[OT] Off-topic posts

Sven Anderson sven at anderson.de
Thu Aug 21 18:08:59 UTC 2008

Am 21.08.2008 um 18:19 schrieb Nick Mathewson:
>   * Please don't get in the habit of responding to insane off-topic
>     people.  When you do, there are now _two_ people discussing the
>     Fiendish Fluoridators on rec.pets.cats.

Oh, this will be a tough one. The temptation is just too big  
sometimes. ;-)

http://sven.anderson.de    "Believe those who are seeking the truth.
tel:    +49-551-9969285     Doubt those who find it."
mobile: +49-179-4939223                                 (André Gide)

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