Hello Oonitarians,
We have skipped the last two weekly dev meetings because of various necessities, but I am going to suggest we try and make it today.
There are a lot of interesting things to discuss and think about together.
These are the topics that I have in mind, feel free to append to this list if you think that there is something else:
* Discuss the outcome of the "Future of OONI" thread: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/ooni-dev/2015-February/000246.html
* Updates on the migration of the pipeline
* Discuss how to get 1.2.3 released on debian
* Updates on libight and iOS integration
* Finishing the bridge reachability study
The meeting will happen as usual on the #ooni channel on irc.oftc.net at 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST).
See you soon!
~ Arturo