Hello Oonitarians,
This is a reminder that tomorrow there will be the weekly OONI meeting.
It will happen as usual on the #ooni channel on irc.oftc.net at 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST).
Everybody is welcome to join us and bring their questions and feedback.
See you later,
~ Arturo
If I may, I would like to ask the team to please grade their roadmap and move things around if you would like to (to April). I just put a question mark there for now. Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/OONI
On 03/29/2015 02:08 PM, Arturo Filastò wrote:
Isabela wrote:
If I may, I would like to ask the team to please grade their roadmap and move things around if you would like to (to April).
I added in the status column of the roadmap indications of what is done and what will be done.
All that needed to be done in March has been completed, or is missing some little bit of work that does not occupy core OONI devs time (like the citizenlab pull requests needs to be reviewed by them, Lunar is working on the debian package, but we have tagged a release).
If you have questions let me know.
~ Arturo