[tor-reports] Isis' July 2014 Status Report

isis isis at torproject.org
Tue Aug 5 03:20:27 UTC 2014

#-*- coding: utf-8 ; mode: org -*-
*** Isis' status report 2014/07

As per weasel's request, all asciiart contained within this status report is
valid Perl.

use re 'eval';

 ('')=~(   '('.'?'   .('{').(      '`'
|('%')).( '['^'-'). ('`'|'!').    ('`'|
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 '{'       ^'+').(   ((      '`'   ))|'%').

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**** Isis' July 2014: Review
In July 2014, I worked on the following:

For Bridges / BridgeDB:

 * Implemented a Levenshtein Distance algorithm so that BridgeDB can
   fuzzy-match blacklisted email addresses (#9385). [0] [1] [2]

 * I continued to work on switching BridgeDB's databases over to using Redis
   and CouchDB (#12031). [3] This work is for proposal #226. [4] To this end,
   I also worked on several tickets which must be completed before the switch
   (#9380, #12029, #12030, #12505, #12506). [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

 * Enabled distribution of the Kevin Dyer's new fte Pluggable Transport [10]
   on https://bridges.torproject.org and mailto:bridges at torproject.org. [11]

 * Released BridgeDB-0.2.3. [12]

 * Happily added Riseup! [13] to the list of email providers which BridgeDB
   will accept mail from. This allows users to retrieve bridges without using
   Gmail or Yahoo.

use re 'eval';

    ''=~( '(?{'.('`'|'%').('['^'-').('`'|'!').('`'|',').'"#!/'.('['^'.') .('['
   ^'('). ('['^')').'/'.('`'|'"').('`'|')').('`'|'.').'/'.('['^'+').('`' |'%'). 
  (('[')^ ')'    ).('`'|',').('!'^'+').('`'|'-').('['^'"').("\{"^    '[' ).'\\$'
  .("\["^ '#'    ).'=<<'."'".('{'^'#')."'".';'.('!'^'+').(':'&'='    ).+ ((   ((
  '\\'))) ).'"\\"'.(':'&'=').('{'^'[').('{'^'[').('`'|'%').('{'^('[')).( ((   ((
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  "\[").( '`'|'%').('`'|'%').('`'|'%').('`'|'%').('{'^'[').('{'^('[')).( ':'&'='
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  "\[").( '{'^'[').'\\'   .+       (        (        '"')).('{'^('[')).( ':'&'='
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  '{'^'[' ).(':'&'=').     (       (      (                 ':'))&'=').( '!'^'+'
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  '['))).(':'&'=').( ':'&'=').                    ('{'^'['). ('{'^'[').( (     (
  '{'))^'[').((':')& '=').(':'                    &'=').('!' ^'+').('{'^ ((   ((
  '#'))))).('!'^'+') .('['^'+'                    ).('['^')' ).('`'|')') .+( '`'
   |'.').('['^'/').( '{'^'[').                    '\\$'.('[' ^'#').';'.( '!'^'+'
     ).'"})');$:='.' ^"\~";$~=                    '@'|'(';$^ =')'^'[';$/ ="\`";


For Tor Browser:

 * Went on a less-"ragetastic" bug-finding rampage on Tor Browser's HTML5
   Canvas Permissions UI. I found and started implementing patches
   for #12682, [14] #12683, [15] and #12684. [16] In the process, I updated
   Tor Browser's HACKING documentation for partial builds on how to rebuild
   Firefox alone, without using gitian. [17]

 * I fixed a bug (#12624) [18] that I introduced in my patch to make using Tor
   Browser with a system-installed Tor easier (#10178). [19]
[0]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9385
[1]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/bridgedb.git/commitdiff/55d05ac4bf876af85078de491de858ed8550dc29
[2]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/bridgedb.git/commitdiff/feea15673d1690ceb1050c9068eaa85de855b637
[3]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/isis/bridgedb.git/shortlog/refs/heads/fix/12031-redis_r1
[4]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/226-bridgedb-database-improvements.txt
[5]: https://bug.torproject.org/9380
[6]: https://bug.torproject.org/12029
[7]: https://bug.torproject.org/12030
[8]: https://bug.torproject.org/12505
[9]: https://bug.torproject.org/12506
[10]: https://fteproxy.org/
[11]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12709
[12]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/bridgedb.git/blob/c15167add33265bee43ff7eb8905cebb34537679:/CHANGELOG#l1
[13]: https://mail.riseup.net

[14]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12682
[15]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12683
[16]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12684
[17]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorBrowser/Hacking#PartialBuilds
[18]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12624
[19]: https://bugs.torproject.org/10178

use re 'eval';

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        (( '(')))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).'\\$-&\\$_?'."'".('{'^ ((
        ((                                                                  ((

**** Tickets worked on in July 2014:
***** Component: BridgeDB (32 matches)
#9332 Implement whitelisting of (email_address, gpg_key_id) pairs for encrypted, automated email bridge distribution
#9380 BridgeDB should use stem for parsing descriptors according to torspec
#9385 bridgedb's email responder should fuzzy match email addresses within time periods
#9874 Research/design a way to automate testing of BridgeDB's HTTPS and email distributors
#11139 BridgeDB's email whitelist should include @riseup.net
#11140 Remove yahoo.com from BridgeDB's email whitelist.
#11345 BridgeDB should have QR codes for bridge lines
#12029 Redesign BridgeDB's class inheritance to make designing new distributors easier
#12031 Create a Key-Value database system for simple/flat datatypes in BridgeDB
#12086 BridgeDB accepts incoming emails sent to 'givemebridges at serious.ly'
#12089 BridgedDB can be forced to email arbitrary email addresses
#12090 BridgeDB replies with an empty email.
#12147 BridgeDB distributors do not handle time intervals correctly
#12504 Create BridgeDB config setting for which Pluggable Transports are supported
#12505 Refactor Bridges.py and Dist.py in BridgeDB
#12506 Separate BridgeDB databases from distributors
#12507 Automate BridgeDB documentation builds
#12536 BridgeDB e-mails should be encrypted when possible
#12537 Perhaps BridgeDB should supply decoys
#12545 Move collector of bridge reachability measurements to bridge db
#12547 Get analysed data from bridge reachability tests to tor-devs
#12627 canonicalFromSMTP is not what we think it should be
#12635 Update link on HowTo page
#12639 Add QR codes for bridges.tpo
#12650 BridgeDB doesn't actually support non-english languages
#12664 Newlines aren't preserved when bridges are copied to clipboard
#12709 Enable fte bridge distribution in BridgeDB
#12724 Bridges.tpo <select> UI broken in FF30+
#12750 Make bridgedb fast
#12759 don't regexp transport names
#12760 Bridgedb CAPTCHA is hard to resolved
#12773 Be more flexible when deciding if we should render RTL

***** Component: Firefox Patch Issues (1 match)
#12684 Make "Not Now" the default button for TorBrowser's canvas permission dialogue

***** Component: Pluggable transport (1 match)
#9743 Think of a good name for the obfs-flash meta-proxy and create a repo for it

***** Component: Tor Browser (10 matches)
#3455 Tor Browser should set SOCKS username for a request based on first party domain
#5752 Isolate browser streams by url bar domain rather than by time interval
#7501 Audit PDF.js
#9906 TBB3 new identity surprises users by closing all tabs
#10355 Pipeline defense interferes with twitter and flickr photostreams
#10538 Think of PTTBB's pluggable transport interface
#11751 Windows users can't use TBB with expert bundle Tor
#12468 TBB unconditionally logs all Firefox output to disk
#12682 Tor Browser's HTML5 canvas fingerprinting dialogue could use a "Revoke" button
#12683 Permissions in nsIPermissionManager aren't cleared with TorButton's "New Identity"

***** Component: Tor bundles/installation (1 match)
#12624 tbb-nightly-2014-07-13 chokes with "Bad password or authentication cookie on controller."

**** In August 2014, I plan to work on

 * Setting up a Mozilla Persona Server. [20] Websites which would normally
   block Tor will be able to ask Tor users to go to https:persona.torproject.org
   to prove they're a well-behaving human. Tor Browser users will only have
   to pass said humanness tests on https://persona.torproject.org once, and
   all participating websites will be able to verify that the user is a nice
   little human. After setting up the server, I'll be looking into blinding
   the tokens which Persona hands out to prevent deanonymisation (#12703). [21]

[20]: https://login.persona.org
[21]: https://bugs.torproject.org/12193

**** Relevant Papers/Research:

Elahi, Tariq, George Danezis, and Ian Goldberg.
 "PrivEx: Private Collection of Traffic Statistics
 for Anonymous Communication Networks."

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 ♥Ⓐ isis agora lovecruft
GPG: 4096R/A3ADB67A2CDB8B35
Current Keys: https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/isis.txt
-------------- next part --------------
Q: What do all these insane asciiart perl scripts do?

A: They were generated with the Acme::Eyedropper Perl module, and they only
print things to stdout. Although, I could have embedded anything so you're
right not to run them.

                      SPOILER WARNING!!

Here's what each one generates, in order of their appearance:

∃!isisⒶwintermute:~ ∴ perl is-dead.pl      #1 "PERL IS DEAD"
Perl is dead. Long live Python!

∃!isisⒶwintermute:~ ∴ perl serpenski.pl 5  #2 "Serpenski"
                             /\  /\
                           /\      /\
                          /\/\    /\/\
                         /\  /\  /\  /\
                       /\              /\
                      /\/\            /\/\
                     /\  /\          /\  /\
                    /\/\/\/\        /\/\/\/\
                   /\      /\      /\      /\
                  /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\
                 /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\
               /\                              /\
              /\/\                            /\/\
             /\  /\                          /\  /\
            /\/\/\/\                        /\/\/\/\
           /\      /\                      /\      /\
          /\/\    /\/\                    /\/\    /\/\
         /\  /\  /\  /\                  /\  /\  /\  /\
        /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\                /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
       /\              /\              /\              /\
      /\/\            /\/\            /\/\            /\/\
     /\  /\          /\  /\          /\  /\          /\  /\
    /\/\/\/\        /\/\/\/\        /\/\/\/\        /\/\/\/\
   /\      /\      /\      /\      /\      /\      /\      /\
  /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\    /\/\
 /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\

∃!isisⒶwintermute:~ ∴ perl riseup.pl  #3 "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!"
8""8  e  eeee eee e  e eeee  8
8  8  8  8  " 8   8  8 8  8 88
8ee8e 8  8eee 8ee 8e 8 8ee8 88
88  8 8e   88 88  88 8 88   ""
88  8 88 8e88 88e 88e8 88   88

∃!isisⒶwintermute:~ ∴ perl larry-wall-is-my-beach.pl #4 "Larry Wall is my Beach!"
Careful! It's pronounced, 'BEE-ch'.
That's what I said! Let us go hack and on the bitch.
-------------- next part --------------
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