From my gathering, tor is - at times - connecting to many instances of
akamai CDN services, amazonaws, and other similar services
simultaneously. When i say many instances, i mean: a saw a peak exposure
of 30 outgoing ports from my server all going to the above 2 alone (as
gathered by iftop. I didn't set up snort just yet).
People run relays at AWS and other similar services.
Are those IP addresses and ports in the Tor consensus, or not?
This is seen on a NON-Exit-relay and is troubling me: I am aware of
Akamai being the premier CDN provider, serving around 30% of internet
traffic alone. Their server power, manpower and know-how is huge. And
their ability to draw information from any sort of internet traffic is
Please check your torrc and your entry in globe to make sure you're a non-exit relay.