Hi, all!
Here's the schedule we worked out for the Tor 0.2.7 feature freeze.
(These are defaults, not promises. We can make exceptions, but please remember that delaying a freeze will delay release, and every day we delay a release will delay all the _other_ features getting out into a stable Tor. We've been aiming to speed up our release cycle, and this represents the latest installment in that effort.)
Sep 1: Last day to merge (most) feature patches into 0.2.7. I'll make an exception for small features that get permission in advance and don't seem likely to endanger stability.
If you want to nominate a ticket as such a feature, **and you are going to implement it**, please add the PostFreeze027 tag to it ASAP. Make sure it's in before next week's dev meeting at the earliest.
Also please don't drop a huge branch on me on August 27 and expect me to have it merged by Sep 1. :)
Sep 15: Last day to merge non-critical patches into 0.2.7. After this date, we won't accept any more features for 0.2.7. We also won't accept most bugfixes: bugfixes will only be accepted for regressions, security bugs, stability bugs, documentation, and typos.
When it's ready: we put out a stable 0.2.7.
On 8/19/15 5:40 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
Hi, all!
Here's the schedule we worked out for the Tor 0.2.7 feature freeze.
(These are defaults, not promises. We can make exceptions, but please remember that delaying a freeze will delay release, and every day we delay a release will delay all the _other_ features getting out into a stable Tor. We've been aiming to speed up our release cycle, and this represents the latest installment in that effort.)
Are we considering, for that release, to include Tor2web mode and encrypted services to be built/compiled with the standard release of Tor (but with some very big-explicit-command-line to activate) ?
As it would definitively help in the deployment of Tor2web
On 22 Aug 2015, at 02:22, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) - lists lists@infosecurity.ch wrote:
On 8/19/15 5:40 PM, Nick Mathewson wrote: Hi, all!
Here's the schedule we worked out for the Tor 0.2.7 feature freeze.
(These are defaults, not promises. We can make exceptions, but please remember that delaying a freeze will delay release, and every day we delay a release will delay all the _other_ features getting out into a stable Tor. We've been aiming to speed up our release cycle, and this represents the latest installment in that effort.)
Are we considering, for that release, to include Tor2web mode and encrypted services to be built/compiled with the standard release of Tor (but with some very big-explicit-command-line to activate) ?
As it would definitively help in the deployment of Tor2web
As far as I know, encrypted services / single onion services are at the proposal stage. As a major feature, it seems unlikely they'll be included in the next week or two. (Best to aim for 0.2.8.)
As far as Tor2Web being available in every Tor build via an explicit command-line option, is there a proposal or a ticket in Trac for that? I don't know what stage it's up to. (Again, it seems to be a major build change, and we're trying not to merge those right before the freeze. Another one for 0.2.8?)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com pgp 0xABFED1AC https://gist.github.com/teor2345/d033b8ce0a99adbc89c5
teor at blah dot im OTR D5BE4EC2 255D7585 F3874930 DB130265 7C9EBBC7