[tor-relays] Tor non-exit list

mpan tor-1qnuaylp at mpan.pl
Thu Jun 20 14:24:44 UTC 2024

> First of all, thank you for your tools and other contributions. The mere
> fact that your DNS blocklists are used by countless vendors should be a
> compliment in itself, and I'd be happy to have that much impact with my
> own projects. (…)
   Operating a non-exit Tor relay I face similar issues. I can’t trace 
them back to this particular blocklist, but with high confidence can 
tell the challenges we face are from indiscriminately using blacklists. 
Some of them do contain Tor non-exit relays. So I can do nothing more 
than I support Carsten’s plea.

   Over years no party blocking non-exit relays was able to provide me 
with a single example of an actual incident, despite continued claims 
it’s a “malicious traffic from *my* address”. After changes on their end 
that “malicious traffic” was magically no longer observed.

   I myself can’t conceive any actual attack coming from a non-exit 
relay with probability notably higher than from other machines on the 
internet. The relay itself isn’t designed to connect to machines other 
than Tor relays, so certainly its intended use doesn’t lead to higher 
risk. All other factors and attacks should at worst be the same as for 
the general population.

Cheers and thanks for providing the lists, mpan.

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