[tor-talk] Legal problems: TOR relay & Torrents in .de

Joe Btfsplk joebtfsplk at gmx.com
Mon Feb 11 18:41:09 UTC 2013

I've forgotten the specifics of your OP.  Exactly how much are they 
demanding (Eu / $US)?

Other BIG factor (others familiar w/ European / German laws can 
comment):  Do they have any SUBSTANTIAL proof, that a judge / jury would 
accept as reasonable proof, that YOU did something under your country's 
laws, to make you financially liable to the plaintiffs (for anywhere 
near what they're demanding)?  And is the amount enough to make it worth 
the lawyers' time to go to court (how much would the LAWYERS make on a 
per hr basis, from their cut of the awarded amount)?

I'm no expert on legalities in other countries, but ONLY as a general 
rule, in U.S., it's not worth a law firm's time to actually go to court 
over fairly small amts, if working for % of awarded judgment.
In U.S., I've failed several times to get lawyers to take my cases 
against others on CONTINGENCY, even when I'd likely win, because - as 
numerous lawyers put it, "There simply isn't enough $ involved."

If a law firm is working on a per hour basis (which I'd doubt for this 
type action), then lawyers get paid for time spent, but plaintiffs may 
well owe more than they are awarded.  Most plaintiffs aren't that stupid.

On 2/11/2013 7:11 AM, Hendrik Neumann wrote:
> Small update:
> I've snail-mailed them a letter based on what Moritz had posted. They
> replied with a standardized letter without even commenting on my
> statements. It's basically saying "Last chance to pay or we'll go to
> court."
> So I'm a little unsure whether or not it's now time to actually
> consult a lawyer or wait until FOX makes it's next move.
> Cheers,
> Hendrik

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