On 09/04/2020 20:56, [REDACTED] wrote:
Am Do., 9. Apr. 2020 um 15:39 Uhr schrieb Clément Février <clement@forumanalogue.fr mailto:clement@forumanalogue.fr>:
Hello, I often check my relay trough Metrics, but it often appears as offline after some time, from couple of hours to few days. I think it has this behavior since December 20. However, my relay seems to run normally. I have the usual number of connections when I check in Nyx. I don't see anything in the log. But, in Nyx, I don't see the flags that I see when it appears as online in Metrics. What I do is to restart the service, but I'm not sure if it's what I'm suppose to do.
I had the same problem some days ago but only once. The relay was shown as offline on Metrics and all flags in nyx were gone. I did not saw anything strange in the logfile and a reboot did not solved the problem.
The next morning everything was back to normal.
I switched it from a non-exit to an exit the day before and was still messing around with the Exit policy so i thought it was related to this.
Fingerprint: DAA806E9529D77EF94685FC0E513386EF65B83F8
The issue is back. After more than 3 days, the relay appears offline. All flags are gone in nyx. There is a bug. How to be notified when there is a issue with our relay?