[tor-talk] Scroogle is No More?

tor at lists.grepular.com tor at lists.grepular.com
Tue Feb 21 22:06:21 UTC 2012

On 21/02/12 21:59, Mr Dash Four wrote:

>> I have no reason to believe that you're actually
>> seeing that warning unless you provide some evidence.
> Really?! And who the hell do you think you are, exactly?!

Someone who values evidence over ranting.

> Please 
> enlighten me, and explain why should I provide you with *any* additional 
> "evidence" at all?

Because you wont be taken seriously by anyone otherwise.

> Until I have read your "recommendation" post earlier on today, I had 
> absolutely no idea who or what startpage or ixquick actually is. There 
> is nothing whatsoever compelling me to provide you, or anybody else, 
> with any sort of additional "evidence" or giving out details of what I 
> have deployed on my browser (or outside of it).
> Let me repeat that again so that it is clear once and for all - I have 
> no obligation *whatsoever* to provide you or anybody else with any 
> details at all of either what I use on my system or what kind of setup I 
> have!
> If you are unhappy with that ... well tough shit!

I'm just trying to help you achieve something other than shouting into
the wind.

>> If you're actually concerned that people shouldn't be using
>> startpage.com, then you will help us to reproduce the warning that
>> you're getting. Otherwise, I don't feel particularly compelled to change
>> my habits, or stop recommending startpage.com.
> To be frank, I don't give a flying fuck what your "habits" are! You and 
> your "low-key" friend, on the other hand, seem to be very keen to 
> promote those two abominations of a search-engine, so the hypocrisy on 
> show in the above paragraph of yours is just mind-blowing!

I just went to torproject.org and it told me to disable Tor so they
could log my IP address and send it to the feds. Nobody "sane" would use
torproject.org anymore. I'm going to provide no evidence for this.

When you see how seriously you take the above claim, you'll see how
seriously I take yours.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com/     http://cardwellit.com/
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