Greetings Oonitarians!
Firstly thank you very much for the interest in OONI and for volunteering to be a probe operator. Your support means a lot to us and we would not be able to do this if it weren't for people like you running our software.
I believe that to some of you I have given a raspberry pi in person, while others said they will run the software on hardware they will provide.
For your raspberry pi folks we are currently finalizing the images and will soon give you instructions on how to either download the image and write it to your own SD card or information on how to have the sd card shipped to your home.
We have also recently reached out to various legal teams that specialize in international law and have familiarity with the problem of network measurements to have feedback on what risks you may run into for running ooniprobe. If you are going to be running ooniprobe in a risky country (I would say any country that is not green on this map: you should wait from having some updated from us on that.
I wrote down the countries where some of you will be running the probe, but I would like to have that confirmed. This is also useful so that we can give our lawyers a set of countries to focus on. For this reason could you please send me a private email to (if you want you can encrypt it with PGP key 46E5 EF37 DE26 4EA6 8DCF 53EA E3A2 1297 150F E210) with inside it:
1) The alias by which you would like to go by in my list of probe operators (does not have to be your real name).
2) What country (or countries) you plan to run ooniprobe on.
In case you are interested in nerdy conversation every week we hold a weekly meeting on the #ooni channel on It usually happens on Monday at 18:00 UTC. You can learn about the schedule by subscribing to the ooni-dev mailing list:
Thanks again for the support!
Have fun!
~ Arturo