adding them to the \"Provide a\n"
"bridge\" field."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Додадете ги овие мостови во вашиот Tor Browser со отворање на параметрите\nна вашиот прелистувач, кликнувајќи на \"Tor\", и потоа додавајќи ги во полето \n\"Овозможи мост\"."
#: bridgedb/
msgid "(Request unobfuscated Tor bridges.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Побарај прикриени Tor мостови.)"
#: bridgedb/
msgid "(Request IPv6 bridges.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Побарај IPv6 мостови.)"
#: bridgedb/
msgid "(Request obfs4 obfuscated bridges.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Побарај obfs4 прикриени мостови.)"
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "BridgeDB".
#. TRANSLATORS: Please DO NOT translate "GnuPG".
#: bridgedb/
msgid "(Get a copy of BridgeDB's public GnuPG key.)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Побарај копија од јавниот GnuPG клуч на BridgeDB.)"