commit 0dea7dc74e4d0ac59ac2b66e3afb6f2c63ca81c6
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 17:22:46 2020 +0000…
nb-NO/network-settings.dtd | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nb-NO/network-settings.dtd b/nb-NO/network-settings.dtd
index f2e0547922..6823448418 100644
--- a/nb-NO/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/nb-NO/network-settings.dtd
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
<!ENTITY torPreferences.torSettingsDescription "Tor Browser dirigerer trafikken din over Tor-nettverket, drevet av tusenvis av frivillige rundt om i verden." >
<!ENTITY torPreferences.learnMore "Lær mer">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridges "Broer">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Bridges help you access the Tor Network in places where Tor is blocked. Depending on where you are, one bridge may work better than another.">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.bridgesDescription "Broer hjelper deg med å få tilgang til Tor-nettverket på steder der Tor er blokkert. Avhengig av hvor du er, kan det hende at en bro fungerer bedre enn en annen.">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.useBridge "Bruk en bro">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.requestNewBridge "Forespør ny bro…">
-<!ENTITY torPreferences.provideBridge "Provide a bridge">
+<!ENTITY torPreferences.provideBridge "Gi en bro">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.advanced "Avansert">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.advancedDescription "Konfigurer hvordan Tor Browser kobles til internett.">
<!ENTITY torPreferences.firewallPortsPlaceholder "Comma-separated values">
commit e162bf91dc1b7538aa0511b67c573ba262bea9c8
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 17:22:37 2020 +0000…
nb-NO/ | 161 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nb-NO/ b/nb-NO/
index 35bb8feaf4..e77f00e09f 100644
--- a/nb-NO/
+++ b/nb-NO/
@@ -1,94 +1,95 @@
-### Copyright (c) 2016, The Tor Project, Inc.
+### Copyright (c) 2020, The Tor Project, Inc.
### See LICENSE for licensing information.
+# torlauncher.error_title=Tor Launcher
-torlauncher.tor_exited_during_startup=Tor ble avsluttet under oppstart. Dette kan ha sin årsak i en feil i din torrc-fil, en feil i Tor eller et annet program på din maskin, eller feilaktig maskinvare. Tor Nettleser vil ikke starte før det bakenforliggende problemet er ordnet og du har startet det på ny.
-torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor avsluttet uventet. Dette kan skyldes en feil i Tor i seg selv, et annet program på systemet ditt eller feil maskinvare. Før du starter Tor på nytt, vil ikke Tor Nettleser kunne nå noen nettsteder. Hvis problemet vedvarer, kan du sende en kopi av Tor-loggen til brukerstøtte team.
-torlauncher.tor_exited2=Omstart av Tor vil ikke lukke fanene dine.
-torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Kunne ikke koble til Tor kontrollport.
-torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor kunne ikke starte.
-torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Klarte ikke å ta kontroll over Tor.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor fikk ikke etablert en forbindelse til Tor-nettverket.
-torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S mislyktes (%2$S).
+# torlauncher.tor_exited_during_startup=Tor exited during startup. This might be due to an error in your torrc file, a bug in Tor or another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you fix the underlying problem and restart Tor, Tor Browser will not start.
+# torlauncher.tor_exited=Tor unexpectedly exited. This might be due to a bug in Tor itself, another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you restart Tor, the Tor Browser will not able to reach any websites. If the problem persists, please send a copy of your Tor Log to the support team.
+# torlauncher.tor_exited2=Restarting Tor will not close your browser tabs.
+# torlauncher.tor_controlconn_failed=Could not connect to Tor control port.
+# torlauncher.tor_failed_to_start=Tor failed to start.
+# torlauncher.tor_control_failed=Failed to take control of Tor.
+# torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed=Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection.
+# torlauncher.tor_bootstrap_failed_details=%1$S failed (%2$S).
-torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Kunne ikke starte Tor.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.tor_missing=Den kjørbare Tor-filen finnes ikke.
-torlauncher.torrc_missing=torrc-fila mangler og kunne ikke opprettes.
-torlauncher.datadir_missing=Datakatalogen til Tor finnes ikke og kunne ikke opprettes.
-torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Kunne ikke hente nøkkel-passord.
+# torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Unable to start Tor.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.tor_missing=The Tor executable is missing.
+# torlauncher.torrc_missing=The torrc file is missing and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.datadir_missing=The Tor data directory does not exist and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=The Tor onion authentication directory does not exist and could not be created.
+# torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Failed to get hashed password.
-torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Kunne ikke hente Tor-innstillinger.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Kunne ikke lagre Tor-innstillinger.\n\n%S
-torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Sjekk at Tor kjører.
+# torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Unable to retrieve Tor settings.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.failed_to_save_settings=Unable to save Tor settings.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.ensure_tor_is_running=Please ensure that Tor is running.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=Du må spesifisere både IP-adresse eller vertsnavn og et portnummer for å sette opp Tor til bruk med en mellomtjener for å koble til Internett.
-torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=Du må velge mellomtjenertypen.
-torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=Du må velge én eller flere broer.
-torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=Du må velge en tilkoblingstype for de angitte broene.
-torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Forespør en bro.
-torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=Det er ingen angitte broer som har tilkoblingstypen %S tilgjengelig. Juster innstillingene dine.
+# torlauncher.error_proxy_addr_missing=You must specify both an IP address or hostname and a port number to configure Tor to use a proxy to access the Internet.
+# torlauncher.error_proxy_type_missing=You must select the proxy type.
+# torlauncher.error_bridges_missing=You must specify one or more bridges.
+# torlauncher.error_default_bridges_type_missing=You must select a transport type for the provided bridges.
+# torlauncher.error_bridgedb_bridges_missing=Please request a bridge.
+# torlauncher.error_bridge_bad_default_type=No provided bridges that have the transport type %S are available. Please adjust your settings.
-torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(virker i Kina)
-torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(virker i Kina)
+# torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-amazon=(works in China)
+# torlauncher.bridge_suffix.meek-azure=(works in China)
-torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Forespør en bro…
-torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Forespør ny bro…
-torlauncher.contacting_bridgedb=Kontakter BridgeDB. Vennligst vent.
-torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Løs CAPTCHA-en for å forespørre en bro.
-torlauncher.bad_captcha_solution=Løsningen er ikke riktig. Vær så snill, prøv på nytt.
-torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Kunne ikke skaffe en bro fra BridgeDB\n\n%S
-torlauncher.no_meek=Denne nettleseren er ikke konfigurert for saktmodig, noe som er nødvendig for å skaffe broer.
-torlauncher.no_bridges_available=Ingen broer er tilgjengelig på dette tidspunktet. Beklager.
+# torlauncher.request_a_bridge=Request a Bridge…
+# torlauncher.request_a_new_bridge=Request a New Bridge…
+# torlauncher.contacting_bridgedb=Contacting BridgeDB. Please wait.
+# torlauncher.captcha_prompt=Solve the CAPTCHA to request a bridge.
+# torlauncher.bad_captcha_solution=The solution is not correct. Please try again.
+# torlauncher.unable_to_get_bridge=Unable to obtain a bridge from BridgeDB.\n\n%S
+# torlauncher.no_meek=This browser is not configured for meek, which is needed to obtain bridges.
+# torlauncher.no_bridges_available=No bridges are available at this time. Sorry.
-torlauncher.connect=Koble til
-torlauncher.restart_tor=Omstart av Tor
+# torlauncher.connect=Connect
+# torlauncher.restart_tor=Restart Tor
+# torlauncher.quit=Quit
+# torlauncher.quit_win=Exit
+# torlauncher.done=Done
-torlauncher.forAssistance=For hjelp, kontakt %S
-torlauncher.forAssistance2=For hjelp, besøk %S
+# torlauncher.forAssistance=For assistance, contact %S
+# torlauncher.forAssistance2=For assistance, visit %S
-torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Kopiering ferdig. %S Loggføringsmeldinger fra Tor er klare til å bli sent til et skriveprogram eller en e-post.
+# torlauncher.copiedNLogMessages=Copy complete. %S Tor log messages are ready to be pasted into a text editor or an email message.
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.starting=Starter opp
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Kobler til bro
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Koblet til broen
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_proxy=Kobler til proxy
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_proxy=Koblet til proxy
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn=Kobler til et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done=Koblet til et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake=Forhandler med et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_done=Ferdig med å forhandle med et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.onehop_create=Etablerer en kryptert katalogforbindelse
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Mottar nettverkstatus
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Laster nettverkstatus
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Laster identitetsbekreftende sertifikater
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Sender forespørsel om rutingsstafettoppsettsinformasjon
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Laster inn rutingsstafettoppsetts-informasjon
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.enough_dirinfo=Fullført lasting om relé informasjon
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Bygger kretser: Kobler til bro
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Bygger kretser: Koblet til bro
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_proxy=Bygger kretser: Kobler til proxy
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_proxy=Bygger kretser: Koblet til proxy
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn=Bygger kretser: Kobler til et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done=Bygger kretser: Koblet til et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake=Bygger kretser: Forhandler med et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake_done=Bygger kretser: Ferdig med å forhandle med et Tor-relé
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.circuit_create=Bygger kretser: Etablering av en Tor-krets
-torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Koblet til Tor-nettverket!
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.starting=Starting
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_pt=Connecting to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_pt=Connected to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_proxy=Connecting to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done_proxy=Connected to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn=Connecting to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.conn_done=Connected to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake=Negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.handshake_done=Finished negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.onehop_create=Establishing an encrypted directory connection
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_status=Retrieving network status
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_status=Loading network status
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_keys=Loading authority certificates
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.requesting_descriptors=Requesting relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.loading_descriptors=Loading relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.enough_dirinfo=Finished loading relay information
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_pt=Building circuits: Connecting to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_pt=Building circuits: Connected to bridge
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_proxy=Building circuits: Connecting to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done_proxy=Building circuits: Connected to proxy
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn=Building circuits: Connecting to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_conn_done=Building circuits: Connected to a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake=Building circuits: Negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.ap_handshake_done=Building circuits: Finished negotiating with a Tor relay
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.circuit_create=Building circuits: Establishing a Tor circuit
+# torlauncher.bootstrapStatus.done=Connected to the Tor network!
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=forbindelse nektet
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=ikke nok resursser
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=feil identitet
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=forbindelse tidsavbrutt
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=ingen rute til vert
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=lese/skrive -feil
-torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.pt_missing=pluggbar transport mangler
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.done=done
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.connectrefused=connection refused
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.misc=miscellaneous
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.resourcelimit=insufficient resources
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.identity=identity mismatch
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.timeout=connection timeout
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.noroute=no route to host
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.ioerror=read/write error
+# torlauncher.bootstrapWarning.pt_missing=missing pluggable transport
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET=Tilkoblingen til tjeneren gitt tapt.
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Kunne ikke koble til tjeneren.
-torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Kunne ikke koble til mellomtjeneren.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_NET_RESET=The connection to the server was lost.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Could not connect to the server.
+# torlauncher.nsresult.NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED=Could not connect to the proxy.
commit d9e8de7c6fb0aaf924d639831cc9a44426b3d800
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 17:22:32 2020 +0000…
nb-NO/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nb-NO/ b/nb-NO/
index fb69785123..a00cde2360 100644
--- a/nb-NO/
+++ b/nb-NO/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Kunne ikke starte Tor.\n\n%S
torlauncher.tor_missing=Den kjørbare Tor-filen finnes ikke.
torlauncher.torrc_missing=torrc-fila mangler og kunne ikke opprettes.
torlauncher.datadir_missing=Datakatalogen til Tor finnes ikke og kunne ikke opprettes.
-torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=The Tor onion authentication directory does not exist and could not be created.
+torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=Tor-løk-autentiseringsmappen eksisterer ikke og kunne ikke opprettes.
torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Kunne ikke hente nøkkel-passord.
torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Kunne ikke hente Tor-innstillinger.\n\n%S
commit 497f509718a777008dbb6c69a745603aac146679
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 16:53:18 2020 +0000…
fr/ | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/fr/ b/fr/
index 4c4284f0fb..10ab674275 100644
--- a/fr/
+++ b/fr/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-### Copyright (c) 2016, The Tor Project, Inc.
+### Copyright (c) 2020, The Tor Project, Inc.
### See LICENSE for licensing information.
torlauncher.error_title=Lanceur Tor
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Impossible de démarrer Tor.\n\n%S
torlauncher.tor_missing=Il manque l’exécutable Tor.
torlauncher.torrc_missing=Le fichier torrc manque et n’a pas pu être créé.
torlauncher.datadir_missing=Le répertoire de données de Tor n’existe pas et n’a pas pu être créé.
+torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=Le répertoire d’authentification onion de Tor n’existe pas et n’a pas pu être créé.
torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Impossible d’obtenir le mot de passe haché.
torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Impossible de récupérer les paramètres de Tor.\n\n%S
commit eb6718471e34377910588e607934aa49654e6c93
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 16:53:11 2020 +0000…
fr/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/fr/ b/fr/
index b2f93ee3b0..10ab674275 100644
--- a/fr/
+++ b/fr/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ torlauncher.unable_to_start_tor=Impossible de démarrer Tor.\n\n%S
torlauncher.tor_missing=Il manque l’exécutable Tor.
torlauncher.torrc_missing=Le fichier torrc manque et n’a pas pu être créé.
torlauncher.datadir_missing=Le répertoire de données de Tor n’existe pas et n’a pas pu être créé.
-torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=The Tor onion authentication directory does not exist and could not be created.
+torlauncher.onionauthdir_missing=Le répertoire d’authentification onion de Tor n’existe pas et n’a pas pu être créé.
torlauncher.password_hash_missing=Impossible d’obtenir le mot de passe haché.
torlauncher.failed_to_get_settings=Impossible de récupérer les paramètres de Tor.\n\n%S
commit ff772d213961319a087bae512b817f1432223cc4
Author: Translation commit bot <translation(a)>
Date: Mon Feb 24 16:51:58 2020 +0000…
fr/ | 12 ++++++++++++
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
diff --git a/fr/ b/fr/
index a59f541ff0..70bde61c08 100644
--- a/fr/
+++ b/fr/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ pageInfo_OnionEncryption=La connexion est chiffrée (service onion)
# Onion services strings. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S will be replaced with the .onion address.
+onionServices.learnMore=En savoir plus
onionServices.clientAuthMissing=L’autorisation du client manque au service onion Tor
onionServices.authPrompt.description=%S demande votre clé privée.
onionServices.authPrompt.keyPlaceholder=Saisissez votre clé privée pour ce service onion
@@ -68,3 +69,14 @@ onionServices.authPrompt.done=Terminé
onionServices.authPrompt.invalidKey=Veuillez saisir une clé valide (52 caractères Base32 ou 44 caractères Base64)
onionServices.authPrompt.failedToSetKey=Impossible de configurer Tor avec votre clé
+onionServices.authPreferences.header=Authentification des services onion
+onionServices.authPreferences.overview=Certains services onion exigent que vous vous authentifiiez avec une clé (une sorte de mot de passe) avant de pouvoir y accéder.
+onionServices.authPreferences.savedKeys=Clés enregistrées…
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogTitle=Clés des services onion
+onionServices.authPreferences.dialogIntro=Les clés pour les sites onion suivants sont enregistrées sur votre ordinateur
+onionServices.authPreferences.onionSite=Site onion
+onionServices.authPreferences.removeAll=Tout supprimer
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToGetKeys=Impossible de récupérer les clés de Tor
+onionServices.authPreferences.failedToRemoveKey=Impossible de supprimer la clé