[tor-reports] Moritz in March

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Sun Mar 31 01:04:54 UTC 2013


Top things I did in March.

- attended dev meeting in Boston
- phased out my help desk work since we now have support assistants
- discussed and got a new Gettor going, now that many of our packages
are too large to be emailed
- suggested and submitted GsoC project idea "Steganography Browser Addon"
- connected my friends at www.stickma.de with Kelley for merch
- made Rapport fix the "Trusteer crashes TBB" bug #8337
- fix various website related bugs (outdated documentation etc)
- we have another Torservers.net chapter now, Frenn fun der Ënn, www.enn.lu
- submitted funding proposal to OpenITP regarding Tor bridge hosting
- agreed to take care of SponsorF/Year3/16+17 (Mumble/VoIP over Tor)
- gave a talk about Tor and exit operation at Easterhegg Paderborn, Germany

Moritz Bartl

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