[ux] Brand naming resources, inspired by Orfox, Pearl, Mini-tor discussion

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Fri May 13 16:59:08 UTC 2016

On Fri, May 13, 2016, at 12:40 PM, Spencer wrote:
> > Ame Elliott:
> > onions (they make you cry, give bad breath, etc).
> These are artificial constructs caused by fear; be weary of these 
> perspectives ):

I agree, and was thinking about this. Perhaps when people used to hear
the word "web", they would think of spiders, cobwebs, spiderman, and
other negative or not so useful or desirable traits. At some point
however the metaphor stuck because, for better or worse, it did the best
at calling to mind what IP/TCP/HTTP/HTML made possible.

For me, the "Onion" metaphor remains the best way to describe both the
way the routing and crypto works, but also the general idea of having
many, many layers of security. I think if we persist with focusing on
education of why and how we rely on this metaphor, we can quickly get
past the crying and bad breath reactions.


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