Hi everyone,
Tomorrow is my first day as a staff technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology in Washington, D.C. I will continue to contribute to the Tor Project in one way or another. This new key will be used to sign email from me going forward.
The new key is attached and is also available on the keyservers (with a signature from my old key) at: http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x094D46E2898DB6D5
Here's the fingerprint and current subkey information for reference:
pub 4096R/898DB6D5 2014-02-02 Key fingerprint = BEBA DB46 6778 5EF9 B00E D141 094D 46E2 898D B6D5 uid Runa A. Sandvik (offline long term identity key) runa.sandvik@gmail.com uid Runa A. Sandvik (offline long term identity key) runa@cdt.org uid Runa A. Sandvik (offline long term identity key) runa@torproject.org sub 3072R/AC8C6CF6 2014-02-02 [expires: 2015-02-02] sub 3072R/FC71640D 2014-02-02 [expires: 2015-02-02]
- -- Runa A. Sandvik