Child pornography blocking again

Dominik Schaefer schaedpq2 at
Sat Jan 26 21:35:13 UTC 2008

Kraktus schrieb:
> Tor already has censorship hooks.  Tor nodes are already in
> control of their own exit policies.  Certain ports are already
> blocked by default.
It is (technically and legally) a whole different thing to filter based on 
ports or to filter based on content.
Content-based filtering will get you in a huge bunch of technical, 
administrative, legal and moral problems. In short: it does not work.

One example: in some jurisdiction you will get a serious problem with 
liability, if you start to filter something based on content. In some other it 
would IMHO be blatant illegal and even punishable. You can only prevent this 
by being strictly neutral concerning the content through your systems.


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