[tor-talk] Tor-ramdisk: ARM Porting, other options?, and automation. (silence_eternal)

silence_eternal at hush.ai silence_eternal at hush.ai
Fri Dec 12 20:12:35 UTC 2014

​I have been looking lately ​at the possibility of running a Tor
server on a Raspberry Pi. I would love to use Tor-ramdisk for this,
but unfortunately tor-ramdisk currently is only supported by i686,
x86_64, and MIPS, where the Raspberry Pi has an ARM processor. Does
someone know enough about this or is interested enough to do this? I
would assist with this but I honestly do not know enough about it to
know where to start. If not, does anyone know something else I could
use for this? I would love to have an image I just put on a micro sd
card, simply just plug in a headless Raspberry Pi, and have it set up
a Tor relay or exit without any input required by me. This wouldn't
have to run solely in RAM. If possible, it would also be nice to have
it search all ports for an open port to use, since on most networks I
use I don't have permission to port-forward.
Thanks, silence_eternal

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