I received a notice from a server provider to immediatly update/upgrade/reboot if I would use Debian. It's the CVE-2014-0196 issue. I did and it came up with Wheezy 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 which should be fine. How relevant is this issue?
==========---------- - - - - - - - - - - ----------========== -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
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On 2014-05-13 20:11:28 (+0200), zwiebel@quantentunnel.de wrote:
I received a notice from a server provider to immediatly update/upgrade/reboot if I would use Debian. It's the CVE-2014-0196 issue. I did and it came up with Wheezy 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 which should be fine. How relevant is this issue?
From what I gather, you're only affected if you're not the only user in the box. If you run a system dedicated only to tor, you should be safe.
I received a notice from a server provider to immediatly update/upgrade/reboot if I would use Debian. It's the CVE-2014-0196 issue. I did and it came up with Wheezy 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 which should be fine. How relevant is this issue?
From what I gather, you're only affected if you're not the only user in the box. If you run a system dedicated only to tor, you should be safe.
I understand from what you say and what I read. At least a good chance for an update.
Thanks, Felix