On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at 6:31 AM, Matthew Finkel wrote:
On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 11:16:12PM +0200, Arlo Breault wrote:
I started working on something like this a little while ago, https://github.com/arlolra/bulb
but didn't manage to stir up much interest.
I'm happy to continue with it if anyone wants to collaborate.
Hey Arlo,
Sorry for the slow reply.
Did you start working on this again? Having something like this is actually really important. It would be awesome to get this functionality in Tor Browser again. Nima's design looks really good. I think a lot of people would be happy to see something like that.
It sounds like the TorBrowser team are well on their way to integrating these features in Tor Button / Launcher.
Do you think this should be based on bulb or should it start from scratch?
The intention with bulb was to provide a web interface on localhost. In light of the above, it probably better serves relay operators and traffic not originating from TorBrowser.
I opened a ticket to take inspiration from Nima’s design, https://github.com/arlolra/bulb/issues/3
I looked at doing this about a month ago and considered adding it directly into TorButton. Maybe it is better to use Python/Stem for the backend. Thoughts?
I think these are separate projects that can coexist.
- Matt
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