The proposal is in draft state. We have several open questions that we are still wrestling with in Section 2.6. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. You can track the evolution of our proposal online:
Filename: 273-exit-relay-pinning.txt Title: Exit relay pinning for web services Author: Philipp Winter, Tobias Pulls, Roya Ensafi, and Nick Feamster Created: 2016-09-22 Status: Draft Target: n/a
0. Overview
To mitigate the harm caused by malicious exit relays, this proposal presents a novel scheme -- exit relay pinning -- to allow web sites to express that Tor connections should preferably originate from a set of predefined exit relays. This proposal is currently in draft state. Any feedback is appreciated.
1. Motivation
Malicious exit relays are increasingly becoming a problem. We have been witnessing numerous opportunistic attacks, but also highly sophisticated, targeted attacks that are financially motivated. So far, we have been looking for malicious exit relays using active probing and a number of heuristics, but since it is inexpensive to keep setting up new exit relays, we are facing an uphill battle.
Similar to the now-obsolete concept of exit enclaves, this proposal enables web services to express that Tor clients should prefer a predefined set of exit relays when connecting to the service. We encourage sensitive sites to set up their own exit relays and have Tor clients prefer these relays, thus greatly mitigating the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.
2. Design
2.1 Overview
A simple analogy helps in explaining the concept behind exit relay pinning: HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) allows web servers to express that browsers should pin certificates for a given time interval. Similarly, exit relay pinning (ERP) allows web servers to express that Tor Browser should prefer a predefined set of exit relays. This makes it harder for malicious exit relays to be selected as last hop for a given website.
Web servers advertise support for ERP in a new HTTP header that points to an ERP policy. This policy contains one or more exit relays, and is signed by the respective relay's master identity key. Once Tor Browser obtained a website's ERP policy, it will try to select the site's preferred exit relays for subsequent connections. The following subsections discuss this mechanism in greater detail.
2.2 Exit relay pinning header
Web servers support ERP by advertising it in the "Tor-Exit-Pins" HTTP header. The header contains two directives, "url" and "max-age":
Tor-Exit-Pins: url=""; max-age=2678400
The "url" directive points to the full policy, which MUST be HTTPS. Tor Browser MUST NOT fetch the policy if it is not reachable over HTTPS. Also, Tor Browser MUST abort the ERP procedure if the HTTPS certificate is not signed by a trusted authority. The "max-age" directive determines the time in seconds for how long Tor Browser SHOULD cache the ERP policy.
After seeing a Tor-Exit-Pins header in an HTTP response, Tor Browser MUST fetch and interpret the policy unless it already has it cached and the cached policy has not yet expired.
2.3 Exit relay pinning policy
An exit relay pinning policy MUST be formatted in JSON. The root element is called "erp-policy" and it points to a list of pinned exit relays. Each list element MUST contain two elements, "fingerprint" and "signature". The "fingerprint" element points to the hex-encoded, uppercase, 40-digit fingerprint of an exit relay, e.g., 9B94CD0B7B8057EAF21BA7F023B7A1C8CA9CE645. The "signature" element points to an Ed25519 signature, uppercase and hex-encoded. The following JSON shows a conceptual example:
{ "erp-policy": [ "start-policy", { "fingerprint": Fpr1, "signature": Sig_K1("erp-signature" || "" || Fpr1) }, { "fingerprint": Fpr2, "signature": Sig_K2("erp-signature" || "" || Fpr2) }, ... { "fingerprint": Fprn, "signature": Sig_Kn("erp-signature" || "" || Fprn) }, "end-policy" ] }
Fpr refers to a relay's fingerprint as discussed above. In the signature, K refers to a relay's master private identity key. The || operator refers to string concatenation, i.e., "foo" || "bar" results in "foobar". "erp-signature" is a constant and denotes the purpose of the signature. "start-policy" and "end-policy" are both constants and meant to prevent an adversary from serving a client only a partial list of pins.
The signatures over fingerprint and domain are necessary to prove that an exit relay agrees to being pinned. The website's domain -- in this case -- is part of the signature, so third parties such as cannot coerce exit relays they don't own to serve as their pinned exit relays.
After having fetched an ERP policy, Tor Browser MUST first verify that the two constants "start-policy" and "end-policy" are present, and then validate the signature over all list elements. If any element does not validate, Tor Browser MUST abort the ERP procedure.
If an ERP policy contains more than one exit relay, Tor Browser MUST select one at random, weighted by its bandwidth. That way, we can balance load across all pinned exit relays.
Tor Browser could enforce the mapping from domain to exit relay by adding the following directive to its configuration file:
2.4 Defending against malicious websites
The purpose of exit relay pinning is to protect a website's users from malicious exit relays. We must further protect the same users from the website, however, because it could abuse ERP to reduce a user's anonymity set. The website could group users into arbitrarily-sized buckets by serving them different ERP policies on their first visit. For example, the first Tor user could be pinned to exit relay A, the second user could be pinned to exit relay B, etc. This would allow the website to link together the sessions of anonymous users.
We cannot prevent websites from serving client-specific policies, but we can detect it by having Tor Browser fetch a website's ERP policy over multiple independent exit relays. If the policies are not identical, Tor Browser MUST ignore the ERP policies.
If Tor Browser would attempt to fetch the ERP policy over n circuits as quickly as possible, the website would receive n connections within a narrow time interval, suggesting that all these connections originated from the same client. To impede such time-based correlation attacks, Tor Browser MUST wait for a randomly determined time span before fetching the ERP policy. Tor Browser SHOULD randomly sample a delay from an exponential distribution. The disadvantage of this defence is that it can take a while until Tor Browser knows that it can trust an ERP policy.
2.5 Design trade-offs
We now briefly discuss alternative design decisions, and why we defined ERP the way we did.
Instead of having a web server *tell* Tor Browser about pinned exit relays, we could have Tor Browser *ask* the web server, e.g., by making it fetch a predefined URL, similar to robots.txt. We believe that this would involve too much overhead because only a tiny fraction of sites that Tor users visit will have an ERP policy.
ERP implies that adversaries get to learn all the exit relays from which all users of a pinned site come from. These exit relays could then become a target for traffic analysis or compromise. Therefore, websites that pin exit relays SHOULD have a proper HTTPS setup and host their exit relays topologically close to the content servers, to mitigate the threat of network-level adversaries.
It's possible to work around the bootstrapping problem (i.e., the very first website visit cannot use pinned exits) by having an infrastructure that allows us to pin exits out-of-band, e.g., by hard-coding them in Tor Browser, or by providing a lookup service prior to connecting to a site, but the additional complexity does not seem to justify the added security or reduced overhead.
2.6 Open questions
o How should we deal with selective DoS or otherwise unavailable exit relays? That is, what if an adversary takes offline pinned exit relays? Should Tor Browser give up, or fall back to non-pinned exit relays that are potentially malicious? Should we give site operators an option to express a fallback if they care more about availability than security?
o Are there any aspects that are unnecessarily tricky to implement in Tor Browser? If so, let's figure out how to make it easier to build.
o Is a domain-level pinning granularity sufficient?
o Should we use the Ed25519 master or signing key?
o Can cached ERP policies survive a Tor Browser restart? After all, we are not supposed to write to disk, and ERP policies are basically like a browsing history.
o Should we have some notion of "freshness" in an ERP policy? The problem is that an adversary could save my ERP policy for, and if I ever give up, the adversary could register it, and use my relays for pinning. This could easily be mitigated by rotating my relay identity keys, and might not be that big a problem.
o Should we support non-HTTP services? For example, do we want to support, say, SSH? And if so, how would we go about it?
o HPKP also defines a "report-uri" directive to which errors should be reported. Do we want something similar, so site operators can detect issues such as attempted DoS attacks?
o It is wasteful to send a 60-70 byte header to all browsers while only a tiny fraction of them will want it. Web servers could send the header only to IP addresses that run an exit relay, but that adds quite a bit of extra complexity.
o We currently defend against malicious websites by fetching the ERP policy over several exit relays, spread over time. In doing so, we are making assumptions on the number of visits the website sees. Is there a better solution that isn't significantly more complex?