commit 386344b961ad028d546c30211e8313a596b6c442
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar(a)>
Date: Thu Feb 13 09:28:50 2014 -0800
Taking advantage of stem's new stem.util.test_tools
Clearing out a big chunk of code we copied from stem now that it's available in
its utils.
--- | 193 +++-------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 2c5b380..31e82fb 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,19 +8,13 @@ the test coverage we can achieve, but exercising what we can.
import os
-import re
import unittest
import stem.util.conf
-import stem.util.system
+import stem.util.test_tools
from arm.util import load_settings
-CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict("test", {
- "pep8.ignore": [],
- "pyflakes.ignore": [],
ARM_BASE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
SRC_PATHS = [os.path.join(ARM_BASE, path) for path in (
@@ -37,7 +31,10 @@ def main():
test_config = stem.util.conf.get_config("test")
test_config.load(os.path.join(ARM_BASE, "test", "settings.cfg"))
- clean_orphaned_pyc()
+ orphaned_pyc = stem.util.test_tools.clean_orphaned_pyc(ARM_BASE)
+ for path in orphaned_pyc:
+ print "Deleted orphaned pyc file: %s" % path
tests ='test', pattern='*.py')
test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
@@ -47,13 +44,13 @@ def main():
static_check_issues = {}
- if is_pyflakes_available():
- for path, issues in get_pyflakes_issues(SRC_PATHS).items():
+ if stem.util.test_tools.is_pyflakes_available():
+ for path, issues in stem.util.test_tools.get_pyflakes_issues(SRC_PATHS).items():
for issue in issues:
static_check_issues.setdefault(path, []).append(issue)
- if is_pep8_available():
- for path, issues in get_stylistic_issues(SRC_PATHS).items():
+ if stem.util.test_tools.is_pep8_available():
+ for path, issues in stem.util.test_tools.get_stylistic_issues(SRC_PATHS, check_two_space_indents = True, check_newlines = True, check_trailing_whitespace = True, check_exception_keyword = True).items():
for issue in issues:
static_check_issues.setdefault(path, []).append(issue)
@@ -70,177 +67,5 @@ def main():
-def clean_orphaned_pyc():
- for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
- for filename in files:
- if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
- pyc_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
- if "__pycache__" in pyc_path:
- continue
- if not os.path.exists(pyc_path[:-1]):
- print "Deleting orphaned pyc file: %s" % pyc_path
- os.remove(pyc_path)
-def is_pyflakes_available():
- """
- Checks if pyflakes is availalbe.
- :returns: **True** if we can use pyflakes and **False** otherwise
- """
- try:
- import pyflakes
- return True
- except ImportError:
- return False
-def is_pep8_available():
- """
- Checks if pep8 is availalbe.
- :returns: **True** if we can use pep8 and **False** otherwise
- """
- try:
- import pep8
- return True
- except ImportError:
- return False
-def get_stylistic_issues(paths):
- """
- Checks for stylistic issues that are an issue according to the parts of PEP8
- we conform to. This alsochecks a few other stylistic issues:
- * two space indentations
- * tabs are the root of all evil and should be shot on sight
- * standard newlines (\\n), not windows (\\r\\n) nor classic mac (\\r)
- * checks that we're using 'as' for exceptions rather than a comma
- :param list paths: paths to search for stylistic issues
- :returns: **dict** of the form ``path => [(line_number, message)...]``
- """
- issues = {}
- if is_pep8_available():
- import pep8
- class StyleReport(pep8.BaseReport):
- def __init__(self, options):
- super(StyleReport, self).__init__(options)
- def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):
- code = super(StyleReport, self).error(line_number, offset, text, check)
- if code:
- issues.setdefault(self.filename, []).append((offset + line_number, "%s %s" % (code, text)))
- style_checker = pep8.StyleGuide(ignore = CONFIG["pep8.ignore"], reporter = StyleReport)
- style_checker.check_files(_python_files(paths))
- for path in _python_files(paths):
- with open(path) as f:
- file_contents =
- lines, prev_indent = file_contents.split("\n"), 0
- is_block_comment = False
- for index, line in enumerate(lines):
- whitespace, content = re.match("^(\s*)(.*)$", line).groups()
- # TODO: This does not check that block indentations are two spaces
- # because differentiating source from string blocks ("""foo""") is more
- # of a pita than I want to deal with right now.
- if '"""' in content:
- is_block_comment = not is_block_comment
- if "\t" in whitespace:
- issues.setdefault(path, []).append((index + 1, "indentation has a tab"))
- elif "\r" in content:
- issues.setdefault(path, []).append((index + 1, "contains a windows newline"))
- elif content != content.rstrip():
- issues.setdefault(path, []).append((index + 1, "line has trailing whitespace"))
- elif content.lstrip().startswith("except") and content.endswith(", exc:"):
- # Python 2.6 - 2.7 supports two forms for exceptions...
- #
- # except ValueError, exc:
- # except ValueError as exc:
- #
- # The former is the old method and no longer supported in python 3
- # going forward.
- issues.setdefault(path, []).append((index + 1, "except clause should use 'as', not comma"))
- return issues
-def get_pyflakes_issues(paths):
- """
- Performs static checks via pyflakes.
- :param list paths: paths to search for problems
- :returns: dict of the form ``path => [(line_number, message)...]``
- """
- issues = {}
- if is_pyflakes_available():
- import pyflakes.api
- import pyflakes.reporter
- class Reporter(pyflakes.reporter.Reporter):
- def __init__(self):
- self._ignored_issues = {}
- for line in CONFIG["pyflakes.ignore"]:
- path, issue = line.split("=>")
- self._ignored_issues.setdefault(path.strip(), []).append(issue.strip())
- def unexpectedError(self, filename, msg):
- self._register_issue(filename, None, msg)
- def syntaxError(self, filename, msg, lineno, offset, text):
- self._register_issue(filename, lineno, msg)
- def flake(self, msg):
- self._register_issue(msg.filename, msg.lineno, msg.message % msg.message_args)
- def _is_ignored(self, path, issue):
- # Paths in pyflakes_ignore are relative, so we need to check to see if our
- # path ends with any of them.
- for ignored_path, ignored_issues in self._ignored_issues.items():
- if path.endswith(ignored_path) and issue in ignored_issues:
- return True
- return False
- def _register_issue(self, path, line_number, issue):
- if not self._is_ignored(path, issue):
- issues.setdefault(path, []).append((line_number, issue))
- reporter = Reporter()
- for path in _python_files(paths):
- pyflakes.api.checkPath(path, reporter)
- return issues
-def _python_files(paths):
- for path in paths:
- for file_path in stem.util.system.files_with_suffix(path, '.py'):
- yield file_path
if __name__ == '__main__':