commit a94a3844644041f7c1f6e0a4451e19ce12cae9e8
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing(a)>
Date: Thu Jan 10 22:32:28 2019 +0100
Switch to readr's read_csv() everywhere.
src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 175 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R b/src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R
index 82a51e7..205afbe 100644
--- a/src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R
+++ b/src/main/R/rserver/graphs.R
@@ -359,8 +359,11 @@ write_data <- function(FUN, ..., path_p) {
options(readr.show_progress = FALSE)
prepare_networksize <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "networksize.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "networksize.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ relays = col_double(),
+ bridges = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE)
@@ -416,8 +419,11 @@ plot_versions <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_platforms <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "platforms.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "platforms.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ platform = col_factor(levels = NULL),
+ relays = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
mutate(platform = tolower(platform)) %>%
@@ -443,12 +449,19 @@ plot_platforms <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_dirbytes <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "bandwidth.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "bandwidth.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ isexit = col_logical(),
+ isguard = col_logical(),
+ bwread = col_skip(),
+ bwwrite = col_skip(),
+ dirread = col_double(),
+ dirwrite = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
- filter(isexit == "") %>%
- filter(isguard == "") %>%
+ filter( %>%
+ filter( %>%
mutate(dirread = dirread * 8 / 1e9,
dirwrite = dirwrite * 8 / 1e9) %>%
select(date, dirread, dirwrite)
@@ -473,8 +486,11 @@ plot_dirbytes <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_relayflags <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL, flag_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "relayflags.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "relayflags.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ flag = col_factor(levels = NULL),
+ relays = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(flag_p)) flag %in% flag_p else TRUE)
@@ -483,7 +499,7 @@ prepare_relayflags <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL, flag_p = NULL) {
plot_relayflags <- function(start_p, end_p, flag_p, path_p) {
prepare_relayflags(start_p, end_p, flag_p) %>%
complete(date = full_seq(date, period = 1), flag = unique(flag)) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = date, y = relays, colour = as.factor(flag))) +
+ ggplot(aes(x = date, y = relays, colour = flag)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_date(name = "", breaks = custom_breaks,
labels = custom_labels, minor_breaks = custom_minor_breaks) +
@@ -498,8 +514,18 @@ plot_relayflags <- function(start_p, end_p, flag_p, path_p) {
prepare_torperf <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL, server_p = NULL,
filesize_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "torperf-1.1.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date", "source" = "character")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "torperf-1.1.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ filesize = col_double(),
+ source = col_character(),
+ server = col_character(),
+ q1 = col_double(),
+ md = col_double(),
+ q3 = col_double(),
+ timeouts = col_skip(),
+ failures = col_skip(),
+ requests = col_skip())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(server_p)) server == server_p else TRUE) %>%
@@ -535,8 +561,18 @@ plot_torperf <- function(start_p, end_p, server_p, filesize_p, path_p) {
prepare_torperf_failures <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL,
server_p = NULL, filesize_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "torperf-1.1.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "torperf-1.1.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ filesize = col_double(),
+ source = col_character(),
+ server = col_character(),
+ q1 = col_skip(),
+ md = col_skip(),
+ q3 = col_skip(),
+ timeouts = col_double(),
+ failures = col_double(),
+ requests = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(filesize_p))
@@ -573,8 +609,14 @@ plot_torperf_failures <- function(start_p, end_p, server_p, filesize_p,
prepare_onionperf_buildtimes <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "buildtimes.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "buildtimes.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ source = col_character(),
+ position = col_double(),
+ q1 = col_double(),
+ md = col_double(),
+ q3 = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE)
@@ -604,8 +646,14 @@ plot_onionperf_buildtimes <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_onionperf_latencies <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL,
server_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "latencies.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "latencies.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ source = col_character(),
+ server = col_character(),
+ q1 = col_double(),
+ md = col_double(),
+ q3 = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(server_p)) server == server_p else TRUE)
@@ -631,8 +679,12 @@ plot_onionperf_latencies <- function(start_p, end_p, server_p, path_p) {
prepare_connbidirect <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "connbidirect2.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date", "direction" = "factor")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "connbidirect2.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ direction = col_factor(),
+ quantile = col_double(),
+ fraction = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
mutate(quantile = paste("X", quantile, sep = ""),
@@ -665,19 +717,30 @@ plot_connbidirect <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_bandwidth_flags <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- advbw <- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "advbw.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ advbw <- read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "advbw.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ isexit = col_logical(),
+ isguard = col_logical(),
+ advbw = col_double())) %>%
transmute(date, have_guard_flag = isguard, have_exit_flag = isexit,
variable = "advbw", value = advbw * 8 / 1e9)
- bwhist <- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "bandwidth.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ bwhist <- read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "bandwidth.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ isexit = col_logical(),
+ isguard = col_logical(),
+ bwread = col_double(),
+ bwwrite = col_double(),
+ dirread = col_double(),
+ dirwrite = col_double())) %>%
transmute(date, have_guard_flag = isguard, have_exit_flag = isexit,
variable = "bwhist", value = (bwread + bwwrite) * 8 / 2e9)
rbind(advbw, bwhist) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
- filter(have_exit_flag != "") %>%
- filter(have_guard_flag != "") %>%
+ filter(! %>%
+ filter(! %>%
spread(variable, value)
@@ -685,7 +748,8 @@ plot_bandwidth_flags <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_bandwidth_flags(start_p, end_p) %>%
gather(variable, value, c(advbw, bwhist)) %>%
unite(flags, have_guard_flag, have_exit_flag) %>%
- mutate(flags = factor(flags, levels = c("f_t", "t_t", "t_f", "f_f"),
+ mutate(flags = factor(flags,
labels = c("Exit only", "Guard and Exit", "Guard only",
"Neither Guard nor Exit"))) %>%
mutate(variable = ifelse(variable == "advbw",
@@ -968,14 +1032,19 @@ plot_userstats_bridge_combined <- function(start_p, end_p, country_p, path_p) {
prepare_advbwdist_perc <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL, p_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "advbwdist.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "advbwdist.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ isexit = col_logical(),
+ relay = col_skip(),
+ percentile = col_integer(),
+ advbw = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(p_p)) percentile %in% as.numeric(p_p) else
percentile != "") %>%
transmute(date, percentile = as.factor(percentile),
- variable = ifelse(isexit == "t", "exits", "all"),
+ variable = ifelse(, "all", "exits"),
advbw = advbw * 8 / 1e9) %>%
spread(variable, advbw) %>%
rename(p = percentile)
@@ -1000,14 +1069,19 @@ plot_advbwdist_perc <- function(start_p, end_p, p_p, path_p) {
prepare_advbwdist_relay <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL, n_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "advbwdist.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "advbwdist.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ isexit = col_logical(),
+ relay = col_integer(),
+ percentile = col_skip(),
+ advbw = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(n_p)) relay %in% as.numeric(n_p) else
relay != "") %>%
transmute(date, relay = as.factor(relay),
- variable = ifelse(isexit != "t", "all", "exits"),
+ variable = ifelse(, "all", "exits"),
advbw = advbw * 8 / 1e9) %>%
spread(variable, advbw) %>%
rename(n = relay)
@@ -1032,8 +1106,15 @@ plot_advbwdist_relay <- function(start_p, end_p, n_p, path_p) {
prepare_hidserv_dir_onions_seen <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "hidserv.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "hidserv.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ type = col_factor(),
+ wmean = col_skip(),
+ wmedian = col_skip(),
+ wiqm = col_double(),
+ frac = col_double(),
+ stats = col_skip())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(type == "dir-onions-seen") %>%
@@ -1053,8 +1134,15 @@ plot_hidserv_dir_onions_seen <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_hidserv_rend_relayed_cells <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "hidserv.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "hidserv.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ date = col_date(format = ""),
+ type = col_factor(),
+ wmean = col_skip(),
+ wmedian = col_skip(),
+ wiqm = col_double(),
+ frac = col_double(),
+ stats = col_skip())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p)) date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p)) date <= as.Date(end_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(type == "rend-relayed-cells") %>%
@@ -1257,8 +1345,17 @@ plot_webstats_tm <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_relays_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("valid_after_date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ valid_after_date = col_date(format = ""),
+ server = col_factor(),
+ guard_relay = col_skip(),
+ exit_relay = col_skip(),
+ announced_ipv6 = col_logical(),
+ exiting_ipv6_relay = col_logical(),
+ reachable_ipv6_relay = col_logical(),
+ server_count_sum_avg = col_double(),
+ advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg = col_skip())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p))
valid_after_date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p))
@@ -1266,9 +1363,9 @@ prepare_relays_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
filter(server == "relay") %>%
group_by(valid_after_date) %>%
summarize(total = sum(server_count_sum_avg),
- announced = sum(server_count_sum_avg[announced_ipv6 == "t"]),
- reachable = sum(server_count_sum_avg[reachable_ipv6_relay == "t"]),
- exiting = sum(server_count_sum_avg[exiting_ipv6_relay == "t"])) %>%
+ announced = sum(server_count_sum_avg[announced_ipv6]),
+ reachable = sum(server_count_sum_avg[reachable_ipv6_relay]),
+ exiting = sum(server_count_sum_avg[exiting_ipv6_relay])) %>%
complete(valid_after_date = full_seq(valid_after_date, period = 1)) %>%
gather(total, announced, reachable, exiting, key = "category",
value = "count") %>%
@@ -1295,8 +1392,17 @@ plot_relays_ipv6 <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_bridges_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("valid_after_date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ valid_after_date = col_date(format = ""),
+ server = col_factor(),
+ guard_relay = col_skip(),
+ exit_relay = col_skip(),
+ announced_ipv6 = col_logical(),
+ exiting_ipv6_relay = col_skip(),
+ reachable_ipv6_relay = col_skip(),
+ server_count_sum_avg = col_double(),
+ advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg = col_skip())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p))
valid_after_date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p))
@@ -1304,7 +1410,7 @@ prepare_bridges_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
filter(server == "bridge") %>%
group_by(valid_after_date) %>%
summarize(total = sum(server_count_sum_avg),
- announced = sum(server_count_sum_avg[announced_ipv6 == "t"])) %>%
+ announced = sum(server_count_sum_avg[announced_ipv6])) %>%
complete(valid_after_date = full_seq(valid_after_date, period = 1)) %>%
rename(date = valid_after_date)
@@ -1327,8 +1433,17 @@ plot_bridges_ipv6 <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_advbw_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("valid_after_date" = "Date")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "ipv6servers.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ valid_after_date = col_date(format = ""),
+ server = col_factor(),
+ guard_relay = col_logical(),
+ exit_relay = col_logical(),
+ announced_ipv6 = col_logical(),
+ exiting_ipv6_relay = col_logical(),
+ reachable_ipv6_relay = col_logical(),
+ server_count_sum_avg = col_skip(),
+ advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p))
valid_after_date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p))
@@ -1338,14 +1453,14 @@ prepare_advbw_ipv6 <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg * 8 / 1e9) %>%
group_by(valid_after_date) %>%
summarize(total = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg),
- total_guard = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[guard_relay != "f"]),
- total_exit = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[exit_relay != "f"]),
+ total_guard = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[guard_relay]),
+ total_exit = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[exit_relay]),
reachable_guard = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[
- reachable_ipv6_relay != "f" & guard_relay != "f"]),
+ reachable_ipv6_relay & guard_relay]),
reachable_exit = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[
- reachable_ipv6_relay != "f" & exit_relay != "f"]),
+ reachable_ipv6_relay & exit_relay]),
exiting = sum(advertised_bandwidth_bytes_sum_avg[
- exiting_ipv6_relay != "f"])) %>%
+ exiting_ipv6_relay])) %>%
complete(valid_after_date = full_seq(valid_after_date, period = 1)) %>%
rename(date = valid_after_date)
@@ -1372,8 +1487,13 @@ plot_advbw_ipv6 <- function(start_p, end_p, path_p) {
prepare_totalcw <- function(start_p = NULL, end_p = NULL) {
- read.csv(paste(stats_dir, "totalcw.csv", sep = ""),
- colClasses = c("valid_after_date" = "Date", "nickname" = "character")) %>%
+ read_csv(file = paste(stats_dir, "totalcw.csv", sep = ""),
+ col_types = cols(
+ valid_after_date = col_date(format = ""),
+ nickname = col_character(),
+ have_guard_flag = col_logical(),
+ have_exit_flag = col_logical(),
+ measured_sum_avg = col_double())) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(start_p))
valid_after_date >= as.Date(start_p) else TRUE) %>%
filter(if (!is.null(end_p))