As of 24th November 2023, OONI data suggests that some ISPs in *Guinea started blocking access to WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube*. The blocks appear to be implemented by means of TLS interference, and the most recent data suggests that they're ongoing.
OONI data:
** Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram: * https://explorer.ooni.org/chart/mat?probe_cc=GN&since=2023-11-01&unt...
** WhatsApp:* https://explorer.ooni.org/chart/mat?probe_cc=GN&since=2023-11-01&unt...
** Telegram:* https://explorer.ooni.org/chart/mat?probe_cc=GN&since=2023-11-01&unt...
The blocking of YouTube is further suggested by Google traffic data, which shows a drop in YouTube traffic originating from Guinea over the last days: https://transparencyreport.google.com/traffic/overview?hl=en&fraction_tr...
If you're in Guinea, you can contribute measurements by running OONI Probe: https://ooni.org/install/
In this case, please ensure your VPN is turned off when running OONI Probe to help contribute more accurate measurements (https://ooni.org/about/risks ).
We thank all those in Guinea who have contributed measurements! <3
~ OONI team.