[tor-talk] Can I configure the port which applications use to connect tor?

andrew at torproject.org andrew at torproject.org
Mon Nov 28 19:49:30 UTC 2011

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 02:42:42PM +0530, pahninsd at gmail.com wrote 0.7K bytes in 21 lines about:
:      but in the updated version of tor with vidalia bundle 2.2.34,
:      the port seems to be random for every session,

Yes, there are two ways to do this. In Vidalia, just uncheck "Configure
ControlPort automatically" option in Vidalia Settings -> Advanced.

Or in your torrc, unset/remove:

SocksPort auto
ControlPort auto

This will set the SocksPort and ControlPort back to defaults of 9050 and 9051.

pgp key: 0x74ED336B

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