Hi friends,
We are thrilled to announce the *launch of OONI Run v2*!
We published a blog post which shares detailed information, as well as a *step-by-step guide* (with screenshots) for using OONI Run v2: https://ooni.org/post/2024-launch-ooni-run-v2/
Since 2017, OONI Run has supported community-driven efforts aimed at coordinating the testing of website blocks -- particularly during political events which triggered censorship events.
With the launch of OONI Run v2, we address key community feedback (identified through an extensive usability study).
OONI Run v2 (https://run.ooni.org/) is a major revamp, enabling you to *dynamically coordinate censorship testing with OONI Probe users* around the world.
With OONI Run v2: • Create a (short!) link for the websites you want to measure for censorship • Share that link with OONI Probe users • *Update your OONI Run link anytime* if you want to add/change URLs (your community of testers will get updates automatically!) • *Automated testing* is supported (for you and your community) • *Find your OONI Run v2 measurements on OONI Explorer* ( https://explorer.ooni.org/) as open data in real-time (based on the OONI Run link ID)
OONI Run v2 is currently only supported on Android. Please *update to the latest OONI Probe Android version (4.0.0) *to start using OONI Run v2: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.openobservatory.ooniprobe
With the launch of OONI Run v2, we also introduced UI improvements to OONI Probe Android which we hope you like.
We thank the OONI community for their invaluable feedback, which informed the design of OONI Run v2!
Now let's coordinate and detect all the blocks!
~ OONI team.