Hi all. As is often the case work and such meant not too much time for tor. For September all I have to report is...
* Network Status Document Parsing
This has been my main focus for September and it's still not finished... but it's close! Version 3 document parsing just has a couple days of work left, then abstracting it to cover v2 documents and microdescriptors should be relatively easy-ish. I'm really looking forward to merging this feature branch. It has grown quite monstrous...
* Stem Documentation Hosting
For a while now I've had a TODO item for making a nightly cron that built and hosted Stem's new sphinx documentation. I was about to do this when I recalled that meejah once recommended ReadTheDocs, a service that does... well, exactly that. After a few minor bumps [1][2][3] it's now live...
We definitely need to put effort into making them more reader friendly. At present it's just a dump of all the pydocs which, while informative, is actually a bit overwhelming for new users. Module summary pages would greatly help.
Ravi submitted a patch for adding MAPADDRESS support to stem's controller. It's a nice addition, especially the integ test...
* Arm Issues
Looked into a couple arm issues...
- Tor's start time didn't show up if the system has proc contents but we fail to parse it [5]. - Can't connect when using a control socket with password auth [6].
* Updated Dev Wiki
In response to a potential volunteer I wrote a summary of several development tasks [4]. Updated stem's wiki with what was in that email...
Cheers! -Damian
[1] https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues/255 [2] https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues/256 [3] https://gitweb.torproject.org/stem.git/commitdiff/705b61674e8cec9e5608a32c6a... [4] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2012-September/004021.html [5] https://trac.torproject.org/6862 [6] https://trac.torproject.org/6881