[tor-reports] gsathya's December

Damian Johnson atagar at torproject.org
Wed Jan 2 03:31:49 UTC 2013

> - I got tired of Vidalia crashing on me all the time, so I wrote a new
> one[0] using PyQt/PySide. It's pretty straightforward -- starts/stops tor,
> shows logs, creates/edits torrc in a nicer way with autocompletion. Spent
> most of december making this.

If you're interested in a python controller gui then you might want to
look an krkhan's arm gui. It's a GTK interface that provides a sizable
chunk of what arm does. To use it just run arm with the '--gui'
argument. I've dropped it from the dev codebase since it was
unmaintained, but it's in the latest release (1.4.5).

Also, you might want to look at stem.process rather than using a
custom launcher...

That said, github says that the last change was 25 days ago so guess
this was just an experiment. :)

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