Thanks for everyones input. I find 'middle boxes' to be a good alternative, maybe supported with a 'blocking'-icon or some color code, explained on either a linked glossary page or something like a tooltip.
Generally I have to agree with Dimitri, some of the terminology used in ooniprobe can be a bit abstract in it's technical specificity, having a resource to find some explanatory information could be practical.
On 07/06/17 06:32, Dimitri wrote:
Hi, I am new and I do not understand 'vendor' applicably to the internet. I assumed it could be ISP but there is no 'vendor' in Wikipedia article about ISPs. Closed I can think of is Transit ISPs but technically it is not always is. From a consumer point of view that would a 'wholesale internet provider' or 'wholesale ISP'.
Regards Dimitri
If you want target normal people, not just nerds, there are few words they are understand:
- Blocking (instead of connectivity), explanation – they are blocking access to some sites.
- Spying (instead of a middle box), explanation – someone (your ISP may collect all or some of your activity on the internet.
- Speed test
Ommit long names such as ‘HHTP header manipulation’ and . You can link Explanation and Solution to this problem relevant.
-----Original Message----- From: ooni-talk [mailto:ooni-talk-bounces@lists.torproject.org] On Behalf Of Arturo Filastò Sent: Wednesday, 7 June 2017 6:05 AM To: ooni-talk@lists.torproject.org Subject: Re: [ooni-talk] Specifying the term "vendor" on OONI Explorer
On 05/06/2017 12:43 -0400, Vasilis wrote:
I would like to discuss wether the vagueness of the term 'vendor' on http://explorer.ooni.torproject.org/ is potentially taking some impact from understanding OONIs test results for new users. I personally recall thinking it meant something like "vendors of internet infrastructure" the first time I visited the explorer, and the only place to figure it out is in one of the boxes in /highlights/.
I'm not entirely sure what an appropriate specification should look like, I guess it's a balance between correct definition and convenience in length - with a focus on the first my proposal would be "vendors of [potentially] traffic manipulating software" - but that's so long it will probably break the design of the front page. Maybe if someone knows a shorter, appropriate synonym for "[potentially] traffic manipulating software" ?
Bringing this up perhaps some candidates (note if they are too long):
- network traffic manipulation software/hardware
- netwrok traffic manipulation device
Maybe for consistency also with the rest of OONI software, we may as well just call them "middle boxes" and maybe cross link it with a longer explanation of what it is exactly.
~ A.
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