Hi Tor Devs, I'm a computer engineering undergrad at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am interested in working on a GSoC pluggable transports project. I mainly code in python or common lisp and have worked with asynchronous programming before (albeit it was a java framework not twisted). The two projects I am interested in are the pluggable transports combiner or building the CBR transport plugin.
I really like the idea of the transport combiner but I have a few questions about how far along the design/implementation is. I noticed that there is a prototype called obfs-flash proxy and am wondering if I would work on extending that to work with other plugins or if I would work on a separate combiner. Is the design set in stone yet or is the spec for it still shifting? And if the spec is still shifting, how should I address that in my GSoC proposal.
I also talked with Yawning in IRC who pointed me to the CBR transport plugin/unix like plugins to change data length/obfuscate data/add noise. I love the idea that with the combiner a CBR transport could be easily added to any existing transport but if the combiner has not been built/the spec is still developing, I wonder how useful it would be. Also the CBR plugin does not seem to be enough work for a GSoC project but I could definitely be underestimating the difficulty.
I would like to work on either of these projects but I do not know which one would be the more helpful/necessary so i would love to hear your opinions on which would be better to work on.
Thanks, Quinn