Hi List,
I run a relay-only and an exit node without too much hassle, today I received this mail and am not too sure what to make out of it.
A fellow requests that I shall block access to Google Groups because somebody is using Tor to spam groups there.
My gut feeling is that if they know the identity of this fellow they should just go the legal route and be done with it.
Any opinions/insights from your side?
all the best, Michael
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Paul W. Schleck" pschleck@oasis.novia.net Subject: Ongoing, repetitive, flooding and abuse on Usenet newsgroup ba.broadcast from your site Date: October 2, 2012 2:30:11 GMT+01:00 To: groups-abuse@google.com Cc: abuse@co.at, abuse@amd.co.at
Note to TOR Exit Server maintainers:
This article is from Google Groups, a third-party news posting site via http (80 port). I have received replies from other TOR exit server maintainers that they will temporarily block connectivity to Google Groups' range of IP addresses, as this kind of repetitive flooding to deny use of a newsgroup is not free speech, and not what the TOR project was intended to be used for. The IP addresses for Google Groups are as follows:
groups.google.com canonical name = groups.l.google.com. Name: groups.l.google.com Address: Name: groups.l.google.com Address: Name: groups.l.google.com Address: Name: groups.l.google.com Address: Name: groups.l.google.com Address: Name: groups.l.google.com Address:
Name: googlegroups.com Address: Name: googlegroups.com Address: Name: googlegroups.com Address: Name: googlegroups.com Address: Name: googlegroups.com Address: Name: googlegroups.com Address:
Google Groups would otherwise have to implement blocking of your exit nodes to stop this flooder. The security practices of sites under my control are fine, including blocking of all TOR exit servers.
The article quoted below is one of thousands over the past year. I can send you far worse examples, if required. A good sampling of the perpetrator's mental state, and criminal record, may be found at:
This is some voluminous, off-topic flooding and harassment on the ba.broadcast Usenet newsgroup. It is being reported to abuse reporting mailboxes based on the contents of the NNTP-Posting-Host: and X-Complaints-To: headers, and lookup of the originating IP address via WHOIS and the Network Abuse Clearinghouse. They are sometimes also crossposted to unrelated newsgroups such as rec.arts.tv, soc.culture.new-zealand, and several other newsgroups in the nz.* hierarchy. It is disruptive, and completely off-topic, as well as causing disruptive, cascaded flame wars among those unrelated newsgroups.
This user has also been posting from other sources, including 100tb.com, 31173.se, 51.net, 62.net, all.de, armax.me, artelco.com, bahnhof.se, bigkitten.net, boingboing.net, broadviewnet.net, bu.edu, ccc.de, co.at, coolhousing.net, creekcabin.com, dfri.se, exit.de, einteilung.at, finalhosting.cz, formlessnetworking.net, ghst.net, hessmo.com, hexhost.net, ib.de, ipredator.se, mydev.net, noisetor.net, oceanic.net, ovh.net, plebia.org, ovh.net, privacyfoundation.ch, privacyrepublic.org, progressbar.sk, riseup.net, ru.is, sbcglobal.net, scnet.net, servers.com, snydernet.net, solidonetworks.com, stanford.edu, stargrave.org, techfixuk.com, torland.is, torland.me, torservers.net, trolling.me, dmzglobal.com, telstraclear.net, xtra.co.nz, clear.net.nz, orcon.net.nz, netgate.net.nz, freeparking.co.nz, powerusenet.com, giganews.com, thundernews.com, altopia.com, comcast.net, groups.google.com, and tigerusenet.com. It appears that you are merely the latest of his victims.
The charter of ba.broadcast is as follows:
"This group is here for discussions, comments and program reminders about broadcast media in the San Francisco Bay Area, both radio and television. It also includes cable systems and TVRO/BCRO in the SF Bay Area. It does not include scanner, ham radio or other action here in the SF Bay Area; these may be addressed in another newsgroup at another time. Issues of national interest should be posted to one of the groups in rec.arts.tv or rec.radio."
(see: http://groups.google.com/group/ba.broadcast/browse_thread/thread/ddfbd8175e2...)
The charter does not include sexual innuendo and libel, abusive threats, bigotry and minority bashing, or any off-topic discussion of subjects not reasonably related to broadcasting in the Bay Area, which now consitute the overwhelming majority of current message traffic on ba.broadcast, to the detriment and exclusion of on-topic participation by others.
Please take appropriate action to put a stop this this misbehavior originating from your site that is disrupting ba.broadcast.
Offending article follows:
Received: by with SMTP id ij20mr14306706qab.5.1349116799161; Mon, 01 Oct 2012 11:39:59 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with SMTP id h8mr4922241qad.1.1349116799065; Mon, 01 Oct 2012 11:39:59 -0700 (PDT) Path: novia.net!newscene!newscene.com!novia!news-out.readnews.com!transit3.readnews.com!!l8no19978676qao.0!news-out.google.com!e10ni152738478qan.0!nntp.google.com!l8no19978674qao.0!postnews.google.com!l18g2000vbv.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail Newsgroups: ba.broadcast,alt.radio.talk,alt.radio.broadcasting,alt.sports.football.pro.sf-49ers,alt.sports.football.pro.oak-raiders Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 11:39:58 -0700 (PDT) Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com Injection-Info: l18g2000vbv.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=amCOWAkAAABZSaz2UHdaAM8n23Z-gMLO NNTP-Posting-Host: User-Agent: G2/1.0 X-HTTP-Useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0,gzip(gfe) Message-ID: 95a49153-6779-42a1-802a-fd3a121c872b@l18g2000vbv.googlegroups.com Subject: JEW: Layer 42 Inc. (Mtn. View) KAITLYN RUBIN: Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.) S.teve R.ubin A.irplanes .^ From: "Jose' Scott Satanist Drug Dealer Outlaw [kzsu fm]" zyklon_bozo@yahoo.com Injection-Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 18:39:59 +0000 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Xref: novia.net ba.broadcast:285031 alt.radio.talk:296685 alt.radio.broadcasting:60948 alt.sports.football.pro.sf-49ers:539274 alt.sports.football.pro.oak-raiders:296436
Layer 42 Inc. (Mtn. View) Steve Rubin Satanic Ritual Abuse Kaitlyn Rubin (daughter) and clear case of child abuse, neglect and well known worldwide satanic JEW child pedophilia "faith" racket:
Steve Rubin (CEO President) Layer 42 Inc. Mountain View California
Rubin's Abused Child:
http://www.exorcist.org.nz/kaitlyn-whothehellareyou_1.jpg http://www.exorcist.org.nz/kaitlyn_scabs_bruises_parched.bmp
- Bruises
- Swollen Lips
- Snot Filled Nose
- Multiple Marks On Face
- Beatings
- Domestic Violence Against Children
- Sexual Abuse (see below about jews \ pedophilia)
Steve Rubin (CEO President) Layer 42 Inc. Mountain View California
Steve Rubin also owns a small airplane, which coincides with the facts that have been released involving the McMartin Pre-School child abuse scandal years ago. The facts un-covered prove that the children were actually flown by a small airplane to a location in the mountains and then Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.) occured, and then the children were flown back to the Pre-School prior to being picked-up by the parents.
Steve Rubin's closest friends are admitted and proven luciferians (satanists)
THE LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRATORS http://www.exorcist.org.nz/citizen_cohn_luciferian_higdon_byrd.html
"Eric Conspiracy" http://www.catb.org/~esr/ecsl/
From Webpage: http://www.exorcist.org.nz/music_mafias.html
It just so happens that an anti-christ styled JEW, named :
S t e v e R u b i n
who happens to work for Napster (world-wide piracy), who was so offended that I & I offered criticism of the whole pirate now so-called "company" of thieves, Napster. Once again, a JEW is involved in is involved in filthy ill-gotten monies, filthy lucre, from another, evil JEW in the music scene, and this time it is the cold-blooded terrorist JEW named Steve Rubin, who is stalking me personally, both at work and and at my residence. I feel like Jesus (Y'shua) Christ sometimes, when evil luciferian satanic JEWS (Revelation 2:9) are trying their best to smear I & I, to stop I from witnessing to the JEW conspiracy alive like a satanic (Revelation2:9) monster, after having killed Jesus (Y'shua) Christ. . .
Steve Rubin had published, publicly, and cached by Google, photos of his own daughter Kaitlyn, on his web-page.
The only problem for Steve Rubin (evil JEW spirit of anti-Christ), is that the photo below shows clearly that neglect is rampant in the Rubin "household". . . . where "daddy" Steve Rubin, the evil anti-christ who is stalking me personally, and taking pride in his small private airplane that he bothers the South Bay of Santa Clara Valley, etc. with the noisey engines. You have all heard them before . . . the noisey private planes, and of course all of the accidents caused by private piloted aircraft. With the knowledge that the JEWS who owned, leased Bldg. 7 of the World Trade Center, and did "pull-it", whereby it came down, and wasn't hit by the planes . . . where also a group of Israelis were caught filming the whole 911 event, were arrested and then released.
I am deeply concerned, when a JEW TERRORIST like Steve Rubin, who is hunting me down, making I & I feel like I am Jesus or something . . . . a JEW conspiracy, and a JEW TERRORIST, like Steve Rubin, who has access to an airplane, could of course be so crazy as to attempt another infamous airplane terror event, once again staged by the JEWS !
Steve Rubin's daughter Kaitlyn, with picture below, definately shows neglect, and most poignantly, the inability for a JEW to fight the urge to buy a Kleenex (too cheap JEW) for his own daughter . . . . but rather, it is more likely that he is just a S H I T T Y " F A T H E R ". The pictures tell all.
Notice if you will, the bruises, sores, cuts, parched and chapped lips, nostril openings that are completely crusted and not clean enough for proper breathing, thus Steve Rubin is actually suffocating his own daughter, by not cleaning the air passages that lead to the baby's lungs. Parched lips usually means that the child probably doesn't get enough liquids fed to her also, yet another case of neglect by a "father" who is probably playing stupid, and I did say stupid video games, like all computer dweebs like JEW Steve Rubin actually is.
The only thing Steve Rubin has ever done in radio, is to turn on the damn appliance at home, to probably tune-in to something dark and demonic, like what the JEW Talmud demand of their leaders, and that is that they, the Jew leaders, rabbis, MUST BE SORCERERS. More on that, below !
Evil JEW Steve Rubin, who is on a warpath against I & I, because he is a miserable, evil, terrorist (with plane), that has tried his best to hunt me down, like some Pharisee Jew hunting Jesus (Y'shua) Christ . . .
What is funny is that JEW Steve Rubin, would most likely rail against and attack the philosophy and practice of suffocating Jews in the bogus German showers of WW2.
--When in all actuality, it is - --who wants to do things his own way, --suffocating his own daughter in his own --method - by blocking her air passages (nose) . Good going Rubin ! --Keeping one-self dirty, like a dirty JEW, --a dirty JEW family, just like the
How dare you come and test I & I, and try to conspire and lie about the I, with a smear of lies, coming from a miserable evil JEW like you Rubin.
The Talmud (JEW Text) gives complete approval for Adult-Child Sex. Therefore I want to know where all of those bruises are coming from. Is the child being sexually abused by Steve Rubin ? Coming from a "religion" which gives support, and urges such Adult-Child Sex activity - See Below For Information on the Talmud and Adult-Child Sex.
Let's see, we have Steve Rubin who is the spirit of antichrist "father" who abuses his own daughter (snot nose / parched lips / bruises / sores) NEGLECT, who is coming after me, and amazingly labels the photo that is above of Kaitlyn, " Hell ". I kept the picture file name intact, exactly how Steve Rubin named his daughter. http://www.exorcist.org.nz/kaitlyn-whothehellareyou_1.jpg
Steve Rubin (CEO President) Layer 42 Inc. Mountain View, California http://www.layer42.net/contact/
~ THE FLAME ~ Steve Rubin Anti-God Anti-Christ Satanist Layer 42 Inc. Mtn. View, CA Child Neglect =3D Child Abuse Jew Sanctioned Regulated Pedophilia http://www.exorcist.org.nz/music_mafias.html
JEW REGULATED PEDOPHILIA (Talmud, Torah, Kabbalah)
Permits Child-Adult Sex Talmud law permits sexual intercourse between children and adults.
This doctrine is contained in a number of Mishnahs. Before we examine them, however, it is necessary that the reader be familiar with the word kethubah. According to the Soncino Talmud Glossary:
" KETHUBAH (Lit., 'a written [document]'); (a) a wife's marriage settlement which she is entitled to recover on her being divorced or on the death of her husband. The minimum settlement for a virgin is two hundred zuz, and for a widow remarrying one hundred zuz; (b) the marriage contract specifying the mutual obligations between husband and wife and containing the amount of the endowment and any other special financial obligations assumed by the husband. "
=97 Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Talmud Glossary
Zuz is a unit of currency. We see, then, that a dollar (or zuz) value is put on virginity.
=97 Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11a
Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57 The translator, Rabbi Dr. Samuel Daiches, amplifies the text with footnotes: " A man who was of age. Lit., 'who came on'. Less than three years old. Less than nine years of age. Lit., 'One who was injured by wood', as a result of which she injured the hymen. "
=97 Rabbi Dr. Daiches
Let's review the above-cited Mishnah: "When a grown-up man has had sexual intercourse with a little girl, or when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman =85" It is obvious that sex activity between a grown man and a little girl, and between a grown woman and a little boy, is a part of the woof and the warp of everyday Talmud life; such relationships, in the eyes of the Sages, are unremarkable. There is no prohibition on sexual activity between adults and young children =97 it is simply regulated. Recall the words of the Very Reverend the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, the late Dr. Joseph Herman Hertz:
" Religion in the Talmud attempts to penetrate the whole of human life with the sense of law and right. Nothing human is in its eyes mean or trivial; everything is regulated and sanctified by religion. Religious precept and duty accompany man from his earliest years to the grave and beyond it. They guide his desires and actions at every moment. "
=97 Rabbi Dr. Hertz
Thus, if the Talmud permits girls three years old and younger to be sexually used by adults, that is the law. The concern of the Sages is to ensure that the adult is not, technically speaking, in violation of any of the rules.