Hello there,
just a reminder that we are having our meeting this Friday at 1900UTC on #tor-project.
Last meeting we color coded the site pages: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hoceLEYevlxbVu5z5g7mdCPoBuhv6e0xJ3bR...
Also, Scout from UX team shared this 'creative brief' draft with us: https://github.com/simplysecure/tor/blob/master/CreativeBriefforTorProjectSt...
This is doc that will help them build the design guidelines. If you have time to review it before the meeting that would be cool.The UX team meets on Thursdays at 1700UTC on #tor-project as well, if you want to stop by and follow those discussions.
Lets give updates and pick items for discussions.
Cheers, Isabela