On 29 Feb 2016, at 06:20, torserver@datakanja.de wrote:
From my gathering, tor is - at times - connecting to many instances of akamai CDN services, amazonaws, and other similar services simultaneously. When i say many instances, i mean: a saw a peak exposure of 30 outgoing ports from my server all going to the above 2 alone (as gathered by iftop. I didn't set up snort just yet).
People run relays at AWS and other similar services. Are those IP addresses and ports in the Tor consensus, or not? (Type an IP address in https://globe.torproject.org/ https://globe.torproject.org/ and check the ports in the relay entries to find out.)
This is seen on a NON-Exit-relay and is troubling me: I am aware of Akamai being the premier CDN provider, serving around 30% of internet traffic alone. Their server power, manpower and know-how is huge. And their ability to draw information from any sort of internet traffic is unparalleled.
Please check your torrc and your entry in globe to make sure you're a non-exit relay.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com PGP 968F094B
teor at blah dot im OTR CAD08081 9755866D 89E2A06F E3558B7F B5A9D14F