[tor-talk] "But he does good work." *Appelbaum*

thomas.hluchnik at netcologne.de thomas.hluchnik at netcologne.de
Sat Jun 18 13:24:43 UTC 2016

Am Saturday 18 June 2016 11:35:17 schrieben Sie:
> When yan, flexlibris, isis and lovecruft say the same thing I have no
> other option to believe them.

You have. You might consider that intelligent services have large amounts of resources. If this is a planned attack from a group of interested people, they are able to do so.

> I trust these people and I can't see why 
> they would do Tor any harm. I think they did the right thing here. I
> also think we've seen some evidence that justify the allegations.
> But why should we care?

Did you read Harry Potter's stories? Harry was in a comparable situation, don't forget that.

> JA is out and he's not coming back. He will most 
> definitely be forgotten sooner or later. He's history.

Exactly what Harry's enemies wished, too.

> I don't know him, 
> I've never meet him.

Me too, and I cant justify because I have no background in any way which would enable me giving any kind of justification.

> But does he do good work? Well, yes, but that's not a reason to defend him.

Same mind like from Harry's enemies.

> One stupid, but rather funny reference I have here is Hitler. Under his
> time the Autobahn was built and this was one of the best decisions in
> German history. But does that mean we like Hitler? No, right?

Excuse me, that's completely wrong. It's a pure propaganda lie from Hitler which is falsified for long years meanwhile. Why don't you know that? Is your justification over Jake from the same quality?

For the Kraut's, some links in German language:

> But I'm also a person that follow evidence instead of allegations so I
> understand why people are suspicious about this whole thing. But
> sometimes the only evidence we have is morality - to do the right thing.

Wrong. We have a legal system and a generic rule: someone has to be assumed not guilty until the opposite is proofed. Doing not so is immorality.

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