So my medium-term signing key expires tomorrow, and Tor notices.log is all up and down about:
Jan 04 19:22:46.000 [notice] It looks like I should try to generate and sign a new medium-term signing key, because the one I have is going to expire soon. But OfflineMasterKey is set, so I won't try to load a permanent master identity key is set. You will need to use 'tor --keygen' make a new signing key and certificate.
Now, that's great and all, so I tossed my master_id_public_key and the master_id_secret_key_encrypted into the folder they were originally generated in, which is: /home/[user]/.tor/keys/ed25519.... Turned off Tor, ran "tor --keygen" Gave my password. It generates a new signing_cert and signing_secret_key in the same directory. And now, no matter what I do, Tor keeps giving the same notice over and over again that the keys are expiring.
The documentation for this feature is slightly lacking. So, if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, that'd be very helpful.