On 16 Jan 2018, at 09:17, Tom Ritter tom@ritter.vg wrote:
Also, Tor has new compression options for zstd and lzma.
Given that this is an externally-controlled file, we could stream it from disk and compress it on the fly with something cheap like gzip or zstd.
I haven't seen any indicated in dir-spec how to handle those? Or how I should change the proposal to accommodate them? Should I make the url .gz and say that the DirAuth should compress it and stream it from disk?
There is this section about gzip-compression, the extension is ".z": https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt#n3777
I have opened this ticket to document how other compression formats work in tor-spec:
-- Tim / teor
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