[tor-relays] Recent Tor versions not reloading config on / ignoring HUP kill signal.

George Hartley hartley_george at proton.me
Sat Aug 10 12:42:05 UTC 2024

Can this get some attention please?

A temporary fix seems to be to either patch the two magic constants of MIN/MAX_THREADS mentioned in the bugtracker, or to not use the seccomp syscall sandbox.

Both not obviously not the best options.

On Saturday, January 13th, 2024 at 6:29 PM, George Hartley <hartley_george at proton.me> wrote:

> Hi,

> I think this started with release, but both of my Tor relays no longer reload their config when doing for example:


> -   systemctl reload tor at exit


> Here is the relevant part of the unit file:


> > [Unit]Description=Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
> > After=syslog.target network.target nss-lookup.target
> > 

> > [Service]
> > Type=notify
> > NotifyAccess=all
> > ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc_%i --verify-config
> > ExecStart=/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc_%i
> > ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP ${MAINPID}
> > KillSignal=SIGINT
> > TimeoutSec=75
> > Restart=on-failure
> > WatchdogSec=1m
> > LimitNOFILE=32768


> Checking with:


> -   journalctl -u tor at exit


> Just tells me that systemd attempted and successfully executed the specified reload command, but the actual line from the Tor instance stating that the config has been reloaded is missing.

> Is anyone else experiencing this?

> Regards,
> George
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