[tor-relays] Relay usage dropped 9x when enabling UFW. What UFW rules do other relay operators enact?

admin at likogan.dev admin at likogan.dev
Tue Jun 18 16:53:07 UTC 2024

Hello all,

I'm running relay 292FCACE773DC259B799914A23BE65A6A6178E8F and have noticed traffic drops when enabling UFW.
Around 2024-01-15, I enabled UFW on this server. I noticed a 9x drop in traffic (10.88M -> 1.708M), and coughed it up to relay weirdness. This is about when my relays Guard status would randomly drop every few weeks.
I finally got fed up with this huge drop in traffic on 2024-06-11 and was about to reinstall my server OS. This is when I decided to disable UFW and found that my traffic went back over a few days (2.215M -> 8.948M). 

Here are my tor-related UFW rules;
     To                         Action      From
     --                         ------      ----
[ 3] 9001                       ALLOW IN    Anywhere
[11] 9001 (v6)                  ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)

I'm really confused how UFW firewalled most, but not all, of my relays traffic.
What UFW rules do other relay operators enact?

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