Abuse resistant anonymous publishing - Proposed solution to the Wikipedia issue.

Marc Abel m-abel at columbus.rr.com
Thu Sep 29 20:52:48 UTC 2005


As a U.S.-based "moderator", I'd be willing to take that chance.  There
are far too many for all to be "renditioned".

I share some of your distrust of certain governments, but I do live
here.  Between the Bush administration and the CIA, there really is no
place to hide.  The safest people are the vocal ones.


> This is not helped by putting the moderator in a different  
> jurisdiction from the poster, because some government, like the  
> United States, do not recognize that their jurisdiction ends at their  
> national boundaries, and reserve the right to rendition (aka  
> kidnapping) even where the national government that the moderator  
> resides in would never agree to a formal extradition.

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