[tor-reports] Andrew's September 2014 Monthly Report

Andrew Lewman andrew at torproject.is
Sat Oct 11 20:03:46 UTC 2014

# Highlights

  - Brought on our new Controller, after a six week search.
  - Negotiated with PR firms to help us meet the goals for one of our 
  - Helped the press talk about the more positive uses of Tor. Notably, 
the Daily Dot lead the way with positive interviews for forthcoming 
stories in October.
  - Helped make progress on two more contracts.
  - Helped write concept note for potential grant.
  - Further hunted down more funding possibilities in Europe.
  - Had a discussion with a professional fundraiser about how to ask for 
more donations via the download page, see ticket  #11569.
  - Had two interviews with ENE, the largest Spanish speaking news 
network in the world, which introduced Tor and Internet privacy to 
around 417 million Spanish speakers globally. A Spanish-speaking fan 
tracked where these interviews appeared. She ended up tracking all press 
coverage, hence the verbose section below.
  - Talked to a few large commercial enterprises about integrating Tor
  - Started a thread on the tor-dev mailing list about how to scale tor 
for a global population, 

# Press Coverage (extra verbose due to a fan)

The Tor team says other spies are tipping them off, so they can fix 
those flaws quickly, according to the BBC. Andrew Lewman, head of the 
Tor Project's operations, made the allegations in a BBC interview...
2014-09-02 23:05 | United States | newsfactor.com

...Tor ??????? ? 80 ?? 200 ???. ????? Tor Project ????? ?????? (Andrew 
Lewman) ???????, ??? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? Tor ??? ?????? 150 ??? ???. 
?? ??? ??????, ???????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????????...
2014-09-01 23:26 | Russia | itsec.ru

E a  descobrimos que o Tor tamb m era um alvo da NSA. Em entrevista ao 
The Guardian, o executivo Andrew Lewman, do Tor, expressou algumas das 
suas preocupa  es em rela  o   internet p s-Snowden. Lewman...
2014-09-03 19:21 | Brazil | techartnoticias.blogspot.com

The Tor team says other spies are tipping them off, so they can fix 
those flaws quickly, according to the BBC. Andrew Lewman, head of the 
Tor Project's operations, made the allegations in a BBC interview...
2014-09-04 03:48 | United States | newsfactor.com

...the legality of the state evidence. Last month the head of Tor, 
Andrew Lewman, implicated GCHQ and the NSA in helping the router - by 
providing anonymous solutions to the site's complex bugs.
2014-09-08 10:25 | United States | thedrum.com

...nada m s. La gente quiere proteger su privacidad, asegur  a Efe 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza ... Ir a la noticia en...
2014-09-10 23:33 | Bolivia | notibol.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 17:40 | Argentina | espectadornegocios.com

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n", explic  asegur  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director 
ejecutivo de Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de "anonimato...
2014-09-10 17:22 | Peru | elcomercio.pe

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur 
Andrew Lewman , el director ejecutivo de Tor Project , la organizaci n 
que est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante...
2014-09-10 16:52 | Ecuador | elcomercio.com

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur 
Andrew Lewman , el director ejecutivo de Tor Project , la organizaci n 
que est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante...
2014-09-10 16:52 | Ecuador | elcomercio.com.ec

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 16:43 | Spain | laregion.es

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad,? asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 15:27 | Chile | lasegunda.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 15:16 | Spain | canarias7.es

Thanks to Peter Ludikovsky and goll for running mirrors of the Tor 
Project website and software archive Andrew Lewman published the results 
of a test he ran to answer the question Why not just use CloudFlare...
2014-09-10 13:48 | France | secuobs.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 13:14 | Colombia | colombia.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 11:58 | Spain | canarias7.es

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 11:41 | Paraguay | paraguay.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s de Tor, el software que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 11:18 | United States | holaciudad.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 10:00 | Spain | noticiasdegipuzkoa.com

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura 
Andrew Lewman , el director ejecutivo de Tor Project , la organizaci n 
que est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante...
2014-09-10 09:58 | Spain | lavanguardia.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s de Tor, el software que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 09:37 | United States | latino.foxnews.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s de Tor, el software que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 09:36 | Mexico | economiahoy.mx

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:43 | Bolivia | bolivia.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:37 | Bolivia | unitel.tv

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:33 | Spain | economia.terra.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:23 | Mexico | economia.terra.com.mx

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:23 | United States | es.finance.yahoo.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:23 | Chile | economia.terra.cl

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:22 | Argentina | economia.terra.com.ar

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:20 | Peru | economia.terra.com.pe

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:17 | Spain | eldiario.es

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:10 | Mexico | quequi.com.mx

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:02 | Spain | diariocordoba.com

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 07:42 | Mexico | omnia.com.mx

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:55 | Uruguay | montevideo.com.uy

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:50 | Spain | lacronicabadajoz.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:36 | Spain | abc.es

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:33 | Spain | informe21.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:22 | Venezuela | noticias.ve.msn.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 06:00 | Colombia | economia.terra.com.co

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 05:43 | Spain | noticiasdenavarra.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad" , asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 05:32 | Dominican Republic | 7dias.com.do

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 04:55 | Spain | elperiodicodearagon.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 04:38 | Puerto Rico | noticel.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 04:11 | Colombia | wradio.com.co

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 03:25 | Spain | deia.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 03:24 | Venezuela | el-carabobeno.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 03:13 | Colombia | caracol.com.co

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s de Tor, el software que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 02:14 | United States | noticias.laguiagratuita.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 02:01 | Spain | elperiodicoextremadura.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 01:33 | United States | newscaster.ikuna.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 01:27 | Spain | noticiasdealava.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 00:32 | Spain | elperiodicomediterraneo.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s de Tor, el software que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-09 23:46 | vidalatinasd.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-09 23:37 | Spain | diariodeleon.es

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 17:58 | Spain | ibapple.blogspot.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur 
Andrew Lewman, director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n 
creadora de este software que utiliza de forma constante un promedio de...
2014-09-10 12:39 | United States | mundocontact.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 12:25 | United States | impactony.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:17 | Spain | noticias.lainformacion.com

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 08:15 | Dominican Republic | hoy.com.do

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 07:38 | Spain | laprensalatina.com

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 02:23 | Spain | efefuturo.com

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-10 02:21 | United States | kint.com

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n", explic  asegur  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director 
ejecutivo de Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de "anonimato...
2014-09-11 15:01 | Uruguay | elpais.com.uy

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-11 07:05 | Bolivia | noticiasbolivianas.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-11 03:50 | Puerto Rico | dev.noticel.com

...nada m s. ? La gente quiere proteger su privacidad ? , asegur  Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-11 01:00 | Guatemala | prensalibre.com

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n?, explic  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de ?anonimato total?...
2014-09-11 21:00 | United States | elfortindeguayana.com

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad? , asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-11 16:23 | Ecuador | larepublica.ec

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n?, explic  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de ?anonimato total?...
2014-09-11 13:42 | Venezuela | biendateao.com

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n?, explic  asegur  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director 
ejecutivo de Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de ?anonimato...
2014-09-11 06:06 | United States | abrima.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-13 00:15 | Ecuador | elmercurio.com.ec

...identidad. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-12 16:25 | Argentina | entremujeres.clarin.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-11 13:44 | Bolivia | noticiasbolivianas.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-14 05:31 | Ecuador | eldiario.ec

However, not everybody at the NSA is on board with this strategy. Tor 
developer Andrew Lewman says even as flaws in Tor are rooted out by the 
NSA and British counterpart GCHQ, other agents from the two...
2014-09-13 23:38 | United States | mobile-beta.slashdot.org

..."La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project , la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-13 16:34 | Bolivia | noticiasbolivianas.com

..."La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project , la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-13 12:11 | Spain | 20minutos.es

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-13 05:40 | Puerto Rico | m.noticel.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total "La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-14 01:02 | Spain | tecnopluz.blogspot.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total "La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-13 12:55 | Spain | lagacetadebarney.blogspot.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total "La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project , la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-13 12:35 | Spain | blogjavierfernandez.tumblr.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total "La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project , la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-13 12:30 | Spain | franciscojavierfernandez.tumblr.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-15 00:15 | Venezuela | lared.com.ve

...revelar nada m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-14 04:09 | Spain | t-movil.blogspot.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total ?La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad?, asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project , la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-13 12:40 | Spain | hubertostangalini.wordpress.com

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n", explic  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de "anonimato total"...
2014-09-12 19:59 | Spain | morphine-morphineonline.blogspot.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-16 06:14 | Spain | nacion.com

...m s. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-15 18:36 | El Salvador | elsalvador.com

...individuals to keep communication secret. Tor executive director 
Andrew Lewman told Threatpost that its Open Observatory of Network 
Interference (OONI) project
  investigates instances where Internet access...
2014-09-15 18:19 | United States | threatpost.com

Tor no supone un anonimato total ?La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad?, asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman , el director ejecutivo 
de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-15 10:09 | Chile | elciudadano.cl

TOR NO SUPONE UN ANONIMATO TOTAL "La gente quiere proteger su 
privacidad", asegur  esta semana Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del software de Tor...
2014-09-15 01:29 | Spain | madridpress.com

The list goes on and on. The Tor Project?s executive director Andrew 
Lewman blames Tor?s bad reputation on the if-it-bleeds-it-leads 
mentality of the press. ??Little Suzie Takes a Bus to School? isn?t...
2014-09-17 01:43 | United States | wearechange.org

Las p ginas web no saben qui n eres ni d nde est s, salvo que t  les des 
esa informaci n?, explic  a Efe Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de 
Tor Project. Sin embargo, no se trata de ?anonimato total?...
2014-09-16 14:38 | Spain | elevatulimite.wordpress.com

The list goes on and on. The Tor Project?s executive director Andrew 
Lewman blames Tor?s bad reputation on the if-it-bleeds-it-leads 
mentality of the press. ??Little Suzie Takes a Bus to School? isn?t...
2014-09-16 14:33 | United States | betabeat.com

...revelar nada m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegura 
Andrew Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que 
est  detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-16 09:17 | Spain | blog.laanet.com

The Tor team says other spies are tipping them off, so they can fix 
those flaws quickly, according to the BBC. Andrew Lewman, head of the 
Tor Project's operations, made the allegations in a BBC interview...
2014-09-18 06:53 | United States | cio-today.com

...identidad. "La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-17 20:41 | Argentina | xn--lamaanaonline-lkb.com.ar

"La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew Lewman, el 
director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del 
software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-17 17:20 | Argentina | lv16.com.ar

...m s. ?La gente quiere proteger su privacidad?, asegur  a Efe Andrew 
Lewman, el director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est 
detr s del software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-17 08:45 | United States | elexpresso.com

"La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew Lewman, el 
director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del 
software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una...
2014-09-17 04:35 | Venezuela | notitarde.com

...revelar nada m s.
"La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew Lewman, 
director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del 
software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una media...
2014-09-19 01:40 | Bolivia | eldeber.com.bo

...revelar nada m s.
"La gente quiere proteger su privacidad", asegura Andrew Lewman, 
director ejecutivo de Tor Project, la organizaci n que est  detr s del 
software de Tor que utiliza de forma constante una media...
2014-09-19 02:09 | Bolivia | noticiasbolivianas.com

Comment est-ce que  a vous arrive aux oreilles ? Il y a des gens qui 
vous donnent des retours ? Lunar
: C'est Andrew Lewman, par exemple, du projet. Il travaille avec des 
associations d'aide aux victimes...
2014-09-21 18:36 | France | april.org

"As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade", assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, situados...
2014-09-22 13:36 | Brazil | br.noticias.yahoo.com

'As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade', assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, situados...
2014-09-22 13:15 | Brazil | tecnologia.br.msn.com

"As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade", assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios , situados...
2014-09-22 11:09 | Brazil | revistagalileu.globo.com

"As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade", assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, situados...
2014-09-22 08:35 | Brazil | noticias.bol.uol.com.br

"As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade", assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, situados...
2014-09-22 08:36 | Brazil | exame.abril.com.br

?As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade?, assegurou Andrew 
Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software   utilizado de 
forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, situados...
2014-09-22 04:11 | Brazil | visaonacional.com.br

Stop by and receive free coffee and donuts. Tuesday, October 7, 9am ? 
11am, W20 Lobby Hear about Tor! Andrew Lewman, Executive Director of The 
Tor Project, is coming to MIT. Tor was designed to protect...
2014-09-23 18:35 | United States | securityfyi.wordpress.com

...and an expert on school safety, about this latest revelation. Andrew 
Lewman, the executive director of the Tor Project, also joins the 
broadcast to discuss NSA spying, encryption methods and the Tor Project...
2014-09-25 11:40 | United States | beforeitsnews.com

...and an expert on school safety, about this latest revelation. Andrew 
Lewman, the executive director of the Tor Project, also joins the 
broadcast to discuss NSA spying, encryption methods and the Tor...
2014-09-25 01:38 | United States | tv.infowars.com

...and an expert on school safety, about this latest revelation. Andrew 
Lewman, the executive director of the Tor Project, also joins the 
broadcast to discuss NSA spying, encryption methods and the Tor Project...
2014-09-26 22:01 | United States | the-alex-jones-show.blogspot.com

Alex Jones talks with Andrew Lewman, executive director of the TOR 
project about internet privacy. http://www.infowars.com/cointelrpo-re...
2014-09-26 03:12 | United States | sageofquay.blogspot.com

...and an expert on school safety, about this latest revelation. Andrew 
Lewman, the executive director of the Tor Project, also joins the 
broadcast to discuss NSA spying, encryption methods and the Tor Project...
2014-09-26 00:28 | United States | alex-jones-show.blogspot.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-28 00:06 | United States | insidebayarea.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-27 15:06 | United States | contracostatimes.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-27 15:06 | United States | mercurynews.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-27 15:06 | United States | siliconvalley.com

...cibern ticos. ?As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade?, 
afirma Andrew Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software 
utilizado de forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de usu rios, 
2014-09-28 02:42 | Brazil | gazetadopovo.com.br

?That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn?t sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?? said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-29 00:17 | United States | vnews.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-28 19:38 | United States | arcamax.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-28 13:31 | United States | sacbee.com

Mike Blake/Reuters ?As pessoas querem proteger a pr pria privacidade?, 
afirma Andrew Lewman, diretor-executivo do Tor Project. O software 
utilizado de forma constante por uma m dia de 2,6 milh es de...
2014-09-28 05:51 | Brazil | jornaldelondrina.com.br

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-28 01:11 | United States | mcclatchydc.com

?That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn?t sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?? said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-29 00:01 | United States | personalliberty.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-28 19:32 | United States | twincities.com

"That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn't sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?" said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-28 07:11 | United States | newsobserver.com

?That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn?t sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?? asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-28 00:54 | United States | internet-technology-business.com

...started. ?Jake?s WikiLeaks work got all of Tor targeted, frankly,? 
Andrew Lewman, Tor?s executive director, said. He?s referring to Jacob 
Appelbaum , an American developer, activist, and journalist living...
2014-09-28 00:37 | United Kingdom | kernelmag.dailydot.com

...h ng c?a m nh ", Daily Dot tr ch l?i Gi m ??c ?i?u h nh Tor,  ng
Andrew Lewman.  ng Lewman t? ch?i n u t n c ng ty n y nh?ng cho bi?t s?n 
ph?m c?a h? chi?m kho?ng 10-20% th? ph?n to n c?u, t??ng ???ng kho?ng...
2014-09-30 04:36 | Vietnam | vnreview.vn

...h ng c?a m nh ", Daily Dot tr ch l?i Gi m ??c ?i?u h nh Tor,  ng
Andrew Lewman.  ng Lewman t? ch?i n u t n c ng ty n y nh?ng cho bi?t s?n 
ph?m c?a h? chi?m kho?ng 10-20% th? ph?n to n c?u, t??ng ???ng kho?ng...
2014-09-30 04:03 | Vietnam | tin247.com

...h ng c?a m nh ", Daily Dot tr ch l?i Gi m ??c ?i?u h nh Tor,  ng 
Andrew Lewman.  ng Lewman t? ch?i n u t n c ng ty n y nh?ng cho bi?t s?n 
ph?m c?a h? chi?m kho?ng 10-20% th? ph?n to n c?u, t??ng ???ng kho?ng...
2014-09-30 03:54 | Vietnam | baomoi.com

...2014?09?30? 11?12? ??? ???????? 
Tor????????????????????????Tor????Andrew Lewman ?? 
2014-09-30 03:24 | China | solidot.org

Again, it?s unclear if this major tech company is indeed Firefox, but 
Tor executive director Andrew Lewman offered some hints. ?They very much 
like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their customer...
2014-09-30 01:41 | Australia | gizmodo.com.au

'They very much like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their 
customer base,' Tor executive director Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining 
the discussions but declining to name the specific company...
2014-09-29 23:34 | United States | en.zicos.com

Again, it's unclear if this major tech company is indeed Firefox, but 
Tor executive director Andrew Lewman offered some hints. "They very much 
like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their customer...
2014-09-29 21:20 | India | gizmodo.in

Again, it's unclear if this major tech company is indeed Firefox, but 
Tor executive director Andrew Lewman offered some hints. "They very much 
like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their customer...
2014-09-29 21:11 | United States | gizmodo.com

...is the real deal and really does work,? Tor executive director Andrew 
Lewman told The Daily Dot . ?As privacy is becoming the hot new buzzword 
for products to include, jump-starting with Tor seems a smart...
2014-09-29 20:36 | United States | networkworld.com

?That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn?t sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?? said Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists who...
2014-09-29 14:06 | United States | govtech.com

?They very much like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their 
customer base,? Tor executive director Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining 
the discussions but declining to name the specific company...
2014-09-29 08:56 | United States | dailydot.com

"They very much like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their 
customer base," Tor executive director Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining 
the discussions but declining to name the specific company...
2014-09-29 05:34 | United States | news.slashdot.org

...like to ship it to their customer base,? Tor executive director 
Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining the discussions but declining to name 
the specific company. ?Their product is 10-20 percent of the global...
2014-09-29 02:15 | United States | beta.slashdot.org

...today's Internet. According to the mag, Tor executive director Andrew 
Lewman mentioned that the project is in discussions with a company that 
is holding roughly 10-20% of the global market of 2.8 billion...
2014-09-28 23:27 | United States | ghacks.net

...today's Internet. According to the mag, Tor executive director Andrew 
Lewman mentioned that the project is in discussions with a company that 
is holding roughly 10-20% of the global market of 2.8 billion...
2014-09-30 02:49 | Chile | ckgeek.ckweb.cl

Again, it?s unclear if this major tech company is indeed Firefox, but 
Tor executive director Andrew Lewman offered some hints. "They very much 
like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their customer...
2014-09-29 21:27 | United States | thetechwhore.com

"They very much like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their 
customer base," Tor executive director Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining 
the discussions but declining to name the specific company...
2014-09-28 23:50 | United States | thetechwhore.com

...like to ship it to their customer base,? Tor executive director 
Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining the discussions but declining to name 
the specific company. ?Their product is 10-20 percent of the global...
2014-09-28 23:45 | United States | slashdot.org

?They very much like Tor Browser and would like to ship it to their 
customer base,? Tor executive director Andrew Lewman wrote, explaining 
the discussions but declining to name the specific company...
2014-09-28 23:41 | United States | kevlarsspace.wordpress.com

?That idea used to sound far-fetched. It doesn?t sound so crazy anymore, 
does it?? asked Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project, an 
international group of researchers and technologists...
2014-09-28 05:58 | United States | richardbrenneman.wordpress.com

# Details for ultimate transparency
September 30
	• respond to exec cmte
	• talk to stephen about cash mgt options and ach transfers
	• work on ticket #11678
	• work on ticket #10022
	• write up meeting minutes with fastly
	• talk to fastly
	• call intercontinental about parking
	• sign 4 contracts
	• talk to lawyers about certification program and marks
	• send stickers and cam clings to Peru
September 29
	• look at harvest for time tracking
	• look at replicon for time tracking
	• update mirrors and publish website
	• work on 2014 Q3-Q4 budget
	• call current bank about fraud
	• send out relay t-shirts
September 27
	• update sam.gov registration
	• add rootkit detector to puppet
	• security updates to systems
September 26
	• read DGO agreement for PETS
	• write up plan for blog migration
	• interview with christian science monitor
September 25
	• interview with cctv
	• respond about project manager
	• meet with victim 1
	• interview with bloomberg london
	• look at CDNs and website mirrors
	• interview with alex jones
	• follow-up with victim 2
September 24
	• second muse conf call
	• get proof of account letter from bank for check order/verification
	• decide on october in berlin
	• wire george k's payment
	• get george k's invoice approved
	• fix sue's access to citi
September 23
	• interview with san jose mercury news
	• talk to weasel about RT db
	• NSF - ACM system access to move from Melissa to Stephen
	• review PR firm service agreement
	• transfer payroll at DSB
September 22
	• ask for invoice payment approval
September 19
	• smartgrid privacy lecture
	• send 2 wires
	• look into stripe requiring php/ruby/python dynamic code for donations
	• neu law school clinic presentation
	• talk to politico reporter
September 18
	• talk to daily dot
	• sign up for ITSG
	• check approvals
	• read twitter ToS and see if we still begrudgingly agree with them
	• intro board member to our attorney
	• verify citi account at dwolla
	• order more tshirts from printfection
	• integrate stripe patch to donate page
September 16
	• figure out t-shirt orders
	• return call to national christian foundation
	• talk to TTC
	• respond to academy emails
	• send out contractor status to exec
	• respond to CS Monitor journalist
September 15
	• respond to vocativ/msnbc reporter
	• sync up with karen on press response to comcast rumors
	• documentary filming
	• respond to ars technica reporter
	• al jazeera america press call
	• politico press call
	• observer press call
	• Conf call with Taiwan phone mfg
September 13
	• follow up with italian hosting company about donated services
	• return call to hosting company
	• migrate the damn blog
	• Change admin on Chase credit card from Melissa to Andrew (or 
alternative person). To do, fill out form that is being mailed by Chase. 
After this is done, cancel Melissa's card. - Andrew and Melissa to do.
	• return call to advocate in washington
September 11
	• cut melissa from SVN
	• verify citi account with amazon payments
	• get bank statements at citi
	• introduce myself to jon's new assistant
	• submit SoW to Internews for APT
	• get contract from internews to start project
	• complete Internews project kickoff questionnaire
	• get designers working on blog and comment system
September 10
	• review and sign LIGHTS contract
	• get statements from dsb
	• return call to new victim
	• return call to victim
September 9
	• update mirrors
	• bbc interview about PTs
September 8
	• deposit donations to citi
	• update dwolla to new bank
	• get july and august amazon statement
	• clear backlog of relay oper tshirt requests
	• respond to NPR
	• get receipts for sue
	• Change set up of work flow for Citi to allow Stephen to initiate but 
not send wires through Citi.
	• Authorize access to Dedham and Citi bank accounts to Stephen and 
remove Melissa - Andrew to do this.
	• setup stephen at citibank
September 5
	• Set up Stephen with full access to SVN
	• setup stephen on svn
	• setup stephen on accounting@ alias
	• give keys to stephen
	• have melissa give her office keys to stephen
	• create stephen at torproject email alias
	• remove kelley at torproject from all lists
	• remove kelley from donations, execdir, social aliases
	• remove kelley from all projects
	• remove kelley email
	• apply security updates to servers
	• cbs interview
September 4
	• get july and august bitpay statement
	• get july and august paypal statements
	• update browsera to citibank
	• update basecamp to citbank
	• grab bbc horizon video and put it up on media archive
September 3
	• talk to small business HR expert
September 2
	• call back unemployment auditor from PA
	• monthly timesheet for august
	• monthly report for august
	• Follow up with Sasha at Civic Media about further discussions on db
	• talk to XXX again about their routers
	• talk to new controller about contract terms
	• rebuild mirror table
	• purge out of date mirrors
	• get ams engagement letter reviewed
	• complete ticket 12964
pgp 0x6B4D6475

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