[tor-reports] George's status report: January 2013

desnacked at riseup.net desnacked at riseup.net
Sat Feb 2 14:19:50 UTC 2013


I'm switching to the
report writing style:

# Top 5 things I did in January:

- Helped with deployment of the first bunch of flashproxy/pyobfsproxy

- Finished with research and implementation of the obfs3 pluggable
  transport and deployed it as part of the latest flashproxy
  bundles. Seems to work.

- Updated parts of the torproject.org website with pluggable transport

- Setup a pyobfsproxy bridge that got included in the latest
  obfsbundles. The bridge gets hundreds of unique clients every
  day. Have been testing #4773 and #5040 for days and both branches
  seem to work nicely.

- Wrote some tor.git patches: #5609 #7869

# Top 5 things for next month:

- If the 0.2.4.x roadmap is on schedule, February is the month where a
  0.2.5.x branch will be created. If this happens, I hope to get #4773
  and #5040 merged since they are quite important pluggable transport

- I hope to do a pyobfsproxy release, and maybe write a blog post
  about pyobfsproxy (or at least update the obfsproxy page with
  pyobfsproxy information). Also look into Linux distribution
  packaging for pyobfsproxy.

- Continue tweaking the website to make pluggable transports easier to
  use and understand by users.

- Try to figure out what's up with #8104 and resolve any other
  pyobfsproxy bugs that appear.

- Research #8106 a bit more.

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