[tor-reports] Lunar’s report for October 2014

Lunar lunar at torproject.org
Sat Nov 1 12:27:53 UTC 2014


Lunar reporting for October 2014:

Help desk

Handled 80 tickets in English, 50 in French, and sorted around 130
spams. Tor Browser 4.0 trigged a serious flood of tickets, and I kinda
broke under the pressure. Thankfully, most of our users are really

Sent the Tor help desk report for September.

Reviewed and merged Sherief's work on Pups.

weasel warned me that an extra copy of every email sent to support was
kept on rude.torproject.org, the system hosting Request Tracker which is
used to do support. It seemed this was intended to train the spam
filters, as SpamAssassin learns from full email messages. I wrote
extra scripts to query the RT database and automatically sort out
messages. The spam filters should improve from now on. Files are purged
after being kept for 100 days no matter what. The process is documented

I opened #13316 so Harmony would get an account. The process seems
staled for unspecified reasons.

Tor Weekly News

Wrote a good amount and edited issue 66th. Contributed mainly be finding
interesting material on issues 67th, 68th, 69th, and 70th.

The tor-news mailing list has 1709 members as of yesterday.

Debian work

Uploaded https-everywhere/4.0.2-1 to Debian unstable.
Uploaded ooniprobe/1.2.2-1 to Debian unstable.

Worked with weasel to get obfs4proxy on deb.torproject.org.

Spent a good amount of time working on ooniprobe packaging to implement
a system-wide daily cronjob. Unfortunately, the way static data and
dynamic data is currently handled prevented the effort to be ready in
time for Jessie.


Built an index of all presentations kept in SVN:
87 presentations are currently indexed.

Source is kept using git and git-annex and built using Middleman:


First time building Tor Browser. Sent small patches for the build
system. Investigated differences in Linux libgmp between the LXC and KVM
builds (#12238). Investigated differences in Mac OS X openssl between
LXC and KVM builds (#12240).

I did a little bit of experimenting in having an easier way to start Tor
Browser with freedesktop.org compliant graphical file manager (#13375).

Voiced a couple suggestions on Tor Browser signing process (#13407).

A bit of QA on Tor Browser 4.0.

Spent a significant amount of time thinking and discussing recurring
issues in Tor Project, Inc. culture and organization.

Wrote a draft report describing September activity to be sent to

Compiled material for the 2014Q3 SponsorO report (#13341).

Lunar                                             <lunar at torproject.org>
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